and the truth now that I think about it they are not cousins out of habit since Moonligth has not acted as a mother with Shadow, or perhaps the mothers in Nox are different
@Brandon: I have a question regarding what Lady Moonlight said about “branching out”.
Did she mean “branching out” as in “finally reaching out to guys”,
or did she mean “branching out” as in “reaching out to girls, too”, since she said she thought Shadow wasn’t interested after Shadow yelled so resoundly “NO!” when Midnight asked who the *guy* was?
Do they shrink in the cold, or maybe lengthen when “excited”?
if there are bones in the structure (as is the case with most spinal extensions) both of those effects would be limited.
Hi Brandon, I do not speak English but I will translate for you to see my comment, thank you, the comic is not updated to Spanish from page 211 or at least from that page I have not seen elsewhere, so I think I do not will translate until you get more pages or that they translate it in 1 month and a half or something, I think so
hola Brandon, yo no hablo inglés pero te traducire para que veas mi comentario, gracias, el cómic no se actualiza al español desde la pagina 211 o al menos desde esa pagina yo no e visto en otro lado, haci que yo pienso que no lo traducirá hasta que saques mas paginas o que ellos lo traduzcan en 1 mes y medio o algo haci, eso pienso yo
1. I restarted the page, because it was a waste of time and could be skipped, so I put it aside and started on the next one.
2. Not this upcoming Sunday, the next one after that.
I’ve been on a 2 week cycle lately anyway that has been working pretty well for me. I progress, and get some rest.
Tbh, even if Shade is the main female here, I cannot help but think if I were in this same world, I’d like to get visited by Midnight. Most likely I’d manage to do with her just what Terminus has been doing with almost every girl, as I understood from his mumbling…
Osea que Shadow y Tim son primos y a la vez se besan y tienen relaciones??? Demonios xD
hehe hell
No. Moonlight no es madre biológica de Shadow, así que no son primos, al menos biológicos.
and the truth now that I think about it they are not cousins out of habit since Moonligth has not acted as a mother with Shadow, or perhaps the mothers in Nox are different
entonces son norteños shadow y tim? jajaja
sorry but i didn’t understand the joke
@Brandon: I have a question regarding what Lady Moonlight said about “branching out”.
Did she mean “branching out” as in “finally reaching out to guys”,
or did she mean “branching out” as in “reaching out to girls, too”, since she said she thought Shadow wasn’t interested after Shadow yelled so resoundly “NO!” when Midnight asked who the *guy* was?
edit: after Shadow yelled so resoundly “NOBODY!”
There’s no difference to them.
Is it wrong of me to think every Noxian is bi until informed otherwise?
If you have to put a label on it, I guess so.
Looking forward to the Tim/Shadow/Midnight ménage à trois.
That explains a lot of things. Thank you!
hey brandon how long are your tails approximately?
However long I feel like drawing them at the time. I guess I’d say about a meter or so, as a rough estimate.
Do they shrink in the cold, or maybe lengthen when “excited”?
if there are bones in the structure (as is the case with most spinal extensions) both of those effects would be limited.
I also wonder who are Tim’s family … because only Tim and his parents have been seen but no one else
You’ll find out what’s going on eventually!
… and you can mark that down as a Universal Truth!
Thank you, Brandon, for articulating a Profound Insight.
it’s a joke regarding the fact that in some parts of the north of mexico some cousins get married and / or have affairs
Alguien me podría decir cuánto piensan que puede tardar en terminaste el cómic?
Yo diria que 1 año y algo
I hope 3 more years haha
Para que tanto tiempo??? Y si nos morimos de coronavirus y no terminamos de ver el cómic, mi alma no descansaría en paz xD
Concuerdo contigo
Hola chicos, no hablo español! ¡No tengo ni idea de lo que estás hablando! (traducido por Google)
Estoy bastante seguro de que hay una versión en español que se está traduciendo en algún lugar de Internet, ¿o dejó de actualizarse?
Hi Brandon, I do not speak English but I will translate for you to see my comment, thank you, the comic is not updated to Spanish from page 211 or at least from that page I have not seen elsewhere, so I think I do not will translate until you get more pages or that they translate it in 1 month and a half or something, I think so
hola Brandon, yo no hablo inglés pero te traducire para que veas mi comentario, gracias, el cómic no se actualiza al español desde la pagina 211 o al menos desde esa pagina yo no e visto en otro lado, haci que yo pienso que no lo traducirá hasta que saques mas paginas o que ellos lo traduzcan en 1 mes y medio o algo haci, eso pienso yo
hi brandon this sunday are you going to get another page
No se si mi opinión ayude, pero creo que no se va a actualizar este domingo
Unfortunately not, I had to restart the page yesterday.
Hi Brandon, I have two questions, 1 because you restarted the page that happened and 2 when you upload the next part of the comic
1. I restarted the page, because it was a waste of time and could be skipped, so I put it aside and started on the next one.
2. Not this upcoming Sunday, the next one after that.
I’ve been on a 2 week cycle lately anyway that has been working pretty well for me. I progress, and get some rest.
ok Brandon is looking forward to the next part of the comic, and thanks for taking the time to reply
El tio gilipollas gracias bro por avisarme
No hay problema bro
Tbh, even if Shade is the main female here, I cannot help but think if I were in this same world, I’d like to get visited by Midnight. Most likely I’d manage to do with her just what Terminus has been doing with almost every girl, as I understood from his mumbling…
fans of the monster under the bed what do you think if we make a group of whatsapp