Hey there. I’ve really been loving this so far, and it’s impressive to see you take this comic so far. It’s nice to see how much your style has evolved over time and how much dedication you put into this. Now, there is this one thing that could help the quality of the comic: you could add some stroke width variation, having the general shapes with thicker lines and the details have thinner ones. I believe it would help the characters pop out a bit more. Other than that, I can’t complain at all, so that’s that.
Keep up the good work, and remember, stay strong, we all have your back
Welp, I’m kinda confused. I mean, I guess I like reading the comic, but as an orthodox Christian, the style and theme here make me feel really conflicted…idk man I guess I’ll just wait and see
Hey there. I’ve really been loving this so far, and it’s impressive to see you take this comic so far. It’s nice to see how much your style has evolved over time and how much dedication you put into this. Now, there is this one thing that could help the quality of the comic: you could add some stroke width variation, having the general shapes with thicker lines and the details have thinner ones. I believe it would help the characters pop out a bit more. Other than that, I can’t complain at all, so that’s that.
Keep up the good work, and remember, stay strong, we all have your back
I just binged this comic yesterday. Fun story and cute art. Thanks!
Hey Brandon, what did you think about The Vat of Acid?
It was an alright episode. I liked the new one even better.
Amigo, ya enserio se que estás emocionado por la siguiente parte del cómic, pero no es para tanto
Welp, I’m kinda confused. I mean, I guess I like reading the comic, but as an orthodox Christian, the style and theme here make me feel really conflicted…idk man I guess I’ll just wait and see
I can see how things could certainly conflict with that world view, and I gotta warn you now: it’s only going to get stranger!
Muy interesante!
Umm… okay.
Why do you keep changing emails?
That sound nice ;O)
Y empieza la cuenta regresiva del lanzamiento de la siguiente página del cómic, menos de dos días
Brandon: Concerning the thwarted takeover by foriegn language agents — thank you!!!
Something had to be done. I really hate having to do it, but I warned him.
Midnight seems to have come to terms with Her and Tim at this point clearly… enough to toy around with it in front of moon.
Nice ep… but it did have a disturbing amount of top coverage though.