#190 “A Loose End”
Marcy discovers that maybe, just maybe, there’s something going on that she doesn’t know about.
Also, yes, she does have a Pussycat named Muffy. Ha ha ha!
Oh yeah! I also updated the fan art section today as well, so check it out!
I am a Simple person
i see Marcy and i click ;P
@brandon i love your story. but something has bin bugging me the hole time from page 187-188 it kind a jumps and i can’t make sens out how shadow / shade and midnight wated to cut the hire of leady blackhart. so will you make a side story later explaning it or may i ask how it came to be like this?
It’s Marcy, the cheerleader girl who likes Tim, not Tim’s mom. I hope that helps clear up a few things. XD
Oooooh. i see. well a new thing bugs me. when did shadow and mightnigt teach Narcy a lesson?
I cant tell if this is a joke
Its cause shadow likes tim
no joke. just a driftnet progress trying to figure out the steps from when shadow in her jealous anger wanted to cut some girls hire because narcy is geting close to tim. it is the point in be twine where shadow and midnight gos to Narcy’s room for doing the deed and when they are there i am missing. and can’t seem to figure out. i can keep on going but gona stop it with i know shadow likes times it is crystal cleer but some people have a longer progress to figuer what is going on, =)
Shadow sees Marcy kiss Tim.
Afterwards, Shadow tries to seduce Tim instead.
Tim stops her, and Shadow gets mad.
They get into an arguement.
Shadow leaves to fetch Midnight.
They both go to Marcy’s room to teach Marcy a lesson.
Midnight stops Shadow from messing with Marcy, when she sees what Shadow’s plan is.
On the next page we see what happens next.
I hope that helps clear up the timeline for you.
Yeah it did. thank you.
I’ve now read through every chapter first to last, twice… in a 2 day span. Help.
haha, I can relate, I just found this today and I have read through everything already …. and I need more
[furiously mashing F5 even though new ones only come out on Sundays]
Haha, don’t wear out your F5 button, I’m still working on the rough draft. XD
So what is you’re saying is to just make an F5 macro?
why does no one just use ctrl+r any more? its fast for me then reaching the extra 1.5-2 inches up to the f5 key.;)
Who the hell scratches their name into their scissors?
Someone really bored in school?
Why are the scissors not orange like the one tim uses to cut up the photo
He had the orange scissors when he was 12, now, years later he has gotten a new pair. Likely he has multiple pairs. I myself have 3 pairs of scissors. XD
That must be some very cheap metal. That or he has a metalworking shop that we haven’t seen.
Evidently, like his socks, they mysteriously go “missing” (Shadow keeps swiping his stuff).
Saw your tweet about planning something BIG for page 200! Can’t wait to see what it is!
Nothing about this page pops. Has she ever seen random stuff on the ground before? This page is boring.
The art section did not disappoint. Kudos to that Midnight artist.
Yeah, it’s not the most exciting page I’ve drawn, admittedly. It’s all a part of the story though.
And Scissors from Tim Newton don’t just appear randomly on her bedroom floor every night. XD
I have a question. Did you work out the hand position before you drew the last panel, because I tried to hold my left hand like that, and it is very unnatural and awkward. And nice work acknowledging how a large bust and gravity would interact with that top in panel 2, although I suspect she almost fell out of bed bending over in that position.
ha, no, not really. I drew the scissors first and went from there. So… yeah.
Break? BREAK WHAT!?!?! What did she think the cat broke? TELL ME!!!! TELL ME!!!! Just out of curiosity.
Really? XD
I have no idea. I just wrote one half of a sentence with the intention of interrupting it with and exclamation.
Fine. it was a music box. She hoped the cat didn’t break her music box. The one her aunt gave her as a little girl that she cherishes with all of her heart.
Really I thought it was Tim that she cherishes with all of her heart
Well, she barely knows Tim. She does like him though.
Aww aint that cute. See? Totally worth asking.
I’ve decided imma remake one of my fanarts I made the orange one. I’ll link it when I finish
That’s cool Thank you. XD
Welp here it is would of uploaded it sooner but fell asleep what do you think. https://www.deviantart.com/longrangebushido/art/Tmutb-remake-808984520?ga_submit_new=10%3A1565329051
Hey! not bad! You’re moving up in the world!
UwU thx thought it would be fun testing out my new skills on a old project
Why does Marcy’s eyes look so weird? I have looked at them over the past pages and they don’t look “normal” I mean they don’t look like everyone else’s eyes.
When I draw Marcy’s eyes I make the line art blue, which I don’t do on anybody else. Maybe that’s it?
Probably because of the lack of dark pupils, particularly as the ambient light levels are low.
That raises the question of is she actually human.
She is. XD
oh Brandon, you lovely friend, do you know what kinds of feelings you make me feel? xD Bro seriously, nothing changed my life more than this, this inspired me and i even don`t speak you laguage I`m from Colombia (yo hablo español) this comic forced me to learn, i`m sorry if i have mistakes, i`m still learning, and about your comic what your secret is? xD most epic comic ever seen before…. Thanks Brandon For This Beautyfull Wonder :3
i`m following you since 2014 but these are my first comments here xD… i have my questions… but it will be for later…
Only a few more hours until the next page. Looking forward to it!
I need like 6 to drop at once
Muffy, that Darn Cat!