I suppose it makes sense that the “secret” monster civilization isn’t actually all that secret. Nothing involving that many teenagers will stay off of social media for long.
One thing that did strike me is that in the first panel the doc is looking over the wrong shoulder. I know we can see her face better like that, but it looks kinda weird to have her facing away from Anna.
Granted, her positioning in the chair might be a bit… twisted… but the doc could’ve been sitting facing something to the right of the computer when Anna arrived, thus she simply looked over her right shoulder, rather than turning all the way back to the left.
I see the computer desk as being against the same wall as the doorway, so I would still expect her to then turn to the left towards Anna (more like panel 2).
It’s fascinating how peoples’ imaginations differ.
Her blood must be very special.
It very well could be!
Unless this is a red herring I smell a conspiracy…
Though I suppose both do smell fishy
Cue X-Files music.
I think that she’s working for a secret government department looking for the DNA of non-human intelligences.
Ahhh, but Anna is a bone-fide real official human lady!
But she has non-human DNA within her or Terminus wouldn’t have been scared by her “joke”.
But was The Termite scared by her joke, or was he annoyed that she wasn’t pregnant?
He was annoyed, thus page 192.
I guessed that… Was just testing Francisco to see if he could tell the difference.
Hey, isn’t that what’s her name? The one who was there when the headmaster got knifed. She’s hybrid hunting right?
Nightmare? No, that’s not her. XD
is it me or is the docs irises off (or maybe just stile) maybe she is more than just a human meat person?
Good job on the eyes, that’s a beautiful shade of green.
I suppose it makes sense that the “secret” monster civilization isn’t actually all that secret. Nothing involving that many teenagers will stay off of social media for long.
a question …. where does this comic take place? I speak of country or city ….. and also in what time does it take place?
Mostly in a fictional town named Ellis, in Canada, on Earth… sometime after the 80’s.
“Government is gonna take your baby!”
That or Monster Hunters.
We need one of your kidneys. Please lay down on this gurney.
A few weeks ago, Terminus mentioned a “blood key.” Am I on the right track?
*Edit:…blood lock.”
We need a blood transfusion…YOURS!!!
Good questions…for another time.
“Hahaha” suggests a mad scientist more than a large organization case worker.
Not that it’s completely mutually exclusive.
One thing that did strike me is that in the first panel the doc is looking over the wrong shoulder. I know we can see her face better like that, but it looks kinda weird to have her facing away from Anna.
She loves spinning in her office chair! WHEEEEEE!
Who doesn’t?
Mirror image from the Window ;O)
Use it A Lot with the children :O)
Granted, her positioning in the chair might be a bit… twisted… but the doc could’ve been sitting facing something to the right of the computer when Anna arrived, thus she simply looked over her right shoulder, rather than turning all the way back to the left.
I see the computer desk as being against the same wall as the doorway, so I would still expect her to then turn to the left towards Anna (more like panel 2).
It’s fascinating how peoples’ imaginations differ.
Unless she has a corner-style desk such as those shown in this elegant and finely-crafted link.