Hopefully this doesn’t go the predictable route of them killing him. It’s better when you don’t see the result coming from the very beginning of the scene.
More like frame another.
If Mortis were accused of be responsable of his death (faking clues in the scene), maybe that make Terminus as a representative of their Guild in Moonlight territoryuntil the case is resolved .
I mean, those young ones are about to crush the only thing that protects their little world from homicidal maniacs like Doomguy or Gordon Freeman, and from power-hungry megacorporations and governments looking to exploit the options of quick and discreet spatial travel that Noxian world has to offer.
I can see it, why not. A mad scientist or magic meddler walks into the room, says “hello, sir, whaaa…”
This would achieve maximum of “everyone is stunned” for the scene, if nothing else.
INB4 They pull a Pirates of the Caribbean and just take a little blood from a small wound.
I dunno, I get that Terminus is ambitious as hell, but I doubt he’s at the level of killer yet, otherwise he would have just done it without going the theatrical route. And that’s to say nothing of Nightmare, sure she’s a bitch but she’s no murderer.
I’m half-hoping the old man kicks their asses.
not half
Hopefully this doesn’t go the predictable route of them killing him. It’s better when you don’t see the result coming from the very beginning of the scene.
Goodbye reasonable authority figure, it was nice knowing you.
*hats off*
I will be dissappointed if they kill him and it would be no consecuences like in our world. I mean, an investigation and search for the murderers.
I hope there will be at least a cover up.
Obviously, he committed suicide. The dagger in his back is his own, after all.
More like frame another.
If Mortis were accused of be responsable of his death (faking clues in the scene), maybe that make Terminus as a representative of their Guild in Moonlight territoryuntil the case is resolved .
Something BIG is going happen.
I mean, those young ones are about to crush the only thing that protects their little world from homicidal maniacs like Doomguy or Gordon Freeman, and from power-hungry megacorporations and governments looking to exploit the options of quick and discreet spatial travel that Noxian world has to offer.
Oh you think humans are going to come out of the door! How quaint! Hehe
…That certainly sounds ominous. Can’t wait for the next few pages. Keep up the fantastic work!
I can see it, why not. A mad scientist or magic meddler walks into the room, says “hello, sir, whaaa…”
This would achieve maximum of “everyone is stunned” for the scene, if nothing else.
…and then the old guy pulled the knife out of his beard and kicked all their asses…
Seriously, it looks like a knife handle.
Especially in the 2nd panel when the end lines up with the buckle of his shirt
INB4 They pull a Pirates of the Caribbean and just take a little blood from a small wound.
I dunno, I get that Terminus is ambitious as hell, but I doubt he’s at the level of killer yet, otherwise he would have just done it without going the theatrical route. And that’s to say nothing of Nightmare, sure she’s a bitch but she’s no murderer.
You are joking, right? He’d stab his grandmother in the back if she stood in his way.
Perhaps, but this may escalate further and they just burned a bridge or two.
We shall just have to sit and wait until I can get my mind out on the page to find out what happens!
Looks more like he’s been playing with an alien symbiote.
It kinda does, doesn’t it? haha
Well, that escalated.
Wow, really starting to worry about the safety of some of these characters.
Naughty, naughty.
Yes, yes, yes! Yes!
I must admit… Nightmare is pretty damned hot… I wouldn’t kick her out of MY bed!
Yeah, but are you certain you’d wake up again in the morning?
How about Shadow and Midnight watch the Twilight Zone in Timmy,s room in the human world.
Still including Midnight in Tim’s affairs? hah, they kinda don’t hang out ever. *shrug*
nice nice