#183 “Ruthless”
Noxians cannot smell other Noxians the way they smell humans. They just aren’t tuned that way internally… just keep a pin in that thought for later.
Noxians cannot smell other Noxians the way they smell humans. They just aren’t tuned that way internally… just keep a pin in that thought for later.
Hey guys
What is the worst pickup line you know?
Hey are you a bar tender cause I want you to serve me
I totally read this comment in Lucifer’s voice……..
Hi were you made by a computer? because you look like a server.
“Wanna go out for a pizza and a fuck later?”
Holy fuck… that’s funny. And much better than mine.
I was gonna go with “What time do those fine legs open? I’m hungry.”
Direct enough it might actually work. Or a punch in the face. Or both.
When the pizza man got his dick on the pizza
It’s my dick in a box
“Hey, I got a Bucket of Chicken. Wanna have Sex?”
Don’t be a scunt
Is it hot in here, or is it because you just walked in?
Maaaaaan, thats a classic one right there
Are you my hand, because I want you to jerk me
were your parents retarded? Cause you sure are special
I don’t think that one will work too well.
I was under the impression these were all chosen to not work well. Though, to be fair, as a pickup line, “I don’t think that one will work too well” also falls flat, much like “I was under the impression these were all chosen to not work well.” So these responses are also pretty fitting to the overall theme of worst pickup line. But probably not as bad as my post as a whole…
Holly shit. That made me laugh out loud. Good thing my office mates where out of the office lol.
Are you a public school? Cause I wanna shoot kids in you. Or, lets get to know each other, you can only learn so much through binoculars.
Wow, just wow
When it comes to bad pickup lines, you just can’t beat the one Miroku from Inu-Yasha always uses. “Hi, would you like to bear my children?” It works about as well as you’d expect
it worked at least once… after like… seven years.
wait what?
I’m a bit late to the party…but “hey baby, you see these flies around my head? That means I’m the shit.”
Hey are you a shoe? Because I think I can fit my foot in you
How do you like your eggs, over easy, scrambled, or fertilized?
that…. honestly might work a little on me, not much but it would at least give me a chuckle.
If advertisement has semen between tits, can I advertise on you?
Brandon could you please get more merch going sometime soon? (i.e. different designs such as midnight – which I’m sure would be very well received- along with other characters. A great place to pull ideas would be from the gallery.)
Wow I didn’t think it would blow up that quickly.
Here is another one.
Wat is the most f****d up poem you know?
When little Timmy went to school
And mastered one to nine.
He thought the other kids were cool,
And every class divine.
He painted shapes in red and blue,
And drew in curves and bends –
And by the time the day was through
He’d made a hundred friends!
“I’m friends with Pete and Mike and Max”
He told his pa with pride.
But Timmy’s folks were anti-vax,
And Timmy f*****g died.
(NOTE: NOT about Tim in THIS story. I accept easily that both Tom and Ruth are intelligent…)
Little Lucy in the lab
Lies dead upon the floor,
For what she thought was H2O
Was H2SO4
I got it from Agnes
She got it from Jim.
We all agree it must have been Louise who gave it to him.
Now, she got it from Harry,
Who got it from Marie.
And everybody know that Marie got it from me!
Can we expect a new page today or is the timing not good?
I don’t know man it’s ether that or he is taking a day off for mothers day or something
Plus if shadow know what mother’s day is, she might do something for mother moonlight & stuff like that
Actually, for the next little while, I’m switching my update schedule to BI-WEEKLY. My parents are moving house, so I’ll be helping them a lot on the weekends. That, coupled with the next few pages being pretty Ruth heavy, (and she is the hardest to draw of all the characters!) I’ll be taking extra time with each page.
TL;DL: Helping move + longer time on pages = Bi-Weekly update schedule for a few weeks.
I just watched star vs the forces of evil and it made me think of this comic. Now that the show is coming to an end I need a new ship to root for lol
Such a great show. Not a fan of the way they are doing the ending
As long as it’s a happy one I’m satisfied. I’m tired of all the series with there bittersweet, somewhat good somewhat bad endings. Just let it end on a good note for a change.
It’s awesome when you reach out and either comment or edit in schedule changes, thanks for for keeping us updated. Good luck with the moving, can’t wait to see the new page!
Well Brandon I get it about you helping your parents out so good luck with that anyway and I know it’s none of my business but are you saying that Ruth is the hardest character to draw or her sister moonlight i am just wondering that’s all
Well, Ruth and Moonlight are BOTH the hardest ones to draw. It takes time to get their Milfy proportions just right sometimes.
Well I could say that was completely understandable but I really hope that I will see them soon like I miss moonlight though plus I do understand you like I did draw her once it took me all night to complete her appearance
I think you mean fortnightly updates.
Bi-weekly would mean you’re doing 2 pages a week.
Which is a big step up in workload, especially if you’re helping people move.
Bi-weekly could be either/or
Fortnightly? That’s a word that hasn’t been relevant for over 50 years. Bi-weekly most commonly seen as “every other week”.
Fortnightly is still in common usage – at least in Britain. Sennightly, on the other hand, meaning weekly… that would be archaic.
“Fortnightly” is STILL the more common usage in Australia, too.
So that’s Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia, in other words the majority of the Anglophone world.
The US dialect isn’t universal.
There’s another example, the speakers of US-English seem to have forgotten the word “twice” but insist on using “two times” – or maybe they weren’t taught that vocabulary?
I’m in Canada and I’ve never heard anybody ever say “Fortnightly” in a sentence, ever, that wasn’t purposely putting on the airs of an old timey dialect, talking about history, or speaking of that dumb videogame.
Hey Brandon, great note. could you put it in the description for the pages so we know when the bi-weekly uploads stop? kinda like you did for Christmas, if I remember correctly. also, gratz on the 11 week streak beforehand.
Good to know, take your time and thanks for the info ♥
Works for me. It will give more free time to do normal stuff anyway.
This story arc should end with Tim realising he was wrong with what he did, and that its not only ok to not be normal, but it’s better to just be yourself and in many ways being abnormal is great. And after apologizing over and over to shadow she eventually forgives him after making him do a bunch of chores for her.
Damn, you guessed it. XD
Yeah…may as well chop off his manhood and hand it to her right now.
Ooh her own personal manhood
Everything from #is a flashback last time I checked. Everything from the time they met till when the flashback to place is completely up in air on what can possibly happen. Even still this is a typical way for these story arcs to conclude, and its a pretty good way to end them in my opinion.
*everything from #1
Well, now that made me dislike Shadow. To hide such important information from your lover for years? Super crappy behaviour.
There may be reasons that neither Shadow nor we know yet.
Let’s wait for judgement until after Ruth reveals more important information to Shadow.
Noxian ninjas or assassins are still a possibility & Shadow may be about to be recruited as Tim’s secret hidden bodyguard.
And, apart from THAT. Shadow & Tim aren’t lovers at this point in the story. nor even 7 years ahead!!!
Even if she is sworn not to tell? Unholding a secret for ANOTHER friend, about a friend? Complex.
What a monster. :^)
Are you sitting on an F5 key because that ass is refreshing.
Are you a software update because not now.
I’ve been a long time lurker of this series and let me just say, this is one of the best series of anything I have ever read. I have long been waiting for a climax and was wondering how long you plan on keeping this series going for?
Probably another 2-3 years, maybe more.
I’m enjoying this comic too much for my own good. I’m sitting up at 3 am every Sunday looking for updates that On Monday I’m exhausted when I enter School. But regardless of my health, good job Brandon!
What wrong with new pages?
They don’t exist yet. Outside of Brandon’s head, that is.
anybody mind if potdad just comes back outta nowhere
No one should mind unless your a dick then every one would mind
People who read TMUTB: wHeN iS tHe nExT pAgE
Anyhow have fun helping parents and what else =D
we put a flashback in ure flashback…
Did Ruth manipulate Shadow into trying to scare Tim in a plain to fix them up together? I mean you have a misfit Noxian who happen to love human thing hooking up with the son of Lady Black Heart, kind of coincidence?
She didn’t set it up, but she did realize what was going on and *nudge* Tim into finding out himself.