#183 “Ruthless”
Noxians cannot smell other Noxians the way they smell humans. They just aren’t tuned that way internally… just keep a pin in that thought for later.
Noxians cannot smell other Noxians the way they smell humans. They just aren’t tuned that way internally… just keep a pin in that thought for later.
You can relax now, the comic is here! XD
Rejoice, sing and be joyful.
Ok cool story lines though
So Shadow figured it out. Well, so did we, and Shadow has advantages that we don’t have like hearing her voice and smelling (or not-smelling) her, so I guess it’s not that surprising. Clever girl.
Secret Identities +
Lack of Smells +
Similar Voices +
Some 4th Thing =
IDK I was never good at Math
ye that some hard math
7 years ago ? Huh I forgot how young Tim and Shadow were during that Halloween. That picture on the wall in the second panel looks alot like adult Tim lol. Now I wonder what these to are gonna talk about. Also I hope this is the first time Shadow has paid Ruth a visit like this. Just imagining her arriving there only to be greeted by bed springs creaking along with moans above her head and Shadow being like, “ummm I’ll come back later”
It all makes sense now.
Since Ruth is actually a monster, maybe Midnight is actually a human!
Also, after browsing the Fan Art page, there’s an image with Ruthe talking to Blackheart at a table. I think that’s kinda funny now.
Wait, so if Tim is half-Noxian, why does he have a human-like scent?
Actually, some think that that’s why he has such an interesting scent, which is what attracted Shadow to him in the first place, because he’s half-Noxian.
It’ll all be explained, don’t worry!
I think you just said why, because he’s half-Noxian and his other half is human.
No, no, Tim’s other half is clearly space alien. What, you thought that only one parent could be disguising themselves as human?
Now just when are the two of them going to let Tim in on this secret?
I imagine in the near future of the present. Ruth and Tim’s father heard the fight and decided it was time to tell Tim.
Yay! Story time!
So thing tells me Noxians have a sweet tooth. What food stuff do they have any way??
Their breakfast way back in chapter 1 looked like oatmeal or cream of wheat porridge… or maybe cream cheese. Whatever it was, Shadow was certainly not enthused about eating it.
sorry that I haven’t commented in a while, just want to say, keep up the good work.
It’s okay, you can speak whenever you like, or not. It’s up to you!
So how come Midnight didn’t react when meeting Ruth?
Midnight has never met Ruth.
I bet Ruth was human when she and her husband had Tim together and that’s why he didn’t appear to be from nox when he first met shadow
I’m not entirely sure the spell works that way. XD
That’s probably more fun for Tim’s dad that she doesn’t stay human 24/7 lol
I think she’ll revert to her monster form next page. Haven’t decided yet. XD
As always do what you think is best haha
From what we have seen so far, the child looks like the father. Now if we had another data point to establish a trend …
You’re thinking of Terminus’s incipient offspring, right?
It may be a few months before Brandon shows that.
If ever!
Looks great!
Well, humans can smell other humans, too. It’s just most of the time it doesn’t register on a conscious level.