I seem to be misreading this page. Tim seems to be in such a hurry that he’s dashing off to school without even LOOKING at his mom… And that WAIT! I’m the last panel looks to be said by TIM, given the arrow on top of the voice bubble.
To me, the next scene should be Ruthless wrapping her tail around her son’s neck and yelling STOP! With the rest of the panels being surprise and shock at Ruth’s “transformation” .
IMHO he’s in such a hurry he didn’t looked directly, but still caught a glimpse of her and that “wait” was him realizing what he saw. No need to wrap tail around his next and yelling. Next scene would be him turning and saying something like “Mom ?”
… unless that “wait” was because he remembered he forgot something else.
Omigosh, fInaLlY! Screeeee! Ima count down the hours till the next chapter.
I seem to be misreading this page. Tim seems to be in such a hurry that he’s dashing off to school without even LOOKING at his mom… And that WAIT! I’m the last panel looks to be said by TIM, given the arrow on top of the voice bubble.
To me, the next scene should be Ruthless wrapping her tail around her son’s neck and yelling STOP! With the rest of the panels being surprise and shock at Ruth’s “transformation” .
IMHO he’s in such a hurry he didn’t looked directly, but still caught a glimpse of her and that “wait” was him realizing what he saw. No need to wrap tail around his next and yelling. Next scene would be him turning and saying something like “Mom ?”
… unless that “wait” was because he remembered he forgot something else.
Ruth approaching Shadow: “OK, she’s already figured me out, but I’m gonna use my glamour anyways just in case.”
Ruth approaching Tim: “Fuck it.”
It wasn’t the skin that caught his attention out of the corner of his eye, but the tail.
What’s the more appropriate sound fx: “Tire Screech” or “Record Scratch?”
I would say the sound of airbrakes locking up
More like “atomic bomb detonation”
Or short circuit?
To copy Schlock Mercenary, he just vented a virtual brick from his ventral port.
And he just found out that he’s mama’s not a human.
How long before it occurs to him that HE isn’t all human?
Should be a very interesting next issue.
Ah shit…I had hoped Ruth would have let Tim decide for himself if he could accept Shadow and love her as a human without giving him an excuse…
Midnight is the least important part about this conversation that she ought to have had with him long ago.
Shadow, not Midnight. XD
This is what I get for posting at work.
The pensive look does not look good on Ruth
WAIT! I forgot lunch! Whatwasthatmomgottagobye
Alright here goes nothing. This is gonna be a long day for the poor kid.
Tim may start think, that all weman is noxian XD
Gonna be one of those days, Tim….
So what is Tim late *for*?
… school…?
“I’m late, I’m late,
For a very important date!
No time to say hello. Goodbye!
I’m late, I’m late, I’m late!”
(White Rabbit, Disney’s Alice In Wonderland)