#211 “Sparkles”
Oops, looks like Midnight’s evening wasn’t quite over yet!
A slightly more complicated page with all of the hardest characters to draw in it! Hope you didn’t mind the wait.
Oops, looks like Midnight’s evening wasn’t quite over yet!
A slightly more complicated page with all of the hardest characters to draw in it! Hope you didn’t mind the wait.
I saw that coming after the bar scene from earlier.
This is just awkward…
Welp got some questions to answer now.
Art of kissing is spreading across the Nox.
It’s a pandemic… of LOVE!
(seriously, though, it’s nothing to worry about.)
I mean there is no strict rules about picking up human habits, right?
Maybe. Terminus said he heard about it from “an old book” to cover his ass, so it’s not like he got from humans… even tough he totally did!
Keep it up!
…………….as the actress said to the bishop.
>when you discover a new webcomic and you’re excitedly binging it but then you catch up to the most recent release
it’s lovely, I’m excited to see what the blue guy (Lord Mortis, iirc?) who walked in on Terminus is going to do about what he just saw, and why Mother Moonlight walked in looking so stern…
To all who reads this, reply to this comment with a single capital E
Let’s not. I don’t need my email exploding with E notifications!
Fair enough.
Did you just respond to your own request less than a minute after it was posted?
Thank you for making this I love it plz make more
I have a question of you don’t mind me asking but I’m new here so when do u do update? Thx again
Also plz kill me!
Sundays, usually. Maybe not this week though. I’m quite a bit behind schedule. XD
Thx 4 letting me know
Brandon you do draw some lovely female figures. Are her tattoos as significant as piercing ears seems to be?
She doesn’t actually have tattoos, they have natural markings like lizards.
That is even more interesting.
When will the next chapter come out? … is that I really love this series and I would like to continue reading more about the comic (I love your work bro, excellent comic)
Uhh, not sure on that one exactly. I’m working on it, but there’s still a lot of work to be finished. We’ll see!
Realistically, this is probably going to be one of those “almost” Sundays from the header up top.
We’re anxiously hanging out for each PAGE!
vaya jeje…bueno igual gracias por la respuesta……espero ansioso la próxima pagina
I guess this is a Sunday that won’t be posted on

my alarm has failed me
This quarantine mess is hitting all of us in various ways. This comic is one of the few things left that puts a smile on my face. I cant be the only one. We need you Brandon, so dont you dare rush or burn yourself out for a deadline!
Thank you!
Yeah, I don’t know what was up on the weekend, I was just tired and didn’t feel like doing anything. I’ll be working on it during the week while I can.
I agree
Damn, Midnight looks hot in panel 2,
I can’t wait for this comment section to get weird
Oh, it’s already weird! I’m lurking here!
The comment section got weird a looong time ago!
No t weird enough we can do better as a community
I think I like the comments section as well as this one …….. the truth is that it always takes a smile to read the comments section
So you found your will to live nice
a question …… in these pages how old is Shadow and Tim?
Tim is 18 and Shadow is 19 currently.
wow then Shadow if he had been with Tim for years … I don’t know how it occurs to Tim to say that he is all part of a deal after all that years
obviously assuming that on page 173 you are the same age as on these last pages…jeje