Actually if you go to Chapter 192, her legs are still brown there so I figure she’s wearing some type of tights or leggings that are just really see-through.
I thought she was blonde, but Brandon corrected me–her hair is orange (at least until Ruth advises Shadow on tints and hair dyes {presumably to colour co-ordinate with the lingerie we saw them discussing earlier}).
The orange-ish hair is how real-life natural redheads look like. They don’t have literally red hair – not unless they dye it. I didn’t knew the difference either, until I had classmates in both category, who pointed it out to me… it was embarrasing because it is such a simple concept.
What should be embarrassing is how wrong the term is we give to orange hair and the people who have it. Sigh.
Not understanding something crazy that people do should not be considered an indication that one doesn’t understand simple things. At one point, I did my best to make a list of all of the crazy stuff I did, versus the crazy stuff that’s “normal”, and the latter list was way longer, even after soliciting help from other people. But I’m neurodivergent, so I’m the one who’s crazy and weird.
For example, when you’re talking to somebody, you’re supposed to look at them, but not too much. You need to make eye contact at the right times, but you’re not supposed to hold eye contact with them unless you’re trying to do some kind of an assertion of dominance or you’re romantically involved. Some of the things I’ve seen over the years indicates that asserting dominance is a much bigger part of romantic interactions than I ever understood when I was a kid. Once you start noticing it, it’s everywhere. And if you don’t intuitively get all of this stuff, you’re creepy.
You guys must not be from around where I live, we all know that a redhead has some degree of red/orange tinge in their hair, anywhere from strawberry blonde to a light brunette. XD
There are redheads with RED red hair. My younger sister’s hair was deep red when she was young, and lightened as she grew up. Her daughter was the same.
I suggest drawing up some fan-art or writing some fan-fiction with your best guess. Even if your guess doesn’t match it’s a good exercise of your imagination. Besides, who’s to say all Noxian penis looks the same?
I know I’ve expressed admiration for realistic female body types in your comic before, but wouldn’t you think someone like Nightmare would be the exception to the rule? By which I mean she would have a flat and toned abdomen? She strikes me as someone vain enough to want to be as physically appealing to her Lord.
How do you know what are Terminus’s preference in female body shapes?
For all *I* know, he might prefer fleshly women, like Brandon does (for his illustrations at least) and Nightmare may just as equally be tuning her body shape already to suit “her Lord’s” preferences.
oh ya i was thinking if she’ll ever come back i kinda want to see more of her to see how Eclipse is doing in some page’s in this comic like i hope she’ll be back very soon
Based on the third panel, next page they are most likely going to:
A. Have sex
B. Go after Shadow(Termite willingly, Nightmare angrily reluctant)
C. Go after Tim
D. None of the above
ha good like it would be funny to imagine that would happen but seriously you kinda made laugh not in the bullying way in the way that you put up a good way to show good detail about terminus & nightmare when how he use his banana to put right in her bagel
Changing the subject slightly. I just found this comic and liked it so much that I’ve read it three times already. I did notice on page 149 (Family Photo) that both Tim and Shadow have the same belt clasp on. This makes me very curious as to what the future holds in store for the story line. It should be interesting watch things develope.
Why are nightmare’s thighs brown and her feet a pale brown?
Because the fire light is changing all the colours.
Holy crap! The floor is on fire!
Actually if you go to Chapter 192, her legs are still brown there so I figure she’s wearing some type of tights or leggings that are just really see-through.
Yeah, it’s transparent black over red, the same way Lady Blackheart has transparent black over orange on her belly.
Wait, Shadow’s a red head? I always thought her hair was orange. Huh…
That’s a big YEP on both counts! XD
I thought she was blonde, but Brandon corrected me–her hair is orange (at least until Ruth advises Shadow on tints and hair dyes {presumably to colour co-ordinate with the lingerie we saw them discussing earlier}).
The orange-ish hair is how real-life natural redheads look like. They don’t have literally red hair – not unless they dye it. I didn’t knew the difference either, until I had classmates in both category, who pointed it out to me… it was embarrasing because it is such a simple concept.
What should be embarrassing is how wrong the term is we give to orange hair and the people who have it. Sigh.
Not understanding something crazy that people do should not be considered an indication that one doesn’t understand simple things. At one point, I did my best to make a list of all of the crazy stuff I did, versus the crazy stuff that’s “normal”, and the latter list was way longer, even after soliciting help from other people. But I’m neurodivergent, so I’m the one who’s crazy and weird.
For example, when you’re talking to somebody, you’re supposed to look at them, but not too much. You need to make eye contact at the right times, but you’re not supposed to hold eye contact with them unless you’re trying to do some kind of an assertion of dominance or you’re romantically involved. Some of the things I’ve seen over the years indicates that asserting dominance is a much bigger part of romantic interactions than I ever understood when I was a kid. Once you start noticing it, it’s everywhere. And if you don’t intuitively get all of this stuff, you’re creepy.
You guys must not be from around where I live, we all know that a redhead has some degree of red/orange tinge in their hair, anywhere from strawberry blonde to a light brunette. XD
There are redheads with RED red hair. My younger sister’s hair was deep red when she was young, and lightened as she grew up. Her daughter was the same.
Took a break from the comic for two weeks and not much happens. #disappointed
Did you expect a ton to happen in *at best* two pages?
Hope is free….
I’m kinda curious what Noxian penis looks like…
ya i am with you Tomokatu like who ever want to know what a Noxian cock looks like anyway
Why not.
Isn’t it obvious, r63 porn of Shadow and Tim.
Monstrous, I daresay.
I suggest drawing up some fan-art or writing some fan-fiction with your best guess. Even if your guess doesn’t match it’s a good exercise of your imagination. Besides, who’s to say all Noxian penis looks the same?
I gotta admit… I got a thing for red skin
Next time wear sunblocker.
But everything changed when the fire nation attacked.
Oh that expression on nightmare’s face is just divine… gonna feel so bad for her when/if this dingbat betrays her…
Sounds like what he’s planing will shift the balance of power. In a bad way, very bad way.
I know I’ve expressed admiration for realistic female body types in your comic before, but wouldn’t you think someone like Nightmare would be the exception to the rule? By which I mean she would have a flat and toned abdomen? She strikes me as someone vain enough to want to be as physically appealing to her Lord.
How do you know what are Terminus’s preference in female body shapes?
For all *I* know, he might prefer fleshly women, like Brandon does (for his illustrations at least) and Nightmare may just as equally be tuning her body shape already to suit “her Lord’s” preferences.
Just wondering are we going to see Eclipse in the near future?
Yes, funnily enough.
oh ya i was thinking if she’ll ever come back i kinda want to see more of her to see how Eclipse is doing in some page’s in this comic like i hope she’ll be back very soon
not good not good NOT GOOD! AHHH!
Based on the third panel, next page they are most likely going to:
A. Have sex
B. Go after Shadow(Termite willingly, Nightmare angrily reluctant)
C. Go after Tim
D. None of the above
D) All of the above.
E) None of the above, as Brandon shifts gears to other characters.
Next page best have those two fucking like bunnies.
ha good like it would be funny to imagine that would happen but seriously you kinda made laugh not in the bullying way in the way that you put up a good way to show good detail about terminus & nightmare when how he use his banana to put right in her bagel
Changing the subject slightly. I just found this comic and liked it so much that I’ve read it three times already. I did notice on page 149 (Family Photo) that both Tim and Shadow have the same belt clasp on. This makes me very curious as to what the future holds in store for the story line. It should be interesting watch things develope.
This is the first time a penis can be vaguely seen in this comic.
Now *that’s* CAREFUL monitoring of details!