Oh BooHooHoo. Go grow a pair you f*&$ing idiot! People will always claim to be the first to comment, and will always do it in all CAPITALS. Besides who the f%&# are you to complain about what someone else posts? You flood every comment section for this comic with nonstop youtube videos; most likely because youre trying to compensate for having a tiny dick and being unable to to get any from either of the sexes. So shut up and be quiet.
Yah this place is for fun and enjoyment and entertaining others so don’t be so rude and besides you posting that comment is saying you wanted to be first but trying to act cool about it
Well you’re right about one of those things about me, except it’s by choice. So I’ll leave you with fine little response video with a singing rabbit. http://youtu.be/YwNVE37BGVE
And with this fucking post you have proved my point. Are you only able to make a comment so long as you put a fucking video in it? Is this some pathetic way of asking for help? Because I know of a wonderful hospital for the mentally slow that would gladly keep you in a padded room till you wither away to nothing but a pile of bones.
Lol Do you always post videos? Cause that Nevermore Poet guy HATES that, apparently.
Well, considering he almost never posts here, and you post on every single page I think I’ll stand behind you, man. You’re welcome to post whatever you’d like. (within reason, of course!)
Now that she’s said his name he’ll ask for hers, not realizing that knowing a magical creature’s real name gives you power over them. She will tell him her real name and being the person he shows himself as here, he’ll never use it against her.
Haha, I WAS thinking about it… but no, I went with my original plan in the end. And yes, she has been listening. It’s only logical now that she reciprocate.
All I can see is “Well, what is it?!” I wouldn’t be surprised if she donned a wooden mask and started saying the legend never dies or some nonsense like that
Oh yes, I’m lucky to have a near constant stream of people pass by here! (most don’t bother to leave a comment though, so to you special folks that do take the time, I thank you!)
We’ll all find out…. oh…. pretty soon. I think. Maybe. XD
Most story-tellers know it’s not a good idea to give everything away all at once!
Especially if it’s something juicy! There almost always must be a build up in order for there to be a successful reveal. Even if it is just a name we’ll all be saying soon enough!
Well, that’s 2 first comments under your belt. Congrats!
Im Proud of you Hijo mio.
I have trained myself well…are you proud of me Teachers….also…..tim has some damn good morals
Sigh…. You should not gloat young one.
Oh BooHooHoo. Go grow a pair you f*&$ing idiot! People will always claim to be the first to comment, and will always do it in all CAPITALS. Besides who the f%&# are you to complain about what someone else posts? You flood every comment section for this comic with nonstop youtube videos; most likely because youre trying to compensate for having a tiny dick and being unable to to get any from either of the sexes. So shut up and be quiet.
Dude, relax!
i don’t think i’m gonna be first anymore
Yah this place is for fun and enjoyment and entertaining others so don’t be so rude and besides you posting that comment is saying you wanted to be first but trying to act cool about it
Well you’re right about one of those things about me, except it’s by choice. So I’ll leave you with fine little response video with a singing rabbit.
Ahh, a classic. brings me back to my youth
And with this fucking post you have proved my point. Are you only able to make a comment so long as you put a fucking video in it? Is this some pathetic way of asking for help? Because I know of a wonderful hospital for the mentally slow that would gladly keep you in a padded room till you wither away to nothing but a pile of bones.
Strike two, friend.
brandon did i do a bad, i’m pretty sure i did a bad
Nah! Your all good!
I’ve been harresed on almost of the comic coment sections I frequent. This is getting out of hand. I might go back to mostly silence from now on.
Lol Do you always post videos? Cause that Nevermore Poet guy HATES that, apparently.
Well, considering he almost never posts here, and you post on every single page I think I’ll stand behind you, man. You’re welcome to post whatever you’d like. (within reason, of course!)
Nope. I only do it here since some certain person started a crazy youtube party way back when.
i just ate burritos….and i’m thirsty now
Good on him. That kids parents did well bringing him up. And she looks like she’s about to cry almost
Yes, it would seem that way!
“And then, having tricked the child the monster ate him up. The End.” …sorry, that was the old French Fairy Tale version.
She’s got her tail hooked up it looks almost like a heart!
Heh Heh. How’d you know the ending?! *wink*
I was right when i said Tim will split the picture in two parts, but he willl not give it to her.
Nope! It’s going right into the garbage. OR IS IT?
Ask if she’s doing anything tomorrow night…
Pretty much!
Awww that last frame is so cute.
And I would never have expected PotDad to be here….
And you two are acquainted? Where did he come from? Explanations are welcome! XD
I have seen him somewhere on another comic, cannot remember which one – that is driving me insane (well *more* insane)
I take it that you are using comic press? (just curious, researching wp and its varients)
I am using comic press, yes!
Now that she’s said his name he’ll ask for hers, not realizing that knowing a magical creature’s real name gives you power over them. She will tell him her real name and being the person he shows himself as here, he’ll never use it against her.
Except to stop stealing his socks!
Lol Well, in this case knowing her name comes with no such contract… except for one of trust.
And lust XP
We´re in the “10 years ago” part of the story, let things grow at their pace.
It’s a monster dude they might be different from humans and that last comment was a joke
That’s a good man, Timothy. Always help a girl in need. Also, the cuteness level is absolutely through the roof in the last panel!
Haha, yep! Thank you!
Awww he didn’t eat it XD
Oh well, least she knows his name ~
Haha, I WAS thinking about it… but no, I went with my original plan in the end. And yes, she has been listening. It’s only logical now that she reciprocate.
Gotta say I live how she looks in the first panel
Is like “THE FUCK BRA?!”
lol Yeah.
All I can see is “Well, what is it?!” I wouldn’t be surprised if she donned a wooden mask and started saying the legend never dies or some nonsense like that
……I wonder if he just bound her to him? It does’nt take much…..
Nah! She’s a free creature. Well, to a point. She does still have a few responsibilities to attend to pertaining to being what she is.
Like following Tim till he dies then take him to the afterlife
Looks like she’s about to pounce Tim in the last panel.
Lol maybe for a hug, certainly nothing dangerous, right?
Well of course, if it was the other one it would be over to soon……unless they get into that kind of thing latter, bad mind bad mind.
As you will recall, they certainly do! Eventually!
Well yeah, but that’s the end result, its always more fun to see how.
Well, at least he has her full attention now. Well on his way!
Did he use the master ball
I think you got the wrong universe, Ketchum…
No I was making a joke cause I was bored
Wow you know people like your web comic when they show up at all hours good work Brandon. Also its driving me crazy whats her name?
Oh yes, I’m lucky to have a near constant stream of people pass by here! (most don’t bother to leave a comment though, so to you special folks that do take the time, I thank you!)
We’ll all find out…. oh…. pretty soon. I think. Maybe. XD
Why do all story writers seem to have that kind of sadistic vein?
Most story-tellers know it’s not a good idea to give everything away all at once!
Especially if it’s something juicy! There almost always must be a build up in order for there to be a successful reveal. Even if it is just a name we’ll all be saying soon enough!
I know her name XD a hint is that she’s named after something that’s always next to you
Haha, now now! There’s just one week to go! XD
i wont tell them her name i just love messing with them
You already mentioned it in another post I have since edited. Relax with the spoilers!