#192 “The One”
Terminus almost doubts his plan, but it seems destiny has sent a messenger for him…
*edited for a slight script tweak*
Terminus almost doubts his plan, but it seems destiny has sent a messenger for him…
*edited for a slight script tweak*
If one should open the door, one must be prepared to stare into the abyss…but should it stare back, will Terminus blink?
Amazing history Brandon! I really enjoy it. And you style is very good. Greetings and congratulations from here in Mexico.
Terminus is shooting blanks? I actually feel for ya, dude.
Of course, Nightmare has the solution. Which means Tim has to duck whatever Marcy’s investigation and whatever evil plot these two have planned….
(And as a cruel joke to Termite, have the second door open to … yet another door, requiring a female hybrid.)
Haha wouldn’t THAT be an annoying setback?
Amusing – There is no direct way to recognize a hybrid of either gender.
So he knows that a male Noxian can get a female human pregnant. We know the opposite. There will be trouble when he finds out about Tim’s Mom.
Well, Terminus actually DOESN’T know that, because Anna was trolling him. Brandon hasn’t yet told us of any other fertile male Noxian & female human couplings. They may exist (almost certainly) but they’re secret because they’re illegal (death penalty) in Nox.
Can we get a cast page to link all the characters we’ve seen? I think this has been going long enough and it would help new readers get up to speed quickly.
I’m just saying….
Hmmmm…….but that might expose some relationships that we haven’t encountered yet, e.g. Who are Tim’s grandparents on the Noxian family tree?
Who are Midnight’s parents and have we met them in the story yet?
I once referred to Shadow as “the princess”. Perhaps I hit on something that a cast page would reveal before Brandon’s ready.
A cast page doesn’t have to reveal the relationships between the characters that aren’t obvious, the only one that would somewhat spoil the story for new readers is the fact that Marcy is pursuing Tim.
Some characters might have to have multiple biographies. For instance there’d be Ruth Newton: Tim’s mom and resident Milf, but also there would be Lady Blackheart: Mysterious Woman with a penchant for guiding wayward young girls.
It could be made a permanent or semi-permanent feature, like the page on Patreon which showed all the Nox distinguishing tail-tips showing familial links. That vanished all too quick,I’m sure you still have the artwork.
Perhaps a “Lore” sidebar page like the Fan Art and Merchandise side pages?
I know it’s more work for you, Brandon, but it gives a place for you to put those extra features that you’ve developed (like the indepth backstory of Nox-Human relations you’ve written AND it gives you better control of the canon so you only release an update when there’s a development in the story that we, the readers, are entitled to know.
LOL The in-depth backstory of Nox-human relations I’ve written. Haha XD That’s funny!
So Terminus is deliberately trying to father a hybrid and it’s implied that that’s what he needs to open that door. Interesting, that seems to imply that there’s some deeper relationship between humans and Noxians than just Noxians stealing from us and scaring us for fun.
Of course, magic exists in this setting, so, “a wizard did it” or “it’s magic; I ain’t gotta explain shite!” XD
Indeed! Not to go too deep into unexplored lore, but I’m sitting on an entire origin story for Humanity and the Noxians here. XD
I hope it’s comfortable, as you might sit on it for long time
Kinda like the history in Brütal Legend? Wouldnt that beat all…
Ooh, juicy! I love me some world-building. And, of course, since Termy is about to find out about Tim, he’s probably going to try to kidnap him or something, which will lead both to Tim finding out what he is and some Tim in Nox fun.
Interesting I thought that they just might need a human and a noxian to put agieses in the door and mix their blood using the knife.
Nah, it’s one step more complex than that. Only a very specific mix will do.
Topped off with a Knee-trembler at the gates?
There’s a continuity error here
Chapter 3 Many doors Page 138 http://themonsterunderthebed.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/138-Transition.png happens when they are children and he goes to see Anna at the end (I’ll go out and do my rounds) as page 141 says “meanwhile” not “in the future/present time/7 years later” http://themonsterunderthebed.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/141-Skeleton-in-the-Closet.png then he pops out and they have sex.
But today’s page Nightmare is an adult (big titties) and Terminus looks like as if he’s just returned, not aged a day.
His mention “Dammit Anna, she almost had me” – he wouldn’t sulk on such a joke for 7 years, now would he?
Nah. The “joke” happened on the same night we are on now (back on page 175 & 176) he’s just returning from seeing Anna tonight.
He’s been using her for years (and apparently several unknown others) using her particular ‘ridiculous fear ratio’ to boost up his numbers to become First Reaver, and afterwards to apparently try to breed her for some nefarious purpose.
It’ll all get laid out on the table eventually. Next Chapter, most likely!
Huh, right. My mistake, sorry
So he is evil shadow before shadow was shadowing but he didn’t get attached?
Um, yes precisely! There’s a reason I named one of the early Terminus pages “A Dark Mirror”.
Interesting. In reality, cross breeds can be different depending on which parent is of which species. IE a male lion and female tiger produce a liger, but a male tiger and female lion produce a tigon, and both hybrids are notably different. Perhaps Noxian male and human female would produce something more outwardly akin to a Noxian, if such a pairing could even work at all.
Haha, yeah, maaaaybe!
Of course the one you sent around to your Patreons is untweaked…
No, I changed that one too.
Must’ve been the later deliveries: mine has an entirely different punchline.
Now just what will this information cost terminus
I’m sure nothing he wouldn’t be willing to give.
I have a feeling tim has something to do with opening that gate idk just a thought
Could be!
well i hope that i’ll see nightmare in full body in that new look like i am working on a fan of one the best characters in new outfits like shadow nightmare and midnight but mostly waiting to see midnight in full outfit [new outfit] and also i don’t think that about an issue between tim & shadow is not the only problem there’s also about nightmare & terminus doing somthing it is not gonna be pretty for what is about to happen when terminus hears about what nightmare is gonna tell him about shadow’s deep secret about her hybrid boyfriend who is half human,half noxian anyway good work brandon
Shocking realization:
The meme that boys use socks to masturbate could be why Shadow has been stealing Tim’s socks. She might actually be a semen demon!
ha thats knida funny man wish that be true
no i mean wish that to be true
Nightmare will tell him about Tim who will be the one to open the door. And what is in the door in Nox.
It’s the door to the core of Nox, as far as Terminus’ research has led him to believe.
Somehow I am a bit sad about this revelation. I found it interesting that Terminus had actually feelings for a human, yet she was apparantly just a tool for him.
Unfortunately, yeah. Especially since she has such high “fear” output towards him.
That, my friend, is called an internal conflict.
well, things are definitely getting interesting.
I’m really a little worried about what might happen to Tim. First Marcy probably thinks he’s a stalking who broke into he room. Now Terminus needs a hybrid for something.