#211 “Sparkles”
Oops, looks like Midnight’s evening wasn’t quite over yet!
A slightly more complicated page with all of the hardest characters to draw in it! Hope you didn’t mind the wait.
Oops, looks like Midnight’s evening wasn’t quite over yet!
A slightly more complicated page with all of the hardest characters to draw in it! Hope you didn’t mind the wait.
I DO like her slightly puffy (or swollen) areolae.
Puffy? Yeah, I guess so. That’s just how I tend to draw them. haha. Call it personal preference, I suppose.
I take it that Moonlight heard about who Shadow was seeing?
Not at this point, no. Although she is not a stupid woman. She knows more than you might expect.
But then I am wondering why it was so urgent that she Shadow and/or Midnight?
She has news to share. Something BIG just happened that could change the balance of power in Nox.
If it’s the death of Mortis, why tell these two and not everyone?
She’ll be calling a meeting. Anyway, it’s dealt with on the next page, you’ll see. haha
Mortis is still kicking it – it’s Pax who bought it (care of the Termite gutting him…)
Midnight got lucky, good for her.
I know, right? That oughta take some pressure off of Shadow s she can persue her own interests… or not! Mwahaha!
Was “Sparkles” Midnight or Moonlight? I believe that it’s Midnight because she’s seeing Midnight and she, Midnight, has those yellow dots. My other half assumed that it was Moonlight because she uses magic to glow.
She’s called Midnight Sparkles before. First time they met. It stuck. haha
Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle!
Well I surely didn’t see that couple coming. Noice.
Thanks! Glad you approve!
Yeah I’m a bit of a sucker for lez/yuri stuff. In all seriousness I think they are cute and maybe we could get some backstory to them ( just be sure to take your time. I know what happens when one tries to rush drawing, or anything by that matter). Anyways, looking forward to the next page!
Well, they don’t really have any backstory yet, they just met. XD It’s all forward from here.
So, it’s a good old “they just clicked” type of relationship. Simple yet effective. It’s always nice when the story doesn’t just focus on the two or three main characters and actually gives more depth to it’s own universe and develops it’s characters. Many people forget to do that, unfortunately.
Also, I noticed that the blushing looks a bit off, and at first I thought it could be because they have a different blood color, but I remember a few pages ago when Mortis died his blood was red. Is there any particular reason?
They all have red blood. The blushing is really just the line work here. *shrug*
They do have some cute chemistry.
Well Brandon you did a amazing job on Moonlight I like her new look though I hope she’ll stick around for a bit , well I do like Midnight but Moonlight is really quite a character for the comic especially to brighten up a bit just to be distracted on else instead of worrying about the virus but as long as you can just stay 6 feet away apart and definitely wash your hands too just to be safe
So Eclipse is like a tattoo piercing artist ? Interesting. I like that idea for her character. And I approve 100% the choice to give Midnight a lover. It’s new compared to the original story, but sooooo refreshing
Eclipse has lots of little talents.
So cute))) Just intresting – where’s Eclipse’s Aegis?)
She actually doesn’t have one. Ooooh!
That sounds like a story in itself.
Rlly! What doing other Noxians, who have not Agises? And who from Noxians can use Aegis, or can achive this?
Only those in the two guilds have Aegises, and access to the human world. There are other Noxians that do not belong to the guilds, and do not have Aegises, and who have never been to the human world at all.
Whoa!)) Coool!) Really cool, cos it can be base for many other (unclude fun-)stories) I need a image of aaalll Nox XD
That’s how ladies should dress, topless! Their queen finally made an appearance & she doesn’t seem happy at all.
Sadly, they’ll be getting dressed next page. haha
Not what I expected, but very good for midnight
It seems kissing went from unknown human thing to rather popular means of intimacy, eh?
So out of curiosity is Eclipse a tad older than Midnight?
Midnight taught her last night obviously, and yeah she’s a touch older. Not much though.
Sweet. Honestly I would love to read a whole short side comic about Midnight x Eclipse, among other things.
If you write a good script, maybe you can interest Brandon in a collaboration later?
well bizarre page… I am a little puzzled about that one. Is that a kind of filler or is that a way to push Shadow or to show something between Midnight and Moonlight?
Eh? None of the above, it’s just the next part of the same conversation from the last page.
Well, somebody is interrupting something here.
Three pages of boobs.
Brandon, you are a global treasure.
Now then is moony interrupting, or is she annoyed at missing out…?
Moonie is interrupting, yes. She has pressing news and this weird girl is in the way.