Also, a sheathed dagger appeared in this scene. So probably either:
A. someone gets shanked, or
B. Terminus will offers it as evidence, and perhaps the old dude will recognize it.
Most likely he’d chuckle and thank for returning his cutlery. Which he left stuck there in frustration, back when he was this young and foolish. :]
In any case… what’s the role of noxians in Earth history?
Well… I can imagine that in the grand picture, even if both, noxians and humans don’t know, noxians helps to humans to become more “fear tollerant”, just in the same way illness promotes healthy people (because ill people dies sooner… fearfull people could become crazy because they attrack noxians attacks)
So… even if noxians don’t know, they push humans to become brave and push humankind into new endevours and adventures making them bravers.
They are careful enough to avoid contact in all but weirdest cases. Probably too careful to become a significant selection pressure, too. Nor do they seem very numerous.
So maybe only a minor palliative/prevention effect. In that occasional nightmares and scares give some cardiac/mental exercise and may keep in a slightly better shape those who don’t get enough of adrenaline rushes via natural means (“Is it a snake there?!”).
What’s the deal with arrogant villains like Terminus getting on a soapbox and spilling out their whole plans to an authority figure? Also, I doubt his plan would work for while Nox remained the same, the human world as changed a lot and all he’ll be doing is opening up a can of worms.
The noxians and humans have interacted in the past before they hid in the darkness, using the nexus as the only means to sneak into the human world to gain supplies. Both having forgotten such a prominent centerpiece in their respective histories. From the noxians physical characteristics and behaviors, it can be assumed they had a significant impact on human history, particularly their myths and legends. They might have inspired humanity’s depiction of demons and beasts, along with the modern cases of the boogeyman and other similar urban legends.
Well, he only needs to open one door! And then he’d strut there and spin up “the core”, just like this.
That is, unless he would find out it’s not possible, since there’s only an unrecoverable and/or dangerous ruin. If it was simple, someone would do this already in “countless ages” — and most likely sooner. He can’t be the first Noxian youngster annoyed by this state of affairs.
I bet that Shadow is going to discover Terminus’ evil plan.
Then she’s going to expose his crimes to everyone.
But the Brotherhood will attack Shadow and say that she’s the one guilty of wanting to take over the human world.
The Sisterhood will defend her because there’s no reason to believe she’s doing it. While the Brotherhood will baselessly try to blame her anyways.
But due to having more people in the Brotherhood, she’ll be the one that takes the fall for it.
Well… I saw that guilds has a lot of weight on noxians. Is it common for noxians that childs loose their connection from their parents?
We know about Shadow but I didn’t remember any explaining from anyone more… I don’t know if the other girls of the guild are in the same case or not or what happen beyond this guild.
Is it common for noxians not have siblings but not known half-siblings cause their different social structure?
If parenthood is not common but raise children in guilds (more like some tribal cultures on Earth) I guess marriage or couple permanent bonding has no meaning and it’s non existant or at least not common and unofficial for them (like midnigth said… #158… “so human”)
That could explain why is so difficult to have biological and recognized brothers inside noxian society. Just rare twins births or permanent couples and parenthood outside common social roles of their society.
“Have an opportunity to project force, however much you have of that” does not equal “control”.
Besides, one needs to spend some effort to actually control anything, and why would they bother to?
Would most of them even want anything more than “hush, something bumps in the night” and occasionally “a cup of milk for the fair folk”? The lad’s right about complacency — they seem to be even more of a sleepy kingdom than what they see on the other end of the portals… and that’s in the “lean” times?
Shadow is an orphan, she was raised by Lady Moonlight, but she is not her biological mother, no more than any of the other girls who also call her High-Mother. Moonlight does dote on Shadow a little more than the others though, and because of this, Shadow does seem to get away with more because she has nowhere else to go.
In other words, they’re in a boarding school?
Also, we have seen very few adults. Assuming the Noxian population is fairly stable (not in “rapid recovery”/explosion and not suffering from great youngster mortality), that’s a lot of people busy with something away from the kids.
Eh, without significant magic based military force…. and I’m talking “can counter or otherwise negate Nukes as an option” sort of military… that ain’t happening. Hell, gotta modernize with spells that can stop bullets in mass at the very least and that’s… unlikely to be something readily available. Hell, I’ve got this gut feeling that humans have an overwhelming population advantage to boot which has something to do with why this isn’t being done either.
Such two-dimensional thinking! How will the military even catch them? I guess they’ll have to put a soldier in every building or place where an archway exists on the planet.
Inquisitionterror strategydeterrence could achieve something. Though perhaps less with “all the portals”. In that the result of any noticeably (not very) effective and tenacious opposing force would boil down to: reduced numbers of those willing to take unnecessary risks and others having a good reason not to.
The question is, why would either side even bother to start troubles?
… well I’ve been typing and editing this as things come to mind so I’m just gonna leave the arguments all over the place.
Eh, getting in ain’t the issue. First counter measures would be simple big rooms and tatami mat style beds, minimum furniture and what is there is either too small for a person to crawl under or not built in a way that allows anyone to be under it. You know, things that’d force direct confrontation.
As for catching anyone… Well I’ll be honest it’ll be really easy to just paint these guys as hellspawn to shoot on sight and be done with it. What with them more or less looking the part. Only better dressed. … Yeah actually they probably only qualify as some scrawny ass kind of demon but the point stands, they look readily not hum…. oh right illusion magic. … Well these arguments are all kinda hinging on the assumption of stupidity so it’s not much of a problem if they don’t use that trick but… Depends on how many can actually do it. Damn those’d be real nice saboteurs.
But It’s still capturing, holding and keeping territory that’s the issue. Opening tactics should be hit and run, in one closet-out another, under one bed and coming out somewhere else. Etc etc, but to openly rule the world you have to take and hold territory. As in keep the other bastards from taking it back. and hit and run tactics don’t work as well in defending a point. …. Oh right, horror movie slasher tactics…. But would THEY think of that? eh, maybe. don’t think it’d be standard doctrine and they’re pretty much a bunch of squishy mages as far as I can tell at the moment.
Ruling from the Shadows though… Yeah that simplifies matters drastically. In that case Tim gets drafted into hero duty because of the narrative at that point.
Humans would carry adorable tailed people in palanquins, should they put minimal efforts into it…
…if they’d actually control enough of a portal network to transfer stuff at will anywhere on Earth. Which is the part that appears to provide a “little” snag in this particular dream.
The overenthusiastic lad assumes he only needs to open one door and all problems will solve themselves. Most likely, not only this isn’t so simple, but would only be a massive letdown.
I feel inspired so I created a story.
Obviously I guess not even close to yours, but here is it.
I’m spanish so… I’m sorry I can’t translate something so looooong…
I hope you enjoy it…
En este universo, como es muy nombrado en el mundo del esoterismo, existen planos de existencia.
El plano que conocemos es el plano material sostenida por reglas matemáticas. Es el que percibimos con los sentidos normales gracias a nuestro cuerpo material.
Existen muchos planos, entre ellos el emocional que es donde las almas (del plano más elevado, el espiritual) depositan la carga de sus emociones, que se van filtrando hacia el plano material, influenciándolo y cambiándolo más allá de sus propias reglas, o el plano mental donde las ideas cobran vida como movidas por una única mente omnipotente, o todos los recuerdos y conocimiento son archivados.
En un tiempo muy, muy remoto, cuando la humanidad era joven, nacieron las primeras civilizaciones. Y en una de ellas aparecieron grandes maestros que mediante meditación y exploración espiritual lograron entender un atisbo de esas existencias tal inalcanzables.
Aquellos maestros entendieron que de la forma adecuada podían dar consistencia a sus pensamientos y emociones para lograr que el universo atendieran sus demandas. Primero chamanes, luego brujos, y luego maestros magos, aquellos hombres iban pasando el testigo generación tras generación acumulando conocimiento.
Los jefes de las tribus, luego naciones, se maravillaban ante estos sabios y les reclamaban cada vez más logros y muestras de poder.
En su intento de lograrlo, aprendieron que no sólo podían usar sus emociones dirigidas, sino que literalmente esas emociones, las suyas propias y las de otros, podían ser moldeadas. Como si de energía física se tratase, se podían provocar emociones como fuente de poder.
Sobre el poder de este secreto, algunas naciones se alzaron sobre otras. Exploraron las emociones, y aunque cada una tenía su propio poder, una destacaba por su fácil manipulación. El miedo.
A diferencia del amor, era fácil de provocar. A diferencia de la ira, era fácil de controlar. A diferencia de la alegría o la tristeza, era una poderosa herramienta de cambio de entorno.
Y los que descubrieron el secreto comenzaron a utilizarlo. Unas naciones, provocando el terror sobre sus poblaciones haciendo sacrificios a supuestos dioses terribles. Otras haciendo esclavos y amenazándoles con la tortura.
Pero una nación, sobre todas las demás, descubrió un secreto que lo cambió todo. Descubrió como manipular el plano mental y el plano emocional de forma conectada.
Como si se tratara de una computadora en la que cargar un programa, dejaban órdenes escritas, leyes y códigos, y podían usar el plano emocional como si de una batería de manipulación del universo.
Con la fusión de ambos lograron lo que parecía imposible. No simples pequeñas transformaciones de la realidad, como atraer la lluvia, buenas cosechas o cosas similares, sino literalmente actuar sobre la realidad como dioses.
La energía emocional acumulada y dirigida con precisión quirúrgica, podía proporcionar poderes sobrehumanos. Transformar la materia, teleportarla, alterar la percepción de la realidad, cambiar la estructura de la materia a su nivel más esencial…
Y no sólo es que la pudieran dirigir. Es que además preescribiendo las reglas en estructuras del plano mental, podían construir herramientas que con unas simples frases, gestos o pensamientos podían invocarlas. Reglas y transformaciones que habían llevado décadas de múltiples maestros para ser creadas, pero que podían ser usadas repetidamente por simples actos que llevaban segundos ejecutarse.
Para aquellos que sólo veían el resultado de aquellas invocaciones, lo llamaron “magia”, pues sólo veían palabras o actos secretos y como la realidad se transformaba delante de ellos.
Y sobre ese conocimiento, aquella civilización logró cosas que tan sólo tras la revolución de la ciencia comenzaron a acercarse en asombro y ni siquiera han podido igualarlo. Una civilización que duraría milenios, prosperaría a niveles jamás igualados, y mucho más tarde sería conocida como Atlantis.
Lo malo de aquella civilización es que a medida que prosperaba también lo hacía la necesidad de “energía mágica”, emociones con los que hacer funcionar su poder.
Tuvieron que aprender nuevas y más eficientes formas de explotar el miedo.
Entre otras cosas aprendieron que repetir la misma fórmula con la misma gente demasiado tiempo no funciona. La gente teme, ante todo, lo desconocido.
Los temores al sufrimiento no eran duraderos. Las personas se habitúan. La forma más eficiente de provocar miedo era en ataques inesperados a población aleatoria.
La ventaja de aprender los secretos del poder de la magia es que les proporcionaba una nueva herramienta con la que explotar nuevos niveles de miedo.
Teleportándose, cambiando su apariencia, era fácil atacar a la gente, lograr que tuviera miedo.
Pero era tan fácil atacar que si atacaban siempre a su misma población, pronto se inmunizaría. Además, la teleportación simple consumía mucha magia, casi no compensando su uso.
Tuvieron que mejorar sus técnicas. No teleportarse a cualquier sitio, sino aquellos que por su especial significado simbólico reducía esa necesidad a un mínimo imprescindible.
Los maestros crearon una estructura autosostenida en los tres planos. Emocional, donde almacenaba el poder extraido, mental, donde se establecían las complejas reglas del aparato, y el físico para unirlo a aparatos que conectaban con esta poderosa estructura en nuestro mundo, para poder usar su poder.
Esa estructura crecía bajo el subsuelo de Atlantis, y creaba puentes eficientes para ahorrar y extraer el codiciado poder.
En efecto, es el nacimiento del Axis, y los aparatos que usaban para alimentarlo o para usarlo serían los precursores de los Aegis.
La estructura creaba puentes a lugares con simbolismo concreto a las almas que servirían de fuentes de poder. Puntos donde la gente se sentía más protegida, y por tanto era más vulnerable a ataques de terror.
El lugar de reposo, como las camas, el lugar donde se guardan los secretos y la intimidad como los armarios, el umbral del hogar, etc. etc.
La necesidad exponencialmente creciente de poder de Atlantis requirió obreros masivos especializados en extraer el miedo.
Al principio ciudadanos normales, trabajadores, pero más tarde esclavos controlados por ese mismo poder.
Para evitar el gasto extra de los cambios de apariencia, comenzaron a experimentar con cambios permanentes, y de los esclavos nació una nueva raza, creada de la unión del poder y ansias de extracción de miedo.
Hombres retorcidos en su apariencia hasta aparentar ser las peores pesadillas de la humanidad, a los que se les dio poderes para poder olerlo, sentirlo, palparlo para ser auténticos recolectores de esa esencia de la magia que movía el Eje, que fue la fuente de poder de Atlantis en su momento más glorioso.
El poder de Atlantis se fue extendiendo más y más, así como la necesidad de esclavos metamorfoseados, mientras el Eje, con una creciente nube de reglas era ya casi un ser vivo capaz de crecer y evolucionar por sí mismo, creando nuevos pasadizos y portales a un mundo humano en crecimiento.
Pero los atlantes cometieron un error fatal. Para proteger su poder y secreto, al Axis y su núcleo, sólo dejaba entrar a sus esclavos, que ya comenzaban a acumular generaciones en el subsuelo (la noche eterna… Nox) y sus carceleros. En cierto momento, los esclavos tomaron el poder y usando el poder de ese núcleo a su favor, generó una serie de cataclismos sobre sus esclavistas, destruyendo Atlantis en semejanza a la leyenda.
Las condiciones se dieron la vuelta para los esclavos, que ahora estaban al mando y convirtiendo a Nox en un verdadero hogar con muchas de las comodidades que antes pertenecieron a Atlantis.
Y por un tiempo, Nox fue próspero. Su poder creció. En muchos casos demasiado, y abusando de su poder casi divino fueron el origen de muchas leyendas sobre dioses en la mitología humana.
Pero los noxians, que no dejaban de ser seres con alma humana, cometieron los mismos errores que sus predecesores.
La codicia elevó sus exigencias, sus necesidades de miedo, y fortalecieron el eje para acceder a más y nuevos lugares, para atacar a los humanos a una escala masiva.
Por un tiempo sembraron el terror absoluto… pero no contaron con varias cosas.
Una… su fuente de poder es equivalente a un parásito. No pueden crecer demasiado a su costa o lo matan.
Dos… sus víctimas se adaptan. Una nueva civilización humana creció, y los noxians, como otras tantas veces, la atacó con virulencia. Pero esa vez, ellos no se acobardaron.
Los noxianos atacaban de formas inesperadas. Ellos prepararon trampas aleatorias. La ventaja de los habitantes de Nox duró lo que duró sus secretos.
Cuando demasiados de los suyos fueron capturados y sometidos a torturas, revelando sus secretos, la guerra comenzó a balancearse, convirtiéndolo en un baño de sangre para ambas partes.
La guerra se alargó por algunas generaciones llevando a Nox a sus tiempos más duros. Al final, tal nivel de barbarie se ganó sus detractores.
Considerados traidores por ambas partes, humanos y noxianos disidentes formaron una tercera facción que quiso detener la guerra, y tras fracasar sus intentos más pacíficos, finalmente optó por unirse a la batalla a su propio modo.
En un ataque sorpresa, la nueva facción de la unión de ambas razas penetró en Nox y se hizo con el control del núcleo del Eje, usando su propio poder para sellarlo y limitarlo.
Bajo la fórmula de que sólo la unión de ambas razas podría volver a abrirlo, aquel hechizo selló el control del núcleo “para siempre”, pues sabían que un noxiano y un humano no pueden tener hijos. No al menos de forma natural.
Quedó aún así un pequeño subterfugio para volver a encenderlo, pues con un poco de magia en un entorno de amor real, ese suceso sí podía darse… pero ese detalle jamás fue revelado.
En todo caso, aquel ataque dejó intencionalmente algo de poder para que Nox no muriera. A fin de cuentas, parte de ellos eran de allí. Querían detener la guerra, no matar a un bando.
Aquel suceso se fue perdiendo en el tiempo. Los noxianos que vivieron en la superficie sucumbieron ante nuevas naciones que no dudaban en destruir lo que no entendían, y el tiempo borró el recuerdo de muchas de esas cosas.
Muy bien, muy bien. Me temo que Google Translate puede haber errado con algunas de las palabras para que la traducción no fuera 100% precisa, pero el significado y la intención estaban claramente allí. (O eso, o el error estuvo de tu lado, pero como no puedo leer español sin una matriz de traducción, no puedo decir de una forma u otra).
Yo también me pregunto si el verdadero amor entre un noxiano y un humano es lo que se necesita para crear un híbrido, pero hasta que Brandon lo confirme de una forma u otra, solo tendremos que esperar y ver qué sucede. (Las palabras / reflexiones de la termita parecen indicar que ha intentado con varias hembras humanas para que queden embarazadas, pero que – por el momento – no ha tenido éxito … ¡y que eso dure mucho!)
Oh, dear… I translated what I posted from Spanish back to English after I had posted it… only to find that Google Translate had turned the Termite from the male pronoun to the female pronoun.
Ah, well… Couldn’t’ve happened to a nastier git. :p
In this fictional universe, like it’s said in the esotheric world, there is multiple planes of existence.
The plane we know is the material plane supported by mathematical rules. We perceive it thanks to our material body and senses in this plane.
There are many planes. Among them, there a emotional one that it is where souls (from the highest plane, the spiritual one) sense and grave their emotions. Emotions that seep into the material plane, influencing and twisting beyond their own rules, or the mental plane where ideas come to life as moved by a single omnipotent mind and all memories and knowledge are archived.
Long, long ago, when humanity was young, the first civilizations were born. And on them appeared great teachers appear whom through meditation and spiritual exploration managed to understand a glimpse of such unattainable existences.
Those teachers understood that they could properly give consistency to their thoughts and emotions to push the universe to meet their demands. First shamans, then sorcerers, and then master magicians, those men were passing the witness generation after generation accumulating knowledge.
The chiefs of the tribes, later nations, marveled with these sages and demanded more and more achievements and shows of power.
In his attempt to achieve this, they learned that not only they cant his own directed emotions, but literally any emotions, their own and of others, could be grabed and molded. As if it were physical energy, emotions can be used as a source of power.
Based on the power of this secret, some nations rose among others. They explored emotions, and although each had its own power, one stood out for its easy manipulation. The fear.
Unlike love, it was easy to provoke. Unlike anger, it was easy to control. Unlike joy or sadness, was a powerful tool for changing the environment.
And those who discovered the secret began to use it. Some nations, causing terror over their populations making sacrifices to supposed terrible gods. Others making slaves and threatening them with torture.
But just one nation, above all others, discovered a secret that changed EVERYTHING. They discovered how to manipulate the mental plane and the emotional plane in a connected way, together.
As if it were a computer on which to load and execute a program, they left written orders, laws and codes, and this automaton could use the emotional plane as a battery to manipulate the universe.
With the fusion of the control of both planes they achieved what seemed impossible. Not simply small transformations of reality, such as attract rain, good harvests or similar things, but literally alter the reality as gods.
The emotional energy accumulated and directed with surgical precision could provide supernatural achievements. Transform matter, teleport it, alter the perception of reality, change the structure of matter to its most essential level …
And it’s not just that they could direct it. It is also that by prewriting the rules in structures of the mental plane, they could build tools that with simple phrases, gestures or thoughts could invoke them. Rules and transformations that had taken decades of multiple masters to be created, but that could be used repeatedly for simple acts that took seconds to execute.
For those who only saw the result of those invocations, they called it “magic”, because they only saw secret words or acts and how reality was transformed in front of them.
And using that knowledge, that civilization achieved things that only after the revolution of science began to approach in amazement and have not even been able to match it yet. A civilization that would last millennia, would prosper to levels never matched, and much later would be known as Atlantis.
The bad thing about that civilization is that as it prospered, so did the need for “magical energy”, emotions with which to run its power.
They had to learn new and more efficient ways to exploit fear.
Among other things they learned is that repeating the same formula with the same people too long it does not work. People fear, first of all, the unknown.
Fears of suffering were not lasting. People get used to it. The most efficient way to provoke fear was in unexpected attacks on random population.
The advantage of learning the secrets of the power of magic is that it provided them with a new tool with which to exploit new levels of fear.
Teleporting, changing their appearance, it was easy to attack people, to make them afraid.
But it was so easy to attack that if they always attacked their own population, they would soon be immunized. In addition, simple teleportation consumed a lot of magic, almost not compensating for its use.
They had to improve their techniques. Do not teleport to any site, but those that by its special symbolic meaning reduced the magic use to an essential minimum.
The teachers created a self-sustained structure in all three planes. Emotional, where he stored the extracted the emotional power, mental, where the complex rules of those apparatus were established, and the physical to unite it with devices that connected with this powerful structure in our world, in order to use its power.
Tuvieron que mejorar sus técnicas. No teleportarse a cualquier sitio, sino aquellos que por su especial significado simbólico reducía esa necesidad a un mínimo imprescindible.
Los maestros crearon una estructura autosostenida en los tres planos. Emocional, donde almacenaba el poder extraido, mental, donde se establecían las complejas reglas del aparato, y el físico para unirlo a aparatos que conectaban con esta poderosa estructura en nuestro mundo, para poder usar su poder.
That structure grew under the deep underground of Atlantis, to created efficient bridges to storage and extract the greeded power.
It is the birth of the Axis, and the devices they used to feed it or to use it would be the Aegis precursors.
The structure created bridges to places with concrete symbolism to the souls that would serve as sources of power. Points where people felt more protected, and therefore were more vulnerable to terror attacks.
The resting place, such as the beds, the place where secrets and privacy are kept, such as closets, the threshold of the home, etc. etc.
The exponentially growing need for power of Atlantis required massive workers specialized in extracting fear.
At first normal citizens, workers, were used, but later slaves controlled by that same power.
To avoid the extra expense of changes in appearance, they began to experiment with permanent changes, and from the slaves a new race was born, created from the union of power and eagerness to extract fear.
Twisted men in their appearance to appear to be the worst human nightmares, who were given powers to smell it and be pleasured by this achievement to be true collectors of that essence of the magic that moved the Axis, which was the source of power of Atlantis at its most glorious moment.
The power of Atlantis was extended more and more, as well as the need for metamorphosed slaves, while the core of the Axis, with a growing cloud of rules, was almost a living being capable of growing and evolving on its own, creating new passages and portals to a growing human world.
But the atlanteans made a fatal mistake. To protect his power and secret, the Axis and its core, only let their slaves in, who were already beginning to accumulate generations in the underground (the eternal night of underground… Nox) and their jailers. At one point, the slaves took the control and using the power of that nucleus in their favor, generated a series of cataclysms on their slavers, destroying Atlantis in resemblance to the legend.
The situation turned around for slaves, who were now in command and turning Nox into a true home with many of the comforts that once belonged to Atlantis.
And for a while, Nox was prosperous. His power grew. In many cases too much, and abusing their almost divine power were the origin of many legends about gods in human mythology.
But the noxians, who were still beings with human souls, made the same mistakes as their predecessors.
Greed raised their demands, their fear needs, and strengthened the axis to access new and farther places, to attack humans on a massive scale.
For a time they sowed absolute terror on the humans… but they didn’t considered a couple of things.
One … its source of power is equivalent to a parasite. They can’t grow too much at the expense of its host or they kill him.
Two … their victims adapt. A new human civilization grew, and the noxians, like many other times, attacked it with virulence. But that time, they didn’t flee.
Noxians attacked in unexpected ways. Their victims prepared random traps. The advantage of the inhabitants of Nox lasted what lasted their secrets.
When too many of their people were captured and subjected to torture, revealing their secrets, the war began to sway, turning it into a bloodbath for both sides.
The war lasted for some generations leading Nox to its toughest times.
In the end, such a level of barbarism earned its detractors.
Considered traitors by both sides, humans and dissident noxians formed a third faction that wanted to stop the war, and after failing their most peaceful attempts, finally chose to join the battle in their own way.
In a surprise attack, the new faction of the union of both races penetrated Nox and took control of the Axis core, using its own power to seal and limit it.
Under the formula that only the union of both races could reopen it, that spell sealed the control of the nucleus “forever”, because they knew that a noxian and a human cannot have children. Not at least naturally.
There was still a small trick to turn it on again, because with a little magic in an environment of real love, that event could happen … but that detail was never revealed.
In any case, that attack intentionally left some power to ensure that Nox did not die. After all, part of the rebelds were from there. They wanted to stop the war, not kill a side.
That event was lost in time. Noxians who lived on the surface succumbed to new nations that did not hesitate to destroy what they did not understand, and time erased the memory of many of those things.
The reason because I choosed this fiction is because something details.
First… we know that Nox civilization is very, very old. And if they are connected to humans, it has sense that it was connected with our oldest civilizations.
Second… besides its “nightmare” appearance, they seems very human-like. Too much to ignore. It has a lot sense if they origin is connected to humans. If they are really altered or ancient humans.
Third… Shadow speak english and it has sense that they learn and be connected with the culture they are linked to, but… I notice some coincidences with the old mediterranean
“sisterhood of noctis”. Noctis is night in latin
“Axis”, is a latin word too
“Aegis” was refered in the greek mythology, as a shield or source of protection. It has a lot of sense that the most viewed “aegis” in the old world were carried by fighters (atlanteans and later noxians) and use its magic as a proctection power.
“Nox” was a Roman goddess of night.
If the language of Atlantis was the source for old latin and has a lot of influence on Greeks too it has a lot of sense that Nox was a word for night or darkness.
Atlantis has been depicted in some fictions as a big round city. If under that city a structure grows it has a lot of sense that it has spiral structure that resemble the circle but it can grow without limit. And the center of this structure resemblence the axis of a rotatory moving one.
And just for coincidence, Spartans could be used as the antagonists for noxians in the noxian-human war beyond the golden ages of Nox. Spartans used eugenetics (mostly drop babies and childs that weren’t good enough) to build a fearless society of warriors capable of fight the noxians on that ancient world.
So, this story joins a lot of things together. Its an ancient civilization, old enough to lost a lot of knowledge. They have magical habilities even if they don’t understand the source in its most deep level. It has room to have a old civilization that really had presence on surface and feel like supreme kings of all human civilization (although it’s false from a more realistic aproach). It explain the common origin and difficult to explain unnatural appearance of noxians.
It explain why the collect fear among other things (it’s not just mere whym or for pleasure, although they would be created that why just for that).
It explain too why the core its locked waiting for a mixed race. Because they were defeated by a human-noxian alliance and they make a trick to ensure that the power wasn’t released before humankind was ready.
Well. I guess will be too much coincidence to guess Brandon backstory but it’s funny to elaborate theories.
I must say, this theory holds a lot of water. It’s not perfect – no theory ever is – but it covers what we know and extrapolates in plausible ways. What Termite is overlooking, at least with Anna, is that the love has to be reciprocated to produce the hybrid child! Anna might indeed love him, but it’s obvious (to us) he cares nothing for her!
It’s still up to Brandon as to how close to the mark you are; I suspect he might be inspired to alter his current plan to more closely match this if it’s – in his mind – better than what he has.
Also, a sheathed dagger appeared in this scene. So probably either:
A. someone gets shanked, or
B. Terminus will offers it as evidence, and perhaps the old dude will recognize it.
Most likely he’d chuckle and thank for returning his cutlery. Which he left stuck there in frustration, back when he was this young and foolish. :]
I rather like your Option C.
Same lol
In any case… what’s the role of noxians in Earth history?
Well… I can imagine that in the grand picture, even if both, noxians and humans don’t know, noxians helps to humans to become more “fear tollerant”, just in the same way illness promotes healthy people (because ill people dies sooner… fearfull people could become crazy because they attrack noxians attacks)
So… even if noxians don’t know, they push humans to become brave and push humankind into new endevours and adventures making them bravers.
They are careful enough to avoid contact in all but weirdest cases. Probably too careful to become a significant selection pressure, too. Nor do they seem very numerous.
So maybe only a minor palliative/prevention effect. In that occasional nightmares and scares give some cardiac/mental exercise and may keep in a slightly better shape those who don’t get enough of adrenaline rushes via natural means (“Is it a snake there?!”).
We’ll get to that, eventually.
What’s the deal with arrogant villains like Terminus getting on a soapbox and spilling out their whole plans to an authority figure? Also, I doubt his plan would work for while Nox remained the same, the human world as changed a lot and all he’ll be doing is opening up a can of worms.
The noxians and humans have interacted in the past before they hid in the darkness, using the nexus as the only means to sneak into the human world to gain supplies. Both having forgotten such a prominent centerpiece in their respective histories. From the noxians physical characteristics and behaviors, it can be assumed they had a significant impact on human history, particularly their myths and legends. They might have inspired humanity’s depiction of demons and beasts, along with the modern cases of the boogeyman and other similar urban legends.
Fair folk?
How difficult is to keep tentacular virginity since 9 years author knows by himself.
Yea… I’m still waiting for that solution…
Not surprising…but how will it be done?
Well, he only needs to open one door! And then he’d strut there and spin up “the core”, just like this.
That is, unless he would find out it’s not possible, since there’s only an unrecoverable and/or dangerous ruin. If it was simple, someone would do this already in “countless ages” — and most likely sooner. He can’t be the first Noxian youngster annoyed by this state of affairs.
I bet that Shadow is going to discover Terminus’ evil plan.
Then she’s going to expose his crimes to everyone.
But the Brotherhood will attack Shadow and say that she’s the one guilty of wanting to take over the human world.
The Sisterhood will defend her because there’s no reason to believe she’s doing it. While the Brotherhood will baselessly try to blame her anyways.
But due to having more people in the Brotherhood, she’ll be the one that takes the fall for it.
But, Ruthless is on her side and they have that big book of magic.
I was wondering… Is Ruth Moons sister?
Apparently, Ruth is Moonlight’s big sister.
Yeah, they are legit siblings; unlike everyone else.
Unlike everyone else?
By something special?
Well… I saw that guilds has a lot of weight on noxians. Is it common for noxians that childs loose their connection from their parents?
We know about Shadow but I didn’t remember any explaining from anyone more… I don’t know if the other girls of the guild are in the same case or not or what happen beyond this guild.
Is it common for noxians not have siblings but not known half-siblings cause their different social structure?
If parenthood is not common but raise children in guilds (more like some tribal cultures on Earth) I guess marriage or couple permanent bonding has no meaning and it’s non existant or at least not common and unofficial for them (like midnigth said… #158… “so human”)
That could explain why is so difficult to have biological and recognized brothers inside noxian society. Just rare twins births or permanent couples and parenthood outside common social roles of their society.
Took my phone with me so I can still read.
Anyways, damn, does this mean they once controlled Earth as well?
“Have an opportunity to project force, however much you have of that” does not equal “control”.
Besides, one needs to spend some effort to actually control anything, and why would they bother to?
Would most of them even want anything more than “hush, something bumps in the night” and occasionally “a cup of milk for the fair folk”? The lad’s right about complacency — they seem to be even more of a sleepy kingdom than what they see on the other end of the portals… and that’s in the “lean” times?
So of ruth is moons sister, and ruth had tim,and shadow is moons daughter, wouldn’t that make Shadow and tim ancest?
Shadow is not Moonlight’s daughter.
Shadow is an orphan, she was raised by Lady Moonlight, but she is not her biological mother, no more than any of the other girls who also call her High-Mother. Moonlight does dote on Shadow a little more than the others though, and because of this, Shadow does seem to get away with more because she has nowhere else to go.
In other words, they’re in a boarding school?
Also, we have seen very few adults. Assuming the Noxian population is fairly stable (not in “rapid recovery”/explosion and not suffering from great youngster mortality), that’s a lot of people busy with something away from the kids.
The adult Noxians are mostly doing office work. There’s no “great outdoors” so they’re not farming or park rangers.
I’m just asking
Sorry I’m not trying to be hateful because these are really good comics and they have a great storyline
Eh, without significant magic based military force…. and I’m talking “can counter or otherwise negate Nukes as an option” sort of military… that ain’t happening. Hell, gotta modernize with spells that can stop bullets in mass at the very least and that’s… unlikely to be something readily available. Hell, I’ve got this gut feeling that humans have an overwhelming population advantage to boot which has something to do with why this isn’t being done either.
Such two-dimensional thinking! How will the military even catch them? I guess they’ll have to put a soldier in every building or place where an archway exists on the planet.
So that’s what Terminus meant by “all the doorways”? He’s planning to go full Sigil, where ANY bounded space is potentially a portal they can use?
Inquisitionterror strategydeterrence could achieve something. Though perhaps less with “all the portals”. In that the result of any noticeably (not very) effective and tenacious opposing force would boil down to: reduced numbers of those willing to take unnecessary risks and others having a good reason not to.The question is, why would either side even bother to start troubles?
… well I’ve been typing and editing this as things come to mind so I’m just gonna leave the arguments all over the place.
Eh, getting in ain’t the issue. First counter measures would be simple big rooms and tatami mat style beds, minimum furniture and what is there is either too small for a person to crawl under or not built in a way that allows anyone to be under it. You know, things that’d force direct confrontation.
As for catching anyone… Well I’ll be honest it’ll be really easy to just paint these guys as hellspawn to shoot on sight and be done with it. What with them more or less looking the part. Only better dressed. … Yeah actually they probably only qualify as some scrawny ass kind of demon but the point stands, they look readily not hum…. oh right illusion magic. … Well these arguments are all kinda hinging on the assumption of stupidity so it’s not much of a problem if they don’t use that trick but… Depends on how many can actually do it. Damn those’d be real nice saboteurs.
But It’s still capturing, holding and keeping territory that’s the issue. Opening tactics should be hit and run, in one closet-out another, under one bed and coming out somewhere else. Etc etc, but to openly rule the world you have to take and hold territory. As in keep the other bastards from taking it back. and hit and run tactics don’t work as well in defending a point. …. Oh right, horror movie slasher tactics…. But would THEY think of that? eh, maybe. don’t think it’d be standard doctrine and they’re pretty much a bunch of squishy mages as far as I can tell at the moment.
Ruling from the Shadows though… Yeah that simplifies matters drastically. In that case Tim gets drafted into hero duty because of the narrative at that point.
Humans would carry adorable tailed people in palanquins, should they put minimal efforts into it…
…if they’d actually control enough of a portal network to transfer stuff at will anywhere on Earth. Which is the part that appears to provide a “little” snag in this particular dream.
The overenthusiastic lad assumes he only needs to open one door and all problems will solve themselves. Most likely, not only this isn’t so simple, but would only be a massive letdown.
Quick Question: Will the next few pages elaborate more on where exactly Nox is?
Nope, I just wanted to see what people where thinking about it. I will reveal it by the end though.
I feel inspired so I created a story.
Obviously I guess not even close to yours, but here is it.
I’m spanish so… I’m sorry I can’t translate something so looooong…
I hope you enjoy it…
En este universo, como es muy nombrado en el mundo del esoterismo, existen planos de existencia.
El plano que conocemos es el plano material sostenida por reglas matemáticas. Es el que percibimos con los sentidos normales gracias a nuestro cuerpo material.
Existen muchos planos, entre ellos el emocional que es donde las almas (del plano más elevado, el espiritual) depositan la carga de sus emociones, que se van filtrando hacia el plano material, influenciándolo y cambiándolo más allá de sus propias reglas, o el plano mental donde las ideas cobran vida como movidas por una única mente omnipotente, o todos los recuerdos y conocimiento son archivados.
En un tiempo muy, muy remoto, cuando la humanidad era joven, nacieron las primeras civilizaciones. Y en una de ellas aparecieron grandes maestros que mediante meditación y exploración espiritual lograron entender un atisbo de esas existencias tal inalcanzables.
Aquellos maestros entendieron que de la forma adecuada podían dar consistencia a sus pensamientos y emociones para lograr que el universo atendieran sus demandas. Primero chamanes, luego brujos, y luego maestros magos, aquellos hombres iban pasando el testigo generación tras generación acumulando conocimiento.
Los jefes de las tribus, luego naciones, se maravillaban ante estos sabios y les reclamaban cada vez más logros y muestras de poder.
En su intento de lograrlo, aprendieron que no sólo podían usar sus emociones dirigidas, sino que literalmente esas emociones, las suyas propias y las de otros, podían ser moldeadas. Como si de energía física se tratase, se podían provocar emociones como fuente de poder.
Sobre el poder de este secreto, algunas naciones se alzaron sobre otras. Exploraron las emociones, y aunque cada una tenía su propio poder, una destacaba por su fácil manipulación. El miedo.
A diferencia del amor, era fácil de provocar. A diferencia de la ira, era fácil de controlar. A diferencia de la alegría o la tristeza, era una poderosa herramienta de cambio de entorno.
Y los que descubrieron el secreto comenzaron a utilizarlo. Unas naciones, provocando el terror sobre sus poblaciones haciendo sacrificios a supuestos dioses terribles. Otras haciendo esclavos y amenazándoles con la tortura.
Pero una nación, sobre todas las demás, descubrió un secreto que lo cambió todo. Descubrió como manipular el plano mental y el plano emocional de forma conectada.
Como si se tratara de una computadora en la que cargar un programa, dejaban órdenes escritas, leyes y códigos, y podían usar el plano emocional como si de una batería de manipulación del universo.
Con la fusión de ambos lograron lo que parecía imposible. No simples pequeñas transformaciones de la realidad, como atraer la lluvia, buenas cosechas o cosas similares, sino literalmente actuar sobre la realidad como dioses.
La energía emocional acumulada y dirigida con precisión quirúrgica, podía proporcionar poderes sobrehumanos. Transformar la materia, teleportarla, alterar la percepción de la realidad, cambiar la estructura de la materia a su nivel más esencial…
Y no sólo es que la pudieran dirigir. Es que además preescribiendo las reglas en estructuras del plano mental, podían construir herramientas que con unas simples frases, gestos o pensamientos podían invocarlas. Reglas y transformaciones que habían llevado décadas de múltiples maestros para ser creadas, pero que podían ser usadas repetidamente por simples actos que llevaban segundos ejecutarse.
Para aquellos que sólo veían el resultado de aquellas invocaciones, lo llamaron “magia”, pues sólo veían palabras o actos secretos y como la realidad se transformaba delante de ellos.
Y sobre ese conocimiento, aquella civilización logró cosas que tan sólo tras la revolución de la ciencia comenzaron a acercarse en asombro y ni siquiera han podido igualarlo. Una civilización que duraría milenios, prosperaría a niveles jamás igualados, y mucho más tarde sería conocida como Atlantis.
Lo malo de aquella civilización es que a medida que prosperaba también lo hacía la necesidad de “energía mágica”, emociones con los que hacer funcionar su poder.
Tuvieron que aprender nuevas y más eficientes formas de explotar el miedo.
Entre otras cosas aprendieron que repetir la misma fórmula con la misma gente demasiado tiempo no funciona. La gente teme, ante todo, lo desconocido.
Los temores al sufrimiento no eran duraderos. Las personas se habitúan. La forma más eficiente de provocar miedo era en ataques inesperados a población aleatoria.
La ventaja de aprender los secretos del poder de la magia es que les proporcionaba una nueva herramienta con la que explotar nuevos niveles de miedo.
Teleportándose, cambiando su apariencia, era fácil atacar a la gente, lograr que tuviera miedo.
Pero era tan fácil atacar que si atacaban siempre a su misma población, pronto se inmunizaría. Además, la teleportación simple consumía mucha magia, casi no compensando su uso.
Tuvieron que mejorar sus técnicas. No teleportarse a cualquier sitio, sino aquellos que por su especial significado simbólico reducía esa necesidad a un mínimo imprescindible.
Los maestros crearon una estructura autosostenida en los tres planos. Emocional, donde almacenaba el poder extraido, mental, donde se establecían las complejas reglas del aparato, y el físico para unirlo a aparatos que conectaban con esta poderosa estructura en nuestro mundo, para poder usar su poder.
Esa estructura crecía bajo el subsuelo de Atlantis, y creaba puentes eficientes para ahorrar y extraer el codiciado poder.
En efecto, es el nacimiento del Axis, y los aparatos que usaban para alimentarlo o para usarlo serían los precursores de los Aegis.
La estructura creaba puentes a lugares con simbolismo concreto a las almas que servirían de fuentes de poder. Puntos donde la gente se sentía más protegida, y por tanto era más vulnerable a ataques de terror.
El lugar de reposo, como las camas, el lugar donde se guardan los secretos y la intimidad como los armarios, el umbral del hogar, etc. etc.
La necesidad exponencialmente creciente de poder de Atlantis requirió obreros masivos especializados en extraer el miedo.
Al principio ciudadanos normales, trabajadores, pero más tarde esclavos controlados por ese mismo poder.
Para evitar el gasto extra de los cambios de apariencia, comenzaron a experimentar con cambios permanentes, y de los esclavos nació una nueva raza, creada de la unión del poder y ansias de extracción de miedo.
Hombres retorcidos en su apariencia hasta aparentar ser las peores pesadillas de la humanidad, a los que se les dio poderes para poder olerlo, sentirlo, palparlo para ser auténticos recolectores de esa esencia de la magia que movía el Eje, que fue la fuente de poder de Atlantis en su momento más glorioso.
El poder de Atlantis se fue extendiendo más y más, así como la necesidad de esclavos metamorfoseados, mientras el Eje, con una creciente nube de reglas era ya casi un ser vivo capaz de crecer y evolucionar por sí mismo, creando nuevos pasadizos y portales a un mundo humano en crecimiento.
Pero los atlantes cometieron un error fatal. Para proteger su poder y secreto, al Axis y su núcleo, sólo dejaba entrar a sus esclavos, que ya comenzaban a acumular generaciones en el subsuelo (la noche eterna… Nox) y sus carceleros. En cierto momento, los esclavos tomaron el poder y usando el poder de ese núcleo a su favor, generó una serie de cataclismos sobre sus esclavistas, destruyendo Atlantis en semejanza a la leyenda.
Las condiciones se dieron la vuelta para los esclavos, que ahora estaban al mando y convirtiendo a Nox en un verdadero hogar con muchas de las comodidades que antes pertenecieron a Atlantis.
Y por un tiempo, Nox fue próspero. Su poder creció. En muchos casos demasiado, y abusando de su poder casi divino fueron el origen de muchas leyendas sobre dioses en la mitología humana.
Pero los noxians, que no dejaban de ser seres con alma humana, cometieron los mismos errores que sus predecesores.
La codicia elevó sus exigencias, sus necesidades de miedo, y fortalecieron el eje para acceder a más y nuevos lugares, para atacar a los humanos a una escala masiva.
Por un tiempo sembraron el terror absoluto… pero no contaron con varias cosas.
Una… su fuente de poder es equivalente a un parásito. No pueden crecer demasiado a su costa o lo matan.
Dos… sus víctimas se adaptan. Una nueva civilización humana creció, y los noxians, como otras tantas veces, la atacó con virulencia. Pero esa vez, ellos no se acobardaron.
Los noxianos atacaban de formas inesperadas. Ellos prepararon trampas aleatorias. La ventaja de los habitantes de Nox duró lo que duró sus secretos.
Cuando demasiados de los suyos fueron capturados y sometidos a torturas, revelando sus secretos, la guerra comenzó a balancearse, convirtiéndolo en un baño de sangre para ambas partes.
La guerra se alargó por algunas generaciones llevando a Nox a sus tiempos más duros. Al final, tal nivel de barbarie se ganó sus detractores.
Considerados traidores por ambas partes, humanos y noxianos disidentes formaron una tercera facción que quiso detener la guerra, y tras fracasar sus intentos más pacíficos, finalmente optó por unirse a la batalla a su propio modo.
En un ataque sorpresa, la nueva facción de la unión de ambas razas penetró en Nox y se hizo con el control del núcleo del Eje, usando su propio poder para sellarlo y limitarlo.
Bajo la fórmula de que sólo la unión de ambas razas podría volver a abrirlo, aquel hechizo selló el control del núcleo “para siempre”, pues sabían que un noxiano y un humano no pueden tener hijos. No al menos de forma natural.
Quedó aún así un pequeño subterfugio para volver a encenderlo, pues con un poco de magia en un entorno de amor real, ese suceso sí podía darse… pero ese detalle jamás fue revelado.
En todo caso, aquel ataque dejó intencionalmente algo de poder para que Nox no muriera. A fin de cuentas, parte de ellos eran de allí. Querían detener la guerra, no matar a un bando.
Aquel suceso se fue perdiendo en el tiempo. Los noxianos que vivieron en la superficie sucumbieron ante nuevas naciones que no dudaban en destruir lo que no entendían, y el tiempo borró el recuerdo de muchas de esas cosas.
Muy bien, muy bien. Me temo que Google Translate puede haber errado con algunas de las palabras para que la traducción no fuera 100% precisa, pero el significado y la intención estaban claramente allí. (O eso, o el error estuvo de tu lado, pero como no puedo leer español sin una matriz de traducción, no puedo decir de una forma u otra).
Yo también me pregunto si el verdadero amor entre un noxiano y un humano es lo que se necesita para crear un híbrido, pero hasta que Brandon lo confirme de una forma u otra, solo tendremos que esperar y ver qué sucede. (Las palabras / reflexiones de la termita parecen indicar que ha intentado con varias hembras humanas para que queden embarazadas, pero que – por el momento – no ha tenido éxito … ¡y que eso dure mucho!)
Oh, dear… I translated what I posted from Spanish back to English after I had posted it… only to find that Google Translate had turned the Termite from the male pronoun to the female pronoun.
Ah, well… Couldn’t’ve happened to a nastier git. :p
Why not use a Web based translator for gross translation and then edit?
Ok… I hope I didn’t too much mistakes…
In this fictional universe, like it’s said in the esotheric world, there is multiple planes of existence.
The plane we know is the material plane supported by mathematical rules. We perceive it thanks to our material body and senses in this plane.
There are many planes. Among them, there a emotional one that it is where souls (from the highest plane, the spiritual one) sense and grave their emotions. Emotions that seep into the material plane, influencing and twisting beyond their own rules, or the mental plane where ideas come to life as moved by a single omnipotent mind and all memories and knowledge are archived.
Long, long ago, when humanity was young, the first civilizations were born. And on them appeared great teachers appear whom through meditation and spiritual exploration managed to understand a glimpse of such unattainable existences.
Those teachers understood that they could properly give consistency to their thoughts and emotions to push the universe to meet their demands. First shamans, then sorcerers, and then master magicians, those men were passing the witness generation after generation accumulating knowledge.
The chiefs of the tribes, later nations, marveled with these sages and demanded more and more achievements and shows of power.
In his attempt to achieve this, they learned that not only they cant his own directed emotions, but literally any emotions, their own and of others, could be grabed and molded. As if it were physical energy, emotions can be used as a source of power.
Based on the power of this secret, some nations rose among others. They explored emotions, and although each had its own power, one stood out for its easy manipulation. The fear.
Unlike love, it was easy to provoke. Unlike anger, it was easy to control. Unlike joy or sadness, was a powerful tool for changing the environment.
And those who discovered the secret began to use it. Some nations, causing terror over their populations making sacrifices to supposed terrible gods. Others making slaves and threatening them with torture.
But just one nation, above all others, discovered a secret that changed EVERYTHING. They discovered how to manipulate the mental plane and the emotional plane in a connected way, together.
As if it were a computer on which to load and execute a program, they left written orders, laws and codes, and this automaton could use the emotional plane as a battery to manipulate the universe.
With the fusion of the control of both planes they achieved what seemed impossible. Not simply small transformations of reality, such as attract rain, good harvests or similar things, but literally alter the reality as gods.
The emotional energy accumulated and directed with surgical precision could provide supernatural achievements. Transform matter, teleport it, alter the perception of reality, change the structure of matter to its most essential level …
And it’s not just that they could direct it. It is also that by prewriting the rules in structures of the mental plane, they could build tools that with simple phrases, gestures or thoughts could invoke them. Rules and transformations that had taken decades of multiple masters to be created, but that could be used repeatedly for simple acts that took seconds to execute.
For those who only saw the result of those invocations, they called it “magic”, because they only saw secret words or acts and how reality was transformed in front of them.
And using that knowledge, that civilization achieved things that only after the revolution of science began to approach in amazement and have not even been able to match it yet. A civilization that would last millennia, would prosper to levels never matched, and much later would be known as Atlantis.
The bad thing about that civilization is that as it prospered, so did the need for “magical energy”, emotions with which to run its power.
They had to learn new and more efficient ways to exploit fear.
Among other things they learned is that repeating the same formula with the same people too long it does not work. People fear, first of all, the unknown.
Fears of suffering were not lasting. People get used to it. The most efficient way to provoke fear was in unexpected attacks on random population.
The advantage of learning the secrets of the power of magic is that it provided them with a new tool with which to exploit new levels of fear.
Teleporting, changing their appearance, it was easy to attack people, to make them afraid.
But it was so easy to attack that if they always attacked their own population, they would soon be immunized. In addition, simple teleportation consumed a lot of magic, almost not compensating for its use.
They had to improve their techniques. Do not teleport to any site, but those that by its special symbolic meaning reduced the magic use to an essential minimum.
The teachers created a self-sustained structure in all three planes. Emotional, where he stored the extracted the emotional power, mental, where the complex rules of those apparatus were established, and the physical to unite it with devices that connected with this powerful structure in our world, in order to use its power.
Tuvieron que mejorar sus técnicas. No teleportarse a cualquier sitio, sino aquellos que por su especial significado simbólico reducía esa necesidad a un mínimo imprescindible.
Los maestros crearon una estructura autosostenida en los tres planos. Emocional, donde almacenaba el poder extraido, mental, donde se establecían las complejas reglas del aparato, y el físico para unirlo a aparatos que conectaban con esta poderosa estructura en nuestro mundo, para poder usar su poder.
That structure grew under the deep underground of Atlantis, to created efficient bridges to storage and extract the greeded power.
It is the birth of the Axis, and the devices they used to feed it or to use it would be the Aegis precursors.
The structure created bridges to places with concrete symbolism to the souls that would serve as sources of power. Points where people felt more protected, and therefore were more vulnerable to terror attacks.
The resting place, such as the beds, the place where secrets and privacy are kept, such as closets, the threshold of the home, etc. etc.
The exponentially growing need for power of Atlantis required massive workers specialized in extracting fear.
At first normal citizens, workers, were used, but later slaves controlled by that same power.
To avoid the extra expense of changes in appearance, they began to experiment with permanent changes, and from the slaves a new race was born, created from the union of power and eagerness to extract fear.
Twisted men in their appearance to appear to be the worst human nightmares, who were given powers to smell it and be pleasured by this achievement to be true collectors of that essence of the magic that moved the Axis, which was the source of power of Atlantis at its most glorious moment.
The power of Atlantis was extended more and more, as well as the need for metamorphosed slaves, while the core of the Axis, with a growing cloud of rules, was almost a living being capable of growing and evolving on its own, creating new passages and portals to a growing human world.
But the atlanteans made a fatal mistake. To protect his power and secret, the Axis and its core, only let their slaves in, who were already beginning to accumulate generations in the underground (the eternal night of underground… Nox) and their jailers. At one point, the slaves took the control and using the power of that nucleus in their favor, generated a series of cataclysms on their slavers, destroying Atlantis in resemblance to the legend.
The situation turned around for slaves, who were now in command and turning Nox into a true home with many of the comforts that once belonged to Atlantis.
And for a while, Nox was prosperous. His power grew. In many cases too much, and abusing their almost divine power were the origin of many legends about gods in human mythology.
But the noxians, who were still beings with human souls, made the same mistakes as their predecessors.
Greed raised their demands, their fear needs, and strengthened the axis to access new and farther places, to attack humans on a massive scale.
For a time they sowed absolute terror on the humans… but they didn’t considered a couple of things.
One … its source of power is equivalent to a parasite. They can’t grow too much at the expense of its host or they kill him.
Two … their victims adapt. A new human civilization grew, and the noxians, like many other times, attacked it with virulence. But that time, they didn’t flee.
Noxians attacked in unexpected ways. Their victims prepared random traps. The advantage of the inhabitants of Nox lasted what lasted their secrets.
When too many of their people were captured and subjected to torture, revealing their secrets, the war began to sway, turning it into a bloodbath for both sides.
The war lasted for some generations leading Nox to its toughest times.
In the end, such a level of barbarism earned its detractors.
Considered traitors by both sides, humans and dissident noxians formed a third faction that wanted to stop the war, and after failing their most peaceful attempts, finally chose to join the battle in their own way.
In a surprise attack, the new faction of the union of both races penetrated Nox and took control of the Axis core, using its own power to seal and limit it.
Under the formula that only the union of both races could reopen it, that spell sealed the control of the nucleus “forever”, because they knew that a noxian and a human cannot have children. Not at least naturally.
There was still a small trick to turn it on again, because with a little magic in an environment of real love, that event could happen … but that detail was never revealed.
In any case, that attack intentionally left some power to ensure that Nox did not die. After all, part of the rebelds were from there. They wanted to stop the war, not kill a side.
That event was lost in time. Noxians who lived on the surface succumbed to new nations that did not hesitate to destroy what they did not understand, and time erased the memory of many of those things.
The reason because I choosed this fiction is because something details.
First… we know that Nox civilization is very, very old. And if they are connected to humans, it has sense that it was connected with our oldest civilizations.
Second… besides its “nightmare” appearance, they seems very human-like. Too much to ignore. It has a lot sense if they origin is connected to humans. If they are really altered or ancient humans.
Third… Shadow speak english and it has sense that they learn and be connected with the culture they are linked to, but… I notice some coincidences with the old mediterranean
“sisterhood of noctis”. Noctis is night in latin
“Axis”, is a latin word too
“Aegis” was refered in the greek mythology, as a shield or source of protection. It has a lot of sense that the most viewed “aegis” in the old world were carried by fighters (atlanteans and later noxians) and use its magic as a proctection power.
“Nox” was a Roman goddess of night.
If the language of Atlantis was the source for old latin and has a lot of influence on Greeks too it has a lot of sense that Nox was a word for night or darkness.
Atlantis has been depicted in some fictions as a big round city. If under that city a structure grows it has a lot of sense that it has spiral structure that resemble the circle but it can grow without limit. And the center of this structure resemblence the axis of a rotatory moving one.
And just for coincidence, Spartans could be used as the antagonists for noxians in the noxian-human war beyond the golden ages of Nox. Spartans used eugenetics (mostly drop babies and childs that weren’t good enough) to build a fearless society of warriors capable of fight the noxians on that ancient world.
So, this story joins a lot of things together. Its an ancient civilization, old enough to lost a lot of knowledge. They have magical habilities even if they don’t understand the source in its most deep level. It has room to have a old civilization that really had presence on surface and feel like supreme kings of all human civilization (although it’s false from a more realistic aproach). It explain the common origin and difficult to explain unnatural appearance of noxians.
It explain why the collect fear among other things (it’s not just mere whym or for pleasure, although they would be created that why just for that).
It explain too why the core its locked waiting for a mixed race. Because they were defeated by a human-noxian alliance and they make a trick to ensure that the power wasn’t released before humankind was ready.
Well. I guess will be too much coincidence to guess Brandon backstory but it’s funny to elaborate theories.
I must say, this theory holds a lot of water. It’s not perfect – no theory ever is – but it covers what we know and extrapolates in plausible ways. What Termite is overlooking, at least with Anna, is that the love has to be reciprocated to produce the hybrid child! Anna might indeed love him, but it’s obvious (to us) he cares nothing for her!
It’s still up to Brandon as to how close to the mark you are; I suspect he might be inspired to alter his current plan to more closely match this if it’s – in his mind – better than what he has.
Nox is most likely located within the core of the earth, beyond the forgotten depths…
Wait so they use to live on the serfus i want to now what happens next