#192 “The One”
Terminus almost doubts his plan, but it seems destiny has sent a messenger for him…
*edited for a slight script tweak*
Terminus almost doubts his plan, but it seems destiny has sent a messenger for him…
*edited for a slight script tweak*
Dang it Nightmare
Oh I’m the first to comment…that’s a first lol
I have some bad news for you…
No, he’s right. He was first. XD
I am blind and did not read the username XD
Anna is Spencer’s mom, right?
Nope, Spencer’s mom is Grace (although, so far we only know her as Mrs. Dobbs!)
Oh. So… does Anna have any relation to the other human-side characters, or…?
Nope, I don’t even think she lives anywhere near the rest of the characters currently.
Okay, so all we know of her is that she and Terminus are banging and their relationship is in furtherance of his pursuit of destiny
Honestly, she isn’t THAT integral to the story, really; but she has her role to play.
So is Grace banging anyone on screen?
Also is she from the south?
And where is this taking place (the human side of the story I mean)?
1. No, not currently!
2. Maybe?
3. A small fictional town named Ellis, in Canada!
So both Nightmare and Anna are being played?! That is low.
Terminus is playing everybody! XD
Since when does Nightmare call Termite master? Or is that not Nightmare?
Well, it’s been 7 years since last we saw them together, and a lot has changed! XD
If it’s been 7 years, where are these two now? Is it a Nightmare’s turn to be a guest on a Brotherhood territory?
Yes, exactly. She’s in his territory now, meeting in his room.
Does she actually believe his talk of destiny now? Before she seemed nonchalant about it.
well here come’s terminus the mind game playing sociopath
Yep! He’ll be around a LOT more in the coming plot lines.
Oh. Oh no.
Aiight, soooooooo
Tim is not safe from Marcy.
Tim is not safe from his mother.
Tim is not safe from nightmare and terminus.
Brandon please do something he’s just a boy, not a piece of meat. (or is he?)
Well, Tim is absolutely safe from his mother, she would protect him with her life if she had to, it’s half the reason she HASN’T told him what he really is yet; because this knowledge is very dangerous!
I guess Ruth would protect Tim from Marcy.
and Lady Blackheart would protect Tim from Noxians.
I do gotta say the story got so much deeper this page, so deep that I actually started making notes on stuff that could happen in future pages.
Am I obsessed with this comic? quite possibly.
And to think I came across this masterpiece by looking for something to fap to.
Nightmare is especially evil looking in the final panel with that smile, and the glowing eyes
Nightmare went from “I want to be the best”to “ok, master, what are your orders”
That’s a bit sad ^^’
That’s because she’s already become the best, under Terminus’ teachings. Thus, she now refers to him as master.
Also he’s been winding her up for years now.
Ok, but they look the same age, they both looked like kids/teens before.
Knowledge often come from older people, i guess the important word is often, Terminus must be a genius
Well, he went from mid-teens to mid-twenties, so it’s not exactly the most dramatic physical change in Terminus, other than he’s ripped now. Nightmare was just starting to develop back then, and now she’s fully grown.
And who ever said Terminus was wise? He ACTS like he knows what he’s doing but he’s just young and brash and thinks he knows best.
Damn! Note to self: Stay away from whatever drugs Nightmare is on.
Haha, yes, definitely!
Oh, Also, Brandon, “Inspid” in Panel 3. You sure you didn’t mean “Insipid”?
Yes, yes I do.
Nah, that’s just his accent.
A graduate from the Daffy Duck School of Thespianism?
(apologies to anyone I have just ruined the sound of Termites voice for…)
Count Duckula “The Terror that Flaps in the Night”
In panel 2, it’s should be its without an apostrophe. However. in panel 3, fool’s errand does need one.
Thank you! You guys keep me looking smarter than I actually am! XD
There’s another typo in panel 3 (sorry I didn’t spot it sooner). Whith -> with
Well Terminus is the bad guy of the series. I am wondering how Shadow will be able to counter his scheme and how Tim will be implied in those schemes. The fact that the girl Anna failed him made me think that he needs a couple between a Noxian and a Human and he may hear about the potential creation of the couple Tim – Shadow and make it to happen to try to test his scheme with them. (of course Midnight will come to kick his ass in the process)
His comments about compatibility suggests that Terminus’ plan requires a hybrid child… cue Tim.
It seems so, yes.
Terminus seems to have a little medical problem. Maybe he should go to a Nox Doctor about it.
Haha, perhaps, perhaps. Maybe this is why he is, the way he is.
That begs the question did Ruth conceive in her human form or in her noxian form?
Her human form, I think.
So, Ruth’s “lion suit” would be just for “playtime” like Shadow’s “voter incentive” photoshoot?
She’s just so used to being in disguise, it’s like second nature. I’m sure Ruthless comes out in the bedroom often enough!
He may only have problems with humans …