#190 “A Loose End”
Marcy discovers that maybe, just maybe, there’s something going on that she doesn’t know about.
Also, yes, she does have a Pussycat named Muffy. Ha ha ha!
Oh yeah! I also updated the fan art section today as well, so check it out!
Say whaaaaaaaaaat?!
Well Brandon you did a great job on this
Thanks! It was a pretty simple page to do, once I found the time to actually work on it.
Had to zoom in, but those scissors have T. Newton etched into them…
They sure do!
Oh Tim…rest in piece my friend, hope the next life treats you better. I was wondering where Shadow got the scissors though I may have missed it in a previous page.
She just already had them on her. I guess she steal…. sorry, borrows more than just socks when she needs to.
Ah I see, I was wondering where the cookies went. Now I know, she just borrows them she will totally bring them back.
Hah, I hope not. XD
Returning what she borrowed? Hmm, for scissors and socks, sure. For cookie, not you can keep those. Mind you, I think Tim has outgrown most of his missing socks by this point.
Indeed. XD
How did that get eyched into the blade?
with another blade?
I’m feeling pretty Muffy right now, not gonna lie.
Hah, not sure if that’s a good thing or not. XD
I can’t wait for the next page, now what will come?
Hmmm… I’m betting all of my money on trouble.
Nice try Brandon. You can’t bet on an outcome of your design. That’s against the rules!
Mooowhahahaa! *steeples fingers*
True I often wonder how much money JK Rowling could have won betting on who dies in HP7
*grabs popcorn* now the fun begins
Fun on many fronts! Indeed!
Gonna have to make that popcorn last a while. Next post is on next Sunday (Might be anyway. Not complaining. Clarifying for those cheeky buggers that try to point that out. Now they have nothing to complain about). ^_^
God, I hope it comes out on time. XD I hate making you guys wait.
It’ll be fine either way, man. Rule #1 in free content creation: Your life comes first.
Don’t let the impatient ones push you too hard. I’ve followed a lot of comics and have seen quite a few crash and burn because of the disregard of rule 1.
This is true, I’ve seen it happen myself quite a few times.
Well, today I sat down and scripted out the pages up to #200, so, I’m not going anywhere for awhile. Heck, judging from my rough notes, I don’t think Chapter 4 will be over until the 220’s or 230’s, and that’s only half way done the story. XD
Impatient or not, rest assured eventually the work will be done! That’s all I can say.
I think it is all that matter, really. Just keep the pace and remember that old song: don’t worry be happy! and your pages will be as well.
First, please let Shadow and Marcy leave their hair down. They look much better with long hair cascading down their backs than with it up in tails or pseudo-horns.
First panel: Marcy must not be awake enough to make out the tails as the girls skedaddle under the bed.
Second panel: I see why Midnight noticed them a few pages ago. (Yes, I still say Mid+Mar.)
That last panel, though… Tim’s in trouble now!
Honestly, I don’t want to lose Marcy as a recurring character in the strip after this chapter is over. I may be projecting, but I think she’s got potential most stereotypical cheerleader characters do not. She knows she didn’t klepto the scissors, and no doubt Tim didn’t make it inside her house much less up to her room when he walked her home earlier*, so there was no chance of him dropping them. She’s got questions, and we’ll see how she approaches answering them. If this was a stereotypical “cheerleader-yearbook nerd” pairing, she’d publicly humiliate him, but she’s apparently seeing Tim for the good guy he is, so his scissors being there is an enigma.
I am expecting her to run into Nightmare and/or Terminus at some point, though, and not in a good way. Shadow cutting Marcy’s hair is petty; whatever those two do will not be petty by any stretch of the imagination. Hey, maybe Shadow and Marcy can actually, I dunno, actually become good friends, starting with a mutual dislike of Nightmare?
Nah, not likely. But we can hold out hope.
* She probably did ask him inside and up, but he likely refused.
Her story won’t be finished after this chapter is over, don’t worry. She isn’t going to completely disappear, although she is certainly tertiary at best… and you might be onto something with that good friends angle. Eventually.
Let’s be honest here, she doesn’t care about “the good peeson” he is all she cares about is getting into his pants, supposedly they haven’t even interacted enough for her to know him that well.
If I were the cat, I’d be mad at being named Muffy.
You know, I’ve never been entirely convinced that cats even know their own names. XD
Cats know their own names, but they rarely tell us what they are.
Haha, this is probably the truth right here.
Certainly they RECOGNISE the names we give them but rarely do they tell us their True Names. There is magical power in all True Names and magical creatures don’t share that readily. Mischief has lived with me for over 13 years now and keeps her own counsel.
You gotta let the cats tell you their names. My mom’s cats – Gizmo and Pixel – told us at different times. Gizmo was right off the bat; Pixel took a little longer, when she did the “cat who walks through walls” bit for us as a kitten. Smeagol let me know right away when she showed up a decade ago. (“Why does it cry, Smeagol?”)
Now, not every cat lets their humans know. I just call the one that adopted me last year Shithead because of he’s been mum on it.
Mmm don’t have much to say about this one really. Only that I really like the second panel, because tits

. And I hope Marcy isn’t gonna freak out and think Tim snuck into her room with those scissors.
Yeah, I knew it wasn’t going to be a very exciting page all by itself; so I snuck some tiddy in there for flavour… haha.
Ah well, it’s all part of the tapestry.
Yeah, Tim’s in it now.
0_0 Oh no…I see Tim’s initials on the scissors.
(Please don’t get the wrong idea, PLEASE don’t get the wrong idea.)
I think she’s got the wrong idea. XD Oops.
Great idea, I think this will be fun seeing Marcy storming Tim demanding why his cissors have been found in her room… I just can’t prevent myself from imagining such fun.
This is more of a personal question but what has been your motivator to work on this comic for as long as you have? I mean its been updated frequently for years and there’s still more to go. To me that would be a really long time to keep something going.
It’s a good hobby, keeps me busy and I enjoy doing it!
Oh shit.
Quick question: Besides Noxians, are there any other different monsters that live in Nox?
Nope. Not saying there couldn’t be other type on Earth, but Nox is for Noxians.
How does one engrave their name into scissors? Also why would one go about doing that?
I’ve seen initials carved into scissors and other metal stuff before, however, this is less like it’s engraved, and more like it’s just scratched into the surface. You can do that with a sharp enough knife.
Fair enough
Hehe, just roll with it. XD It’s only a cartoon.
Engraver tools exist for those with little or no skill. They are basically vibrators, you use them like a pen.
If you take the time tools do exist for direct engraving, but that takes practice.
Been a year since I last read this. Thankful that I came back just in time for another page.
Welcome back!
Thank you! Forgot to mention that wow the art style has gotten better.
Haha, thank you. XD I sure hope so, the early stuff can be pretty hard to look at now, but we all start somewhere.