#185 “The Elephant”
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Thanks for voting to get me from 96th rank this morning to 4th! You guys rock! Have the page early!
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“He’s actually a giant chicken.”
WHAT? What could you possibly be talking about? I don’t see it.
*cuts to scene of Tim looking suspiciously like Chicken Boo.*
But he’s not a Tim, he’s a chicken Boo
You know… I always wondered about that. Every time someone founded out that Chicken Boo was a giant chicken, they invariably turned on him – every single wonderful thing he’d done was completely dismissed because he was a giant chicken.
…Then I got older and realized that was the point. The joke, and the moral.
Kind of like being Jewish. The church said that lending money and charging interest was illegal for Christians. Than people started getting angry when the Jews got wealthy doing just that.
Never mind you HAVE to have money lenders.
Actually you don’t. You will get somewhat slower economy but it is possible. Or at least was before abandoning the gold standard.
(On the other hand, that doesn’t change the hypocrisy: lending money was illegal, but borrowing them wasn’t? There were lot of people who borrowed money and couldn’t pay them back in that angry mobs going after Jews for sure …)
You know you want to do that as a bonus joke page.
Brandon just push me off the cliff hanger next time. ROFLMAO.
We never leave a man behind!
Dude, you’re killing me here! I have to know!!!!
There was a boy…..a very ….special ….boy….we talked of many things……fools and kings…..
Damn I wish there was an edit function…..
*sniff sniff*
You smell that?
*sniff* it almost smells like *deep sniff*
Ruth in that last panel… uuugggghhhh! Dayum she hot. I’m not into Milfs, but ooh! I could make an exception for her!
I can’t wait for page 187!
The wait is… murder.
Tim is a special boy… he is… adopted!
Noxians and Humans can’t interbreed, after all.
Bonding with her “future mother-in-law” seems to be going on pretty well.
Ruth has morphed to her Ruthless/Lady Blackheart Noxian form, witness her golden skin colour and Noxian bat-ears, for her heart-to-heart with Shadow – but I notice that she shows human eye-shape and colours.
Is this a level of personal control of shape-shifting (not all-human or all-Noxian) or is Ruth also “something special”, something ELSE!, which is why Tim is so special?
Only Brandon knows for sure but is he willing to reveal all yet?
I don’t know many people with cat eyes, but whatever you say. XD
I think Tom is referring to how Midnight has yellow eyes with no apparent iris (the colored part in humans), but Ruth has white eyes with what i think are blue irises (plural form).
That’s Shadow, not Midnight.
Know Your Noxians.
My name is TOMO (short for Tomokatu) NOT!!!!! Tom which is only a human name and an important character in Brandon’s comic.
Well, Shadow and Midnight, Nightmare and all the other Noxians you’ve shown us have big “catseyes”, Ruth doesn’t.
XD always teasing us with never actually confirming it.
Don’t most mothers say their kids are special ? Hehe.
But seriously… Tim is hung like an elephant and that’s what makes him special lol. Couldn’t resist
Tim is both noxian and human. If they aren’t similar. Than he is something more.
I know I’m not in a position to make requests.
But if Tim comes around can we get shadow to specifically make a hat kid smug face with “I told you so” or “I knew you’d come around, it was obvious” context?
“Nevemind” is spelled wrong on the last panel.
I’d like to reiterate my previous hypothesis: Tim is *practically* a human but he might possess a very minute but quintessential ability which differentiates him from other humans.
What could it be: Spell resistance, Access to portals, ability to scent fear? The possibilities are limitless.
…or we can go full Harry Potter on this and say that Tim is a wizard, something which I honestly woudn’t like to see, however I wouldn’t want to dictate how the story should go.
This is all actually the origin story for Tim the Enchanter.