Hey Brandon since Tim is a hybrid does that mean he has powers he doesn’t know about usually the protagonist of the story has a hidden power does that mean Tim will have one
Just throwing ideas, if tim is a hybrid.. wouldent some noxonian spells work on him? Just like how shadow used a spell to disguise herself as a human… can tim disguise himself (or shadow puts the spell on him) to visit nox?
That implies Noxious magic would not work on humans?
Though we have only seen Noxians disguise as humans, we havent seen the other way around. How would the colors be chosen? Would Tim inherit himself a golden lion suit?
Brandon, have you thought of how other characters would look under the disguise spell just to play around with character design? Could make for a hilarious oneoff to mass cast it and see each characters response. Midnight would probably hate it, I imagine she and Nightmare would actually agree on something here. I could see Termite and Anna appreciating each others new look. OK, enough torturing the artist LOL, but even if it never happens in the story, Noxform Tim as an incentive?
It just opens up so much potential for cute and funny.
I could see Moonie having a “first time in heels” type moment asking Ruth how the heck she keeps her balance with no tail.
I’m just saying, not EVERYTHING is so closely related to each other in my comic. Things are close-enough already, there’s room for something separate happening over there somewhere. *points into the distance*
Sorry. I’ve been on a bi-weekly update schedule. for a little bit now. I need to have some time to relax on the weekends too, since this Covid-19 thing my job has actually gotten BUSIER than usual… so it’s a lot to do in a week.
puff I’m leaving for 2 days and there are already 4 pages of comments, I don’t know how brandom supports so many comments …. hehe and I don’t help at all commenting haha
Come on now, quit joking! Anna is the main character of the story, you can’t seriously tell me you’ve forgotten all about her! She’s been there the whole time!
Crap, you’re all on to the big twist at the end of the story! Behind the Blood-locked Door is the final boss – Mrs. Southerton! She wants revenge for her photos that didn’t turn out.
Fun fact: That page is my most rushed and least favorite page in the entire comic. XD
Random thought: Has anyone considered that there may be some secret organization keeping track of Noxian activity? They don’t seem very good at keeping their presence secret, and you just know there’s gotta be some kind of government men-in-black types involved somewhere.
Just kinda makes me think, it seems like the doctor here may know some things and could work for such an organization.
I had to ban you because you were basically stalking me on twitter, whether you realize it or not, and was flooding my chat with stuff I really was not interested in. What was the hardest part was that the entire time I had to do the extra work of translating every single message which was extremely tiring for me to do.
So now you’ve made a second account to bypass this with promises that it will be different this time, but I already gave you a chance and you still managed to squeeze in 19 messages to this page alone before I removed them. Since you’ve made the new account you have already made 4 posts!
It pains me to do it, but I’ve removed your ability to post. You can still see the comic, but you are on a time out.
Hey Brandon since Tim is a hybrid does that mean he has powers he doesn’t know about usually the protagonist of the story has a hidden power does that mean Tim will have one
That’s just it. Tim has no special powers and he’s going to have to deal with all this weird stuff eventually!
Just throwing ideas, if tim is a hybrid.. wouldent some noxonian spells work on him? Just like how shadow used a spell to disguise herself as a human… can tim disguise himself (or shadow puts the spell on him) to visit nox?
It probably could, yeah.
It might mean that he has a disposition for magic.
According to the legend of Merlin, the Arthurian wizard was supposed to have been the son of a druidess and a demon.
Perhaps a male Noxian?
im doing a fan art concept of what tim’s noxian form looks like
That implies Noxious magic would not work on humans?
Though we have only seen Noxians disguise as humans, we havent seen the other way around. How would the colors be chosen? Would Tim inherit himself a golden lion suit?
Brandon, have you thought of how other characters would look under the disguise spell just to play around with character design? Could make for a hilarious oneoff to mass cast it and see each characters response. Midnight would probably hate it, I imagine she and Nightmare would actually agree on something here. I could see Termite and Anna appreciating each others new look. OK, enough torturing the artist LOL, but even if it never happens in the story, Noxform Tim as an incentive?
Geez, you guys are really into the disguise spell, huh? Haha!
Maybe sometime I’ll add in Tim’s dream sequence I had thought about a while ago… but only when it makes sense to do it!
It just opens up so much potential for cute and funny.
I could see Moonie having a “first time in heels” type moment asking Ruth how the heck she keeps her balance with no tail.
What’s the name of Anna’s doctor?
You’ll find out eventually. She does have one!
She’s secretly Ruth and Moonlight third sister…Deborah!
What is this Star Wars? haha. Everyone in the galaxy is somehow closely related to everyone else.
Yeah, so?
Bloodlines are like that and genetically-transmitted characteristics pretty much require being closely related.
“Luke, you are my father (by my third mother.)”
I’m just saying, not EVERYTHING is so closely related to each other in my comic. Things are close-enough already, there’s room for something separate happening over there somewhere. *points into the distance*
Tuck there’s no new page this week!
I was like “I can’t wait for the new page ” and it did not come but I understand, btw good job Brandon for one of the best web comics I have found
Sorry. I’ve been on a bi-weekly update schedule. for a little bit now. I need to have some time to relax on the weekends too, since this Covid-19 thing my job has actually gotten BUSIER than usual… so it’s a lot to do in a week.
On the for the explanation keep up the good work.
Oh ok ,just don’t over work yourself and please be carefull
When will you be updating this also good work with the designs and the story
Sunday, and Thank you!
puff I’m leaving for 2 days and there are already 4 pages of comments, I don’t know how brandom supports so many comments …. hehe and I don’t help at all commenting haha
Ayeeee noice
I forget… who is anna?
Come on now, quit joking! Anna is the main character of the story, you can’t seriously tell me you’ve forgotten all about her! She’s been there the whole time!
Dont lie Brandon, we all know Mrs. Southerton is the main character of the story.
Crap, you’re all on to the big twist at the end of the story! Behind the Blood-locked Door is the final boss – Mrs. Southerton! She wants revenge for her photos that didn’t turn out.
Fun fact: That page is my most rushed and least favorite page in the entire comic. XD
Yes I was right! Muhahahahaha. No but seriously I really liked that page. I still got a healthy laugh put of it despite it being rushed.
Random thought: Has anyone considered that there may be some secret organization keeping track of Noxian activity? They don’t seem very good at keeping their presence secret, and you just know there’s gotta be some kind of government men-in-black types involved somewhere.
Just kinda makes me think, it seems like the doctor here may know some things and could work for such an organization.
I got to ask Brandon since tim is a hybrid right? Will Tim idk have some of power, strength, or ability when he transforms if he can that is?
And will there be a sex scene where they lose there virginities and one where its uncensored?
There will be a sex scene when they lose their virginity, yes. Will it be uncensored? I don’t know yet.
It depends on how I feel at the time.
Plz uncensored, its what this awsome comic has been hyping up!
Like imagine in avatar, that after all Ang and Kitara have been through they dont get married!
Please dont censor the big moment for Tim and Shadow,
Thank you for all the time you put into this comic
Your amazing Brandon!
I mean… I’M not hyping anything, it’s you guys doing all the hype work. XD
Nobody can transform naturally, that’s only an illusion created out of a spell book.
You draw sexy better than most by a good sight. Anna is hot.
Thank you!
To Mr. (or Mr.mega now)
I had to ban you because you were basically stalking me on twitter, whether you realize it or not, and was flooding my chat with stuff I really was not interested in. What was the hardest part was that the entire time I had to do the extra work of translating every single message which was extremely tiring for me to do.
So now you’ve made a second account to bypass this with promises that it will be different this time, but I already gave you a chance and you still managed to squeeze in 19 messages to this page alone before I removed them. Since you’ve made the new account you have already made 4 posts!
It pains me to do it, but I’ve removed your ability to post. You can still see the comic, but you are on a time out.
I’m sorry, but I did warn you.