#185 “The Elephant”
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Thanks for voting to get me from 96th rank this morning to 4th! You guys rock! Have the page early!
If you haven’t voted yet, why not try for #1st place?
Man now I’m worried the plot twist says Tim isn’t really Ruth’s son. That whole adoption theory is starting to rub off on me.
Perhaps adopted, but still half human?
I’d rather he just be her child born human and noxian
In the comments for the previous page, Brandon actually confirmed that Tim is indeed half-Noxian.
I Still see something coming we won’t expect
…he is not boy, actually.
Mission accomplished sir.
He is actually the love child of Lady Moonlight and Lord Mortis. Ruth just took him away and raised him to protect her sister.
You know nothing, Timoth Newton.
I sometimes forget that Shadow dosen’t get most basic human knowledge. She can tell you about Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders on Mars, but Tim lost her at Elephants. lol
Keep in mind this scene is happening back when she was a child, shortly after Halloween.
She doesn’t KNOW everything, yet.
One does wonder what the Nixian equivalent to the elephant would be.
And just how native Ruth has gone to not use it.
There is no Noxian equivalent to an elephant. XD Nox does not have a complete ecosystem of animals within it, think of it more like a giant cave with no doors, where people are trapped inside.
There may be other smaller rodent/bat/tentacle monster type creatures there though.
I’m kidding about the tentacle monsters… or AM I?
The tentacle monsters (REAL Monsters!) are behind the locked door that Terminus wants to open _ but maybe not ALL of them.
Behind this door lies the dreaded and great Cthulhu!!
I mean do noxians have a saying similar to “Elephant in the room” or no?
Probably something to do with having a tail out of joint, or having a really weird tail… or something.
Makes me wonder about the food & drink situation. Do they have like contracts with Coca cola executives or something? Are they stealing the cloth for theyr clothes? Do they sell Russian secrets to the US for Electricity, water and fast internet?
With the way they can use those tails, Noxians ARE the tentacle monsters.
Hey Brandon Shane is Tim Full human or 50 human 50 Nox or something we haven’t see yet
He’s a robot.
Well at least we know that he is not a base station or small moon.
who the hell drinks iced tea with cookies
Yes, thank you, my thoughts exactly.
What, never had sweet tea and cookies?
Well yes, normal, sane PEOPLE drink milk… But these two are Noxians.
Well, it’s ALWAYS tea with Anzac biscuits, but they’re not tooth-rottingly sweet and crumbly like American “cookies”. At least they’ve got good dentists. expensive but they know their shit.
“Normal” You do realize these are noxians right? For all we know, milk with cookies is blasphemous to them.
My dear, nothing more apropiate, as the Walrus said, when time has come
`To talk of many things:
Of shoes — and ships — and sealing-wax —
Of cabbages — and kings —
And why the sea is boiling hot —
And whether pigs have wings.
Than a nice cup of tea and a couple, or more, of crispy an sweet butter cookies
Well that is the grandmother of all cliffhangers, can’t wait until next week (or the week after? I don’t really understand the uploading cycle, the Subtitle said uploading most Sunday but this page took two weeks) but anyway very good comic, I came across it by accident two and a half weeks ago and I instantly loved the drawing, the characters and mostly the story. Best Comic I read in a long time and the best Webcomic I know, chapeau keep going. Best greedings from North Rhine Westphalia/Germany, my vote for the best Webcomic you have for sure.
It updates on Sunday, if I have a page finished. If not, it doesn’t update.
Sometimes I wonder if a Noxian has ever gotten a face full of garbage or dirty clothes when opening a portal because some kid just stuffed all their junk under their bed.
Yes. Probably a bunch of crap falls into portals from time to time.
I like to imagine that’s how Shadow got into Tim’s socks lol
I imagine they’ll have a steady supply of porn mags. Probably taboo, but all the more exciting because of that.
“…Now when you say “special”…?”
Who hasn’t done that?
Simpson Magic craphole disposal at yer service.
I’m starting to think that Ruthe isn’t actually Shadow’s mom. But if Shadow and Tim aren’t really siblings, would they still want to date?
Firstly, it’s been said before that Ruth isn’t Shadow’s mother. Secondly, why would they even date if they were siblings?
People have weird ideas these days, it seems.
Shhhhhh. whisper it quietly in corners but……”personal unfulfilled fantasies”!