#185 “The Elephant”
Thanks for voting to get me from 96th rank this morning to 4th! You guys rock! Have the page early!
If you haven’t voted yet, why not try for #1st place?
Thanks for voting to get me from 96th rank this morning to 4th! You guys rock! Have the page early!
If you haven’t voted yet, why not try for #1st place?
Tim isn’t a human OR a monster or a combination of both. My prediction:
Tim gets his own key and power indicator for Nox from his father.
What I think is going to happen is shadow with him are going to get into a fight Cheryl is going to bring Tem to nox and when he passes through he’ll turn into his shadow form basically and I predict it will work on like all the rest and look more human than monster
I wonder if there will be a animated version of this comic…
It would be alot of fun to animate I bet I’d definitely have fun making 3d models if I got permission from Brandon
You can make 3D models if you want. XD
I’d actually love to see that too!
I love Shadow’s expression when she drinks the iced tea. Yum!
That reminds me that when this page came out i was drinking iced tea while I read the whole page & guess me and shadow would have common interests is that like cookies plus I like iced tea as well and sense that shadow mentioning it, its kinda making me thirsty for iced tea right about now and nice job Brandon
Any luck for an update?!
Hmmmmmm…. it’d be TIGHT… Just don’t wait up. XD Maybe tomorrow I’ll put it up.
Well I don’t want to bother you over this but when is the page gonna be updated well to be honest with you I spent all night waiting for the new page to come out I know it update’s Sundays but you did said maybe tomorrow you’ll put it up , well I am not trying to be a smart ass about it (if I was I am sorry) like I am just wondering that’s all if you get the picture right Brandon

Brandon DID say not to wait up
Ya my bad man
Uh so no update XD
I decided to push it to Sunday to give me some buffer time.
You just know Moonlight and Mortis will need Tim for the Grand Opening.
Well if worse came to worse you could have it go to next week- than there would be a buffer
C’mon brandonnnnnn get out the next page!!, this story is awesome by the way ;))
Update it, if you put more dedication to this project this comic could be a wonder
MORE dedication? Holy shit. I already dedicate every weekend to it and work during the week. XD
I don’t see why people have to be so demanding. I’m just happy to see them as they come. Keep your own pace, bro. I don’t want to see the work suffering because of some stupid “deadlines”.
I dont care how long it takes because…
but yeah he is doing amazing
See, you probably think your opinion matters.
Just to let you all know, the new page 186 is up on my Patreon account currently.
Just became a Patron! That early page incentive really pushed me over that one dollar edge. Keep up the good work Brandon!
Yes, I saw that! Thank you very much!
Hope you’ll be putting it up here soon. I’m dying to post some comment.
Yeah, me too!!!!
I wist Brandon had some friends who could also do his art style because im soo hooked on this i want the scenes to just keep coming thought i know he’s doing his best
Hehe, thank you. I try.
and when will the sequel?
I’d like it for free
“I’d like it for free….”
…And world peace and a Pony?
Would you like fries with that?
Well I know we don’t get along in the past but I will agree with you for world
or you just joking around i plus would you like fries
with that? That was a good one , tomokatu
Then wait patiently!
Welp time to wait a few more months:_:
But seriously amazing work I dont care how long it takes because…
BUT YEAH amazin job
I agree man Brandon shane has amazing art skills for this like really he has a good job
Thanks, but you guys don’t need to keep piling on the compliments. I get it! haha.
Sorry dude
Any updates? Im soo hooked up on this story that makes me want to read it all day! Wishing to came out sooner. Thanks for this wonderful comic, Brandon!
So Tim is an elephant in disguise. I knew it!