#190 “A Loose End”
Marcy discovers that maybe, just maybe, there’s something going on that she doesn’t know about.
Also, yes, she does have a Pussycat named Muffy. Ha ha ha!
Oh yeah! I also updated the fan art section today as well, so check it out!
They’re must be a simple explanation! Marcy could have just mindlessly grabbed them and brought them back with her to her home. Or they could be there because some subterranean monster girl with a crush on Tim was using them in a plot against her… no need to jump to conclusions
I know, right?! I guess she’ll just have to ask him to find out.
Or maybe Marcy thinks that Tim crept into her room to cut a lock of her hair as a keepsake.
Ooooh, how romantic! Har har. Haha
How did her titty not fall out of the tank top?
It kinda, sorta did! Haha, I drew some Areola there for sure, it’s just very pink.
Maybe as a new vote incentive? *hint, hint*
Big lol on the cisors and about Marcy’s face..She really look dumbfounded… Does Shadow have magic powers to force Marcy to cut herslef her hair? That would be so funny !
Haha, no, I’m afraid not.
so sad, I would have loved to see Marcy’s face while cutting herself her hair. I am sure, Brandon, you also would have found that fun.
Could be taken as slasher/serial-killer-ish threats? Kind of like if you woke up and found a knife next to you that you know you don’t own.
What age is the group right now? I keep forgetting from one week to the other?
18 currently and forevermore, from this point forward. XD
So no more flashbacks?
If you put more flashbacks in there you could make it to page 420, not that i’m insinuating anything.
I don’t foresee the need for any other flashbacks, at least concerning Tim and Shadow. We may get one involving Thomas and Ruth at some point in the future, and another later on detailing Shadow’s parentage… but nothing too protracted or confusing, I hope.
There’s a fan art section? Where?
In the menu bar just above the comic. It’s a dark grey bar with white text in it.
Now is she paranoid enough to think somebody is out to get her or will she just shrug it off?
Moot point of course, if those scissors came from Tim’s house and are labeled as his…
Then he must be the guilty party, right? Sound evidence.
Of course with Tim’s luck and Shadow’s luck it’ll turn out shes into that sort of thing…
Honestly, that’ll freak Tim out.
If Tim’s name is in fact on those scissors and Marcy confronts Tim about this, I suspect Shadow is going to get a stern talking to very soon.
The jig is up!!!! Make like a tree and get outta here!!
I saw that Tim’s name was on the scissors. This can’t end well for either him or Shadow… or BOTH OF THEM! On the bright side, happy with the new page and can’t wait to see what happens next! Keep up the great work, Brandon Shane!
Last page I called it, Marcy waking up to the forgotten scizzors.
Tryna predict stuff is very fun.
This time I’mma have to go with
Due to T. Newton being engraved onto the scizzors is gonna be the cause of Marcy “breaking up” with Tim (if they were in relationship, not sure if they were that far). I mean Tim can’t blame it on a monster from under the bed.
Or option 2 and 3. Marcy is gonna think Tim is so crazy about her she thinks he wanted her hair to sniff so option 2 she’s also into it or option 3 the gonna think Tim’s a creep.
Personally I’m rooting for option 1.
All I can say is that suspicions are definitely raised, but what happens next is a top drawer secret.
Wow very nice quick answer
I do gotta say I really appreciate it that you keep the coming pages to yourself before release.
It’s better that way. XD I hate spoilers, personally.
Soooo one hiding under the bed, the other in her underwear drawer?
Both hiding under the bed. There is plenty of space there. Whole world.
Am I crazy, or is Marcy blushing in the last panel?
She is, but probably not out of love or anything. XD
huh her hair style and coloring reminds me of nia from gurren lagann
That’s more like Ruth, I think. haha
“What the HELL?” indeed. What’s up with those scissors? The handle is backwards.
Obviously Tim is now left handed from this point onward.