Plot-wise… I guess, the next part is where someone gently explains to him that the bars on the cage are not here to protect the tiger, and the tiger is not him?
I for some reason half-expect someone else to walk in and “approve” his attitude first, however.
Gonna be in for a RUDE surprise or two when he discovers that the opposing force he’s counting on steamrolling has invented machine guns, bio- and chemical warfare, and a global communications network.
That said, if Noxians get good at weaponizing their portal-placing ability, they could be one HELL of an insurgent force. Especially combined with their shapeshifting ability. Pop into…say…a nuclear power plant, cause havok, and retreat to another dimension. Or pop into the White House, shapeshift into the President, and attend all the top-secret briefings in person.
But on the flip side, one squad of SEALs with a stolen Aegis could literally paint the hallways red. And that’s assuming they haven’t been given “special weapons” to play with.
Shifting ability is NOT the standard for them, Ruth and Midnight had to earn it from that spellbook.
For their portal abilities, afaik, they can ONLY place them under beds, which somewhat limits its strategical value xD.
ISTR Noxian portal abilities are gender- linked.
Only the girls can access under-bed portals (although Shadow once used a hammock) and the boys are confined to closet portals (MAYBE also cupboards but those shelves would be a further constraint).
I’m expecting a cheesy evil laughter after that speech, and then a good slap up side the head by his elders. He’s biting of more than he can chew, isn’t he?
So, how many more pages before we get to see what’s behind the doors?
I’m thinking some kind of ancient magical contraption or maybe a massive library of magical books or something other, that’s gonna help him get what he wants.
That’s just cruel and um, OK it’s just cruel. But I’ll wait, after all anything worth waiting for has to be good right? This is really driving me up the wall. LOL
that he thinks is gonna help him get what he thinks he wants? ;]
Also, why evil laugh? Maybe he was like this once, too. Then he may even suffer a fit of nostalgia. Otherwise, facepalm or holding his head together so that it won’t explode from all the nonsense (assuming he does know better than this).
I’m glad everybody is actually talking about this, whether pointing out it’s inherent flaws or merits I’m just happy to introduce a brand new talking point around here finally. Haha.
Not to say there won’t be a few wrinkles along the way, there is certainly an interesting surprise looming in the distance!
Well, I’ve been beating around the bush since I first introduced Terminus, so it’s great to have finally reached the point in the story where I can actually start moving forward on some big things with him.
I mean, Chapter 4 is where the real meat of the story begins, the rest has all been staging and introductions to elements we’ll be dealing with from pretty much here on out.
If this were adapted into, say, a movie, for instance; I’d probably have jumped directly into chapter 4 directly after Tim and Shadow met for the first time, the rest would have been a montage of events probably.
He implicitly plans to act openly when they control “all the doorways”. If this practically equals “when we’ll make those flying pigs obsolete”, it’s a moot point. Which probably is the case.
The “mice in the tunnels” status quo is okay now, but immediately after the implied catastrophe it should have stung not only for restless youngsters. So, if fixing the problem was easy, someone would do it long ago.
Not gonna lie, I kinda miss the time when this was a mostly NSFW/Love story comic. Now we’ve got politics, and cross-spiecies philosophy, and power-hungry dictators… It feels like a bit too much was crammed into one story, y’know?
Alright, no worries, I just hope the author knows what they’re doing (I just came back from MarmaladeMum’s Chemistry Class, and holy yikes did she mess up a good story)
Ox, yoire right. I jast sav, your stollen comix on porno sait, where resolution wos extremally smal. Its real porno! And oreginal only contans few element of erotik.
Butt! it have strong story, even despyte game Nox (in mye opineon) was worstest game of XX centuri.
You realy good, be such.
Plot-wise… I guess, the next part is where someone gently explains to him that the bars on the cage are not here to protect the tiger, and the tiger is not him?
I for some reason half-expect someone else to walk in and “approve” his attitude first, however.
Gonna be in for a RUDE surprise or two when he discovers that the opposing force he’s counting on steamrolling has invented machine guns, bio- and chemical warfare, and a global communications network.
That said, if Noxians get good at weaponizing their portal-placing ability, they could be one HELL of an insurgent force. Especially combined with their shapeshifting ability. Pop into…say…a nuclear power plant, cause havok, and retreat to another dimension. Or pop into the White House, shapeshift into the President, and attend all the top-secret briefings in person.
But on the flip side, one squad of SEALs with a stolen Aegis could literally paint the hallways red. And that’s assuming they haven’t been given “special weapons” to play with.
Shifting ability is NOT the standard for them, Ruth and Midnight had to earn it from that spellbook.
For their portal abilities, afaik, they can ONLY place them under beds, which somewhat limits its strategical value xD.
ISTR Noxian portal abilities are gender- linked.
Only the girls can access under-bed portals (although Shadow once used a hammock) and the boys are confined to closet portals (MAYBE also cupboards but those shelves would be a further constraint).
That’s not gender-linked, it’s simply a slightly differently attuned Aegis. You’ll notice the sisterhood and brotherhood wear different types.
A boy Noxian can join The Bedbugs and get one of the “bed” aegises?
And The Brotherhood accepts girl entrants and issues them “closet” aegises?
Or are non-limited aegises issued through other organisations or individuals?
No, they can’t… but if they get their hands on the opposite sides Aegis it will still work.
The humans will be in for a nasty surprise if any unauthorized people step into Nox without a chaperone to guide them.
Looking forward to that page.
I’m expecting a cheesy evil laughter after that speech, and then a good slap up side the head by his elders. He’s biting of more than he can chew, isn’t he?
So, how many more pages before we get to see what’s behind the doors?
I’m thinking some kind of ancient magical contraption or maybe a massive library of magical books or something other, that’s gonna help him get what he wants.
How many more pages? Like… 100 or more. haha.
That’s just cruel and um, OK it’s just cruel. But I’ll wait, after all anything worth waiting for has to be good right? This is really driving me up the wall. LOL
that he thinks is gonna help him get what he thinks he wants? ;]
Also, why evil laugh? Maybe he was like this once, too. Then he may even suffer a fit of nostalgia. Otherwise, facepalm or holding his head together so that it won’t explode from all the nonsense (assuming he does know better than this).
“We will reclaim our glory and take back this world” (and all the almond croissants will be MINE!!!)
I’m glad everybody is actually talking about this, whether pointing out it’s inherent flaws or merits I’m just happy to introduce a brand new talking point around here finally. Haha.
Not to say there won’t be a few wrinkles along the way, there is certainly an interesting surprise looming in the distance!
Were you a little bit nervous about delving into such a big subplot ;3
Well, I’ve been beating around the bush since I first introduced Terminus, so it’s great to have finally reached the point in the story where I can actually start moving forward on some big things with him.
I mean, Chapter 4 is where the real meat of the story begins, the rest has all been staging and introductions to elements we’ll be dealing with from pretty much here on out.
If this were adapted into, say, a movie, for instance; I’d probably have jumped directly into chapter 4 directly after Tim and Shadow met for the first time, the rest would have been a montage of events probably.
Is the comic still gonna keep it’s slice of life and romance vibes?
Unless they kill him now, they’ve already crossed the line in declaring their intent to reveal their kind, in a bid for world domination.
There’s no going back after this idiot spoke out his idea
He implicitly plans to act openly when they control “all the doorways”. If this practically equals “when we’ll make those flying pigs obsolete”, it’s a moot point. Which probably is the case.
The “mice in the tunnels” status quo is okay now, but immediately after the implied catastrophe it should have stung not only for restless youngsters. So, if fixing the problem was easy, someone would do it long ago.
And here I was thinking he was referring to a population problem…
Not gonna lie, I kinda miss the time when this was a mostly NSFW/Love story comic. Now we’ve got politics, and cross-spiecies philosophy, and power-hungry dictators… It feels like a bit too much was crammed into one story, y’know?
It’s still a NSFW/Love story comic, they just have to stop an evil plot along the way.
I don’t mind the politics. Not so much of it yet.
Alright, no worries, I just hope the author knows what they’re doing (I just came back from MarmaladeMum’s Chemistry Class, and holy yikes did she mess up a good story)
ueax, thei all shall owning eachother
author all its porno comic, right i am?
Uh… no, not really. It has NSFW elements, but it’s not a porno comic.
Ox, yoire right. I jast sav, your stollen comix on porno sait, where resolution wos extremally smal. Its real porno! And oreginal only contans few element of erotik.
Butt! it have strong story, even despyte game Nox (in mye opineon) was worstest game of XX centuri.
You realy good, be such.
Will we see Shadow again in the next few pages, and if so, will she have a MONSTEROUS hangover?
We will be seeing her soon, and… maybe! XD
I wonder if Male Noxians are circumcised for better health and hygiene.
I’ve read the hole comic and I just wanted to say that it’s amazing
Last chapter when Terminus said “What in the Inferno is this?!”, I immediately thought of Dante’s Inferno. Is that a clue to Nox’s location?
I don’t think Nox is Hell. They aren’t demons. They’re flesh and blood. Hell is canonically not a physical plane of existence.