Really curious how the whatsherface situation is gonna work. It’s not plausible that his scissors would just magically appear in her room but him managing to sneak into her house and cut off a lock of her hair isn’t either.
The smart move would be to show surprise and concern (he won’t need to fake it, either) and offer some dead-end explanation. Not even flying all the way into la-la land, he can just claim there was a rumor the room is cursed, has vengeful ghosts, or something like that. Which also explains his panic earlier.
I meant more for the author Brandon. He clearly intends there to be drama incoming but how is it going to be written without Marcy sounding like a paranoid loon?
Obviously, even if the characters don’t go around doing stupid things that cause plot, they rarely do smart things that skip plot. So “wacky hijinx” is a foregone conclusion.
between the 3, one thinks he snuck into her room. One needs to have the birds and Nox Bees talk with him, The other wants to have him understand her feelings for him, and that since he half Nox that it’s ok if they date.
I wonder if shadow is drinking or just down on her luck. Also do STD’s pass from human to noxion? If so I’d be worried if I was midnight, it seems terminus has been around some places
That makes me wonder how much more grown up Tim is compared to Shadow. Seems like at times he’s in high school mentally and Shadow is more mid 20’s or something.
Its only underage if thats what your home country says. Legal age of drinking in most of Europe is 18. I was 18 in 12th grade (but not in Europe…physically. lol)
I really wish people started actually at least making an effort to work both sex and serious (non sex based) narrative/story together. But I can only guess at how hard that would be today with both sides now being prudish and uncomfortable with sex in general… ugh.
Ya 1 , Tim might wake up to get dressed for school before that he might come down stairs for breakfast and Ruth showed up at the seen probably sipping coffee and made breakfast and his dad probably went to work early that might be perfect timing for Ruth to have a serious talk with Tim before he goes to school just to explain about who he was arguing with if Ruth mentioned shadow in there conversation Tim will confused & feeling guilty & thinking about how does his mom know plus thinking about that he wished that he takes back for what said to shadow & probably gone to school ather a long talk 2, probably while in high school thinking about what he talked about until Marcy showed up in furious anger while holding his scissors and probably grab Tim by the caller and try demand him for why he stalked her & cut her while she asleep plus try to explain to her that he didn’t and might led into an argument and might get blamed for it and got suspended for a week as for Ruth she might try to act like she disappointed at him but believe that he didn’t do it so try to find what really probably go to Not trying to find what really happened ,3 probably at night time like while Tim asleep & probably woke up by nightmare who try be friendly until terminus knocked him out and they took him to Nox but it’s just a theory that I think it might happen but it’s up to Brandon think about since he created so up to him but not trying to spam or anything like that
> until terminus knocked him out and they took him to Nox
Terminus is much better than this. At least, in minion management and human studies. He can make up some plausible lure. :]
Well maybe you are right but I kinda think that terminus is mostly in charge between the two but I feel for nightmare for being a victim of him because he is very manipulative & convincing plus playing mind games with too many girls that he cheated on like I am not wrong about terminus being an manipulative sociopath who is taking advantage of girls because it looks like he just likes there naked bodies & feeling of sexaul activity whatever he does on Anna and Nightmare but it looks like that it doesn’t matter who is his favorite girl who he likes to sleep with anymore but nightmare deserve’s better a better lover then him anyway
Well at least SOMEBODY got laid this chapter.
Oh, is that what they are doing. I thought they were exercising, and it was some strange way to stretch .
Again, I have a real thing for red skin bitches
Really curious how the whatsherface situation is gonna work. It’s not plausible that his scissors would just magically appear in her room but him managing to sneak into her house and cut off a lock of her hair isn’t either.
The smart move would be to show surprise and concern (he won’t need to fake it, either) and offer some dead-end explanation. Not even flying all the way into la-la land, he can just claim there was a rumor the room is cursed, has vengeful ghosts, or something like that. Which also explains his panic earlier.
I meant more for the author Brandon. He clearly intends there to be drama incoming but how is it going to be written without Marcy sounding like a paranoid loon?
Obviously, even if the characters don’t go around doing stupid things that cause plot, they rarely do smart things that skip plot. So “wacky hijinx” is a foregone conclusion.
between the 3, one thinks he snuck into her room. One needs to have the birds and Nox Bees talk with him, The other wants to have him understand her feelings for him, and that since he half Nox that it’s ok if they date.
Poor Tim. Blissfully unaware of the chaos that’s about to ensue… for now.
I knew those 2 Noxians from the first panel would end up having a mutually close contact with each other after reading the previous page.
The chaos that seems to follow my birthday heh
I wonder if shadow is drinking or just down on her luck. Also do STD’s pass from human to noxion? If so I’d be worried if I was midnight, it seems terminus has been around some places
The Red one is Nightmare, Midnight is the Blue one.
Yes, she’s drinking a bit, and STD’s don’t really factor into this comic, so I don’t think about it.
I don’t try to inject TOO much reality into this fantasy escapism comic. XD
That makes me wonder how much more grown up Tim is compared to Shadow. Seems like at times he’s in high school mentally and Shadow is more mid 20’s or something.
Well, Tim IS in Grade 12 still… and Shadow grew up in a completely different environment with different societal rules.
Underaged drinking being one of them lol
Its only underage if thats what your home country says. Legal age of drinking in most of Europe is 18. I was 18 in 12th grade
(but not in Europe…physically. lol)
Drinking age in Australia is 18 (used to be 16 when I was a pup) but there are wowsers and killjoys who are trying to have it lifted to 25.
Don’t know what it might be in Brandon’s Canada (where Tim’s story is set)
That reminds me of an episode of family guy where the drinking agar was raised to 60 cause of peter
Drinking age in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec is 18. The rest of Canada it’s 19.
Drinking age is 18 here, and Shadow is older than Tim by six months, so… yeah. No.
5 month? Dosn’t?
I’m from USA so it’s 21 or no deal
But those fermented pumpkin juice cocktails are vicious!
Thank god for that too.. The “but that’s not realistic” whine is ruining fantasy and fiction today. Especially how/when it’s selectively used. :/
When you passed around the Patreon rough, I wondered if there would be any dialog. Looks like there was room for some…
I’m guessing they all end up trying to get at him at the same time, and all their plans crash into each other. =)
“To-mo-rrow, tomo-rrow, I love ya, to-morr-ow! You’re on-ly a daaay awayyyyyyy.” ^^
The sex panel was so lack lustre. Is this softcore only comic?
Yeah? I’ve always stated this will never be a hardcore graphic porn comic. Sex isn’t even the focus of the story.
I guess I can appreciate it. Thanks for clarification.
I really wish people started actually at least making an effort to work both sex and serious (non sex based) narrative/story together. But I can only guess at how hard that would be today with both sides now being prudish and uncomfortable with sex in general… ugh.
I am more interested in what midnight is super happy about, because we need some happiness with what is about to happen. Poor Tim.
Tim is in for one HELL of a day tomorrow, isn’t he?
Ya 1 , Tim might wake up to get dressed for school before that he might come down stairs for breakfast and Ruth showed up at the seen probably sipping coffee and made breakfast and his dad probably went to work early that might be perfect timing for Ruth to have a serious talk with Tim before he goes to school just to explain about who he was arguing with if Ruth mentioned shadow in there conversation Tim will confused & feeling guilty & thinking about how does his mom know plus thinking about that he wished that he takes back for what said to shadow & probably gone to school ather a long talk 2, probably while in high school thinking about what he talked about until Marcy showed up in furious anger while holding his scissors and probably grab Tim by the caller and try demand him for why he stalked her & cut her while she asleep plus try to explain to her that he didn’t and might led into an argument and might get blamed for it and got suspended for a week as for Ruth she might try to act like she disappointed at him but believe that he didn’t do it so try to find what really probably go to Not trying to find what really happened ,3 probably at night time like while Tim asleep & probably woke up by nightmare who try be friendly until terminus knocked him out and they took him to Nox but it’s just a theory that I think it might happen but it’s up to Brandon think about since he created so up to him but not trying to spam or anything like that
If I did so my bad Brandon
> until terminus knocked him out and they took him to Nox
Terminus is much better than this. At least, in minion management and human studies. He can make up some plausible lure. :]
Well maybe you are right but I kinda think that terminus is mostly in charge between the two but I feel for nightmare for being a victim of him because he is very manipulative & convincing plus playing mind games with too many girls that he cheated on like I am not wrong about terminus being an manipulative sociopath who is taking advantage of girls because it looks like he just likes there naked bodies & feeling of sexaul activity whatever he does on Anna and Nightmare but it looks like that it doesn’t matter who is his favorite girl who he likes to sleep with anymore but nightmare deserve’s better a better lover then him anyway
Well you were mostly right about the beginning of how the next day goes! lol
But nobody could have seen or guessed this coming!
Talk about a collision course. I bet one of the following pages will be: “Timothy vs. The World”. ROTFLMFAO!!! XD