#192 “The One”
Terminus almost doubts his plan, but it seems destiny has sent a messenger for him…
*edited for a slight script tweak*
Terminus almost doubts his plan, but it seems destiny has sent a messenger for him…
*edited for a slight script tweak*
You know… Terminus’ girl.. could actually be pregnant and she was just “fishing” to find out his reaction before actually revealing the truth to him? It would be a way for her to find out how he would react without changing their relationship before she decided if she would have the child and complicate a relationship she is comfortable with as it stands.
And a friend of mine only recently revealed the significance of the Rock Group Name “Smashing Pumpkins”… Which brings this ~
entire scene into laughing focus… {Lascivious snicker!}
Smashing Pumpkins is one of my favorite bands, and there are going to be several references to their stuff (there already is at least one!)
Rush being my favorite band, I was super stoked seeing that it’s Shadow’s favorite too <3
The proverbial fan is about to get seriously dirty and all this comic can get is a Rank #29?
And when he finally opens that thing, there’s just a dusty room with magical equivalent of fuse/switch board for all those portals, or something like that. Because what did he expect? The door is locked, not guarded and out of the way…
Time for angry Revenge sex.
Someone’s going to go and repair that light.
I was thinking of having that in there at some point. XD
Between Terminus and Nightmare?
” Neo, you are the one to fulfill the destiny. “
And they don’t have tools to knock the door down? Hammer, torch, grinders, drills, etc etc?
It’s a magically sealed door, it’s never that easy. XD
As a man who loves some lore on world, races, exc, I would love it if you would be so kind to answers a few questions,
1. Where did the box race come from, did a god make them akin to elves and or dwarves frome the forgotten relms or did they evolve much how us humans came about?
2. What use does the box race have to come into the world of humans, is this a monsters inc. thing where they need power or is it out of curiosity?
3. I love this comic, thats not a question I just wanted to express my love for this world.
4. Are they a subrace and there are more races in there world or other animals for that matter?
5. Am I digging to much into this and you were just like”I’ma go make a good story with great art and characters”. Either way your doing great work here, keep it up.
Thanks you for the comment!
Let’s see.
1. They have been around just as long as humanity has, maybe longer. It has been forgotten to time.
2. They can, and therefore they do. I suppose. They like human fear, so they keep coming back. They don’t need it for any particular reason.
3. Thanks again!
4. Maybe Humans are the sub-race. Maybe they ae both sub-races to something else?
5. Initially I was just making it up as I went along, but I’ve long since planned everything out and thought up a solid lore to base things off of.
Thanks m8, keep it up and have a good day
Did he punch a hole in that dimension because otherwise why would there be light… unless it was a screen
It’s one of the lights that are all over the place in Nox.
Marcy reminds me of Princess Peach.
okay, I feel like I am missing something but… who is she?
Nightmare. XD
I need to read moreeeee
hey brandon is the page coming or what not trying to bother you or anything. i am just wondering that’s all plus i hope i’ll see Nightmare in full body so i can a fan art of her plus Midnight not trying ruin your day or wasting your time i am just wondering i just really need to draw her full new appearence so i can finished it and just take all the time that you need to complete the page i have faith in you to do it so like i said take your time that you need man
New page’ll be up when it’s finished. I’m still inking it currently, so… not for a little while yet, I’m afraid.
Is Nightmare now a servant of Terminus? Was she brainwashed by Terminus? Wasn’t she wome kind of classmate of Shadow and Midnight?
well a course she was because terminus is a full fledged sociopath who play’s mind game’s to any female noxian’s who foolish enough to anything for him like his good looking face might do and his charm would do as well
She is still a part of the same guild as Shadow, Midnight and all the other girls… but yeah, she’s partnered up with Terminus on his quest to open that door. Also he’s been training her for a long time now.
Is… Is Terminus about to rape Tim’s mom?
Ummm… no.
Why would you think that? Other than being Noxian, I don’t see any resemblance between the golden-skinned blonde that is Ruthless and the red-skinned raven-haired Nightmare.
Know Your Noxians.
No, I know the difference between the two. I was more thinking that because Nightmare just learned that someone named Tim is a hybrid, then his mother would be compatable for what Terminus is trying to do, except I somehow forgot that Ruth is Noxian, so a child with Terminus would be full Noxian, not a hybrid.
And now I’m seeing the more obvious route of Terminus just straight up using Tim for his plan. Sometimes I’m just too oblivious
Oh, so he’s a genuine asshole, okay
Haha, now you’re getting it!