#183 “Ruthless”
Noxians cannot smell other Noxians the way they smell humans. They just aren’t tuned that way internally… just keep a pin in that thought for later.
Noxians cannot smell other Noxians the way they smell humans. They just aren’t tuned that way internally… just keep a pin in that thought for later.
Well does it mean that a Noxian in cover as Ruth is doesn’t transmit his or her gene in the same way as in his or her If not, maybe the next thing Ruth should teach to Tim is to take a Noxian form.
That handshake is wrong. I mean you did Shadow left handed
She’s just holding her hand.
maybe the book is heavy, a tome named encyclopedia magicka sounds like it would be pretty thick, leather bound in tiny print and weigh an absolute ton.
And that’s just ONE volume of it. Think the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Shadow is shaking with her left hand and Ruth is shaking with her right…
Cant wait for Tim’s reaction about his real Identity and his mom’s origin also cant wait to see what nightmare will do about that and Midnight’s reaction to what shadow told her in the last page
Also keep up the greate work can’t wait to see the rest of the
my guess is that the male of the family determine the species of the child (so tims mom is nox dad human) maybe midnight is also half since we know her father is nox but we havent seen her mom?!?! dun dun dunnnn!
I have been saying that for a long time, but as only one of the possibilities. 1. The male controls the appearance of the child. 2. The child is randomly Noxian or human. 3. The child has a mix of characteristics from each parent on a sliding scale of randomness and Tim got virtually all human. 4. Tim HAD Noxian characteristics, but Ruth(less) hid them with the book mentioned here. (It’s likely that the book allowed Ruth to become completely human in her human form. I think SOMEBODY would have stepped on her tail at least once in the time she’s been “human”.
I think the REAL explanation is that Brandon hasn’t made up his mind yet… Or has decided that it doesn’t matter for the story HE wants to tell.
5. All the offspring appears to be baseline humans, if with subtle strange traits.
6. Tim appears to be a human without any extra weirdness simply because Ruth was shapeshifted into human form back then.
6.1. Tim still may have innate unusual traits, either because something still “got through” as this form still isn’t quite the real thing (she doesn’t have “smell”, for one), or even from influence of magic maintaining her form.
We didn’t see pretty much anyone’s mom (except Tim).
It doesn’t exactly make sense, though. The father provides half of the nuclear DNA. The mother provides half of the nuclear DNA, all of the mitochondrial DNA, and the initial cytoplasmic factors which provide the context in which development happens.
keep in mind, its a story with magic. genetics may not necessarily work as we understand them in this setting.
Ooh she’s known for a while huh? I wonder how Tim will react to that…
It seems like Tim’s gonna be the only person who doesn’t know he’s not really human. And if Shadow apparently knew about this for a while, then I don’t see Tim taking that too well.
Hosanna in escelsis!
Yea, he is once more arisen!
I suspect that before we are done, we will need another archive with pages in time order.
I…. really don’t get the confusion. I mean… there are clear timestamp labels in the comic telling the readers when stuff is going on.
Has anybody ever read a comic book before?! XD
Seriously, I don’t find anything confusing about the time jumps. As you said, everything is clearly labeled and the characters obviously look different.
God damn it stop foreshadowing! *internal riot*
god i am loving this comic so far if it wasnt kinda NSFW i would totaly read this in public
“Noxians can’t smell other Noxians the way they smell humans.” So, Noxians are as human as humans. As we all know, humans can’t really distinguish the smell of one human from another, except when said human has failed to wash for several days.
My roommate can actually tell from my scent if I am becoming ill. Her nose is very sensitive.
XD Noxian’s are obsessed with cookies huh
Are Noxians related to Cookie Monster?
She may be related. Not that there’s any evidence, but just from that expression alone… https://www.gunnerkrigg.com/?p=950
I still can’t decide which would be more amusing, however: to headcanon The Monster Under the Bed into the same universe as Gunnerkrigg Court, or the same universe as Eerie Cuties.
based on that one page you linked to, I must now read more. I have to many comics to read as is..
why is shadow coming up from tims dads bed and not tims bed you can see room is not tims room
and mama knew she was coming and waited told yous mama will handle those 2 she wants them to be together shadow and tim
because she’s there to see ruth, aka lady blackheart