Hey so Ive come here from the original stories will you making this explicit in the sex scenes or will it be similar to the first with silhouettes I kinda feel bad for hoping for the latter because I mean she’s hot. Ps where are her wings i mean I’ve read the stories but in the first scene there’s no wings please make her have wings!
thats fine with me the shadow scene was TOO GODDAM TEASY ive been waiting for a comic for 2 years i want something a little more amorous but making it too porny would ruin the comic which i dont want and HOW DARE YOU REMOVE THE WINGS xD
For all those suggesting Tim eat the photograph, he’d better not. The development chemicals in the old Polaroid films were both caustic and toxic. Trust me on that…
I too know the lovely bakemono’s name… but I’d only tell you in Japanese… (FYI, bakemono is Japanese for monster: it’s not her name.)
Awsome. I just learned a new Japanese word. Thanks. I’m trying to learn Japanese, the more words I know the better. I hope we learn her name in the next strip, I can’t wait or Sunday.
Bakemono is pronounced bah-kay-MOE-no. If she were the size of Godzilla, she’d be a giant monster or kaiju (two syllables, EYE-joo with a k sound before the eye. K long I joo). If you saw the Pacific Rim movie, they used the word there.
In Japanese, the equivalent of her name is pronounced gaaak (sound made as Brandon throttles me…)
Forgive me if I’m wrong, since my japanese is close to beeing non-existent, but wouldn’t it be fair to call her a kobakemono, since the “ko” would make it a diminutive? (oh boy, trying to ask/explain something in a language I almost can’t speak at all, using a language that’s not my native language… I think I sprained mah brains >_< )
Well at least you could speak it, I only know how to say hello, goodbye, thank you and I’m sorry. I have to turn to the horrible grammar challenged Google Translate, to view Japanese website. It’s not a good translation tool. Try and translate some English to Afrikaans with it and I’ll point out all the grammar errors.
I suppose you could call her that Panoctu, as long as you don’t call her by her name (yet). “ko” as a prefix implies an infant or child. Neko is cat. Koneko is kitten. There IS a word/phrase for “sexy beast” but I don’t recall it at the moment… And, to me, it doesn’t apply to her yet as she’s the equivalent of an eight-year-old. Cute enough to cause diabetes, perhaps. Sexy, no.
And Brandon: thanks for noticing that I self-censored, humorously. I realized something AFTER I posted that comment that I’ll clarify when finally you reveal her name.
Oh, interesting. Now I’m a teensy little proud of myself XD I knew that neko means cat while koneko means kitten and from that I… what’s the word?… deduced? derived? my theory that the “ko” can be used that way.
If you remember what the word/phrase for “sexy beast” is, please share XD I’m sure I’ve read it in plenty of subs without ever really paying attention to the japanese dubs o_o”
Most certainly both xD unfortunately we won’t be seeing simba…. Actually Brandon you should name those certain characters all after movie characters I think that would be really funny
i dont even know what that is my view of heaven is that its your perfect world but with slight imperfections cause you know if everything always went well life would be boring and the monsters in this book series would certainly be in there cause you know hot women under your bed kinda a good thing right xD?
We have searched far and wide for a place to call home and this site shall be perfect. Though any here who pick up magic gold rings will have to come to dinner at our home, so we can show you some interesting things. Oh and She looks adorable like a newborn orcling.
Only 4 days to go before we get the next strip. Excluding today and I live in South Africa so for me there are only 4 days left before it’s Sunday. And I can’t wait!!!
It’s the 8th for me, what’s the date at your end of the world so I can know how long I really have to wait. Are you drawing this Digitally or drawing every thing with pencils and pens?
Cool, but I still can’t wait. LOL. I like to use traditional tools to draw, I’m not a pro but I like the way most of my work turns out. When do use a digital tool, I use Artweaver or ArtRage.
I just stick with PhotoShop… not everyone’s cup of tea, but… meh. Even I don’t know exactly how to do everything, but over time I’m hoping to learn some more.
It’s comming along nicely, isn’t it? Just a few more to go XD
Btw, seeing your username… do you play LoL by any chance (even if your avatar wouldn’t fit in with this theory)? XD
Sorry, no I’m on WoW. And yes it is. I think every strip should get 200+ comments and if possible they should all be compliments cause this is a really good work of art.
Hehe, seems like half an eternity since I last played WoW ^^”
Nowadays I prefer playing Archeage. Ever heard of that?
I agree, but on the other hand, if you only write compliments, there won’t be any constructive criticism and without that an artist can hardly grow. So, yeah, praise is always nice and in this case well deserved, but it’s not the only thing we should give
Nope never heard of it, I’ll google it. True, I guess we can’t just compliment but give constructive criticism as well. Constructive not insulting, I’ve been on way too many sites wear my work criticized insultingly.
Actually, it has been quite rare that I receive negative feedback, but when I do I find that it does tend to plunge right at my heart like a dagger. I have not yet developed a tough skin that can shrug that stuff off easily… but damn it I try. It is hard when criticism seems to come across like a personal insult, or boils down to name calling.
Do that, it’s a pretty good game I don’t know how it’s handled these days with WoW… is it still pay2play?
Archeage is free2play, but it’s more fun if you buy patron-status (little more than 10€ per month… that’s something like 12 or 13$, I think… ).
@Brandon: Well, it’s no wonder that you rarely get negative feedback… right now I can’t really think of anything you could change to improve this comic. They have pretty good body language and facial expressions. Your outlines are clean and the colouring is far from beeing shabby.
Maybe a little more shading would give the characters some… some… dammit, what’s the word? >_< Depth? I mean, there is some in panel 2 & 3 but none or almost none in the other panels, even back in the scenes with daylight (and I'm not only talking about the people, but also about the suroundings and the background). Besides that, I couldn't come up with any ideas right now
I’ll be getting back into adding some shading and/or highlights soon enough, all of these past pages taking place in Tim’s room are specifically flat, because there is supposed to be no light source turned on in his room, except for whatever vague natural light is coming in through his window. Usually, the general colouring style (from chapter 2 onwards) will look a lot closer to the first few pages, with the computer screen illumination adding a splash of brighter colours to them.
Even in the depths of night, there she shines… my precious light.
sorry, got kinda side-tracked. What where we talking about? Ah, yes, yes, shading and highlights. You’re right, there wouldn’t be much shading with no source of light… in this case, I’ll just sit back and wait for the things to come ^^
This sounds like the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
A beautiful, strange relationship, at the very least!
I like where you’re taking this and hope you keep it up for a while
also props for replying to every comment
Thank you! I have every intention to keep going for as long as I need to, until I can bring it to a satisfactory end anyway, someday.
And I try! Answering the questions here has almost become a hobby in and of itself!
Literally started this comic about half an hour ago, speed-read the entire archive. Awesome work, I look forward to reading the next strip!
Thanks! Haha, well stay tuned!
Hey so Ive come here from the original stories will you making this explicit in the sex scenes or will it be similar to the first with silhouettes I kinda feel bad for hoping for the latter because I mean she’s hot. Ps where are her wings i mean I’ve read the stories but in the first scene there’s no wings please make her have wings!
Nah, I got rid of them. XD Sorry.
The scenes your inquiring about will be more explicit than the shadowy scenes at the beginning… but nothing TOO porny!
thats fine with me the shadow scene was TOO GODDAM TEASY ive been waiting for a comic for 2 years i want something a little more amorous but making it too porny would ruin the comic which i dont want and HOW DARE YOU REMOVE THE WINGS xD
Sorry about that! XD
also wtf are you going to do when [REDACTED] comes along.
I’ve got plans, don’t worry!
Last Again, She said his name! Cuteness overflow!
Also in the long run will we be exploring more of the personal life together and that area of the stories rather than [Holy Crap Spoilers!]
What are you doing man? Stop spilling the beans! XD
HOW ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO CONTACT YOU xD sorry i talk too much
Did you atleast look at what i said past the spoilery part
Yeah, I read it. XD
im happy then and ill try not to spoiler xD i have trouble with that
Btw as you probly know by now my life can be summed up by a single ww2 line Loose Lips Sink Ships
Haha, I’ve noticed! XD
*makes puppy eyes* “do you forgive me” xP
For all those suggesting Tim eat the photograph, he’d better not. The development chemicals in the old Polaroid films were both caustic and toxic. Trust me on that…
I too know the lovely bakemono’s name… but I’d only tell you in Japanese… (FYI, bakemono is Japanese for monster: it’s not her name.)
Lol Don’t worry, he won’t. It’s just going into the garbage.
Awsome. I just learned a new Japanese word. Thanks. I’m trying to learn Japanese, the more words I know the better. I hope we learn her name in the next strip, I can’t wait or Sunday.
Wouldn’t it be great if her name was Socks?
Too cliché, cute but too cliché. You didn’t just inadvertently revealed her name did you?
Haha, no. Although the first letter is the same.
I never inadvertently do anything!
Bakemono is pronounced bah-kay-MOE-no. If she were the size of Godzilla, she’d be a giant monster or kaiju (two syllables, EYE-joo with a k sound before the eye. K long I joo). If you saw the Pacific Rim movie, they used the word there.
In Japanese, the equivalent of her name is pronounced gaaak (sound made as Brandon throttles me…)
Shhhhh! Ahhh! Don’t! XD
It looks like we’ve got another me xD
Nah, it’s cool! He edited himself! XD
Cool, and I did see Pacific Rim. I’m hunting for the DVD.
Forgive me if I’m wrong, since my japanese is close to beeing non-existent, but wouldn’t it be fair to call her a kobakemono, since the “ko” would make it a diminutive? (oh boy, trying to ask/explain something in a language I almost can’t speak at all, using a language that’s not my native language… I think I sprained mah brains >_< )
Well at least you could speak it, I only know how to say hello, goodbye, thank you and I’m sorry. I have to turn to the horrible grammar challenged Google Translate, to view Japanese website. It’s not a good translation tool. Try and translate some English to Afrikaans with it and I’ll point out all the grammar errors.
I suppose you could call her that Panoctu, as long as you don’t call her by her name (yet). “ko” as a prefix implies an infant or child. Neko is cat. Koneko is kitten. There IS a word/phrase for “sexy beast” but I don’t recall it at the moment… And, to me, it doesn’t apply to her yet as she’s the equivalent of an eight-year-old. Cute enough to cause diabetes, perhaps. Sexy, no.
And Brandon: thanks for noticing that I self-censored, humorously. I realized something AFTER I posted that comment that I’ll clarify when finally you reveal her name.
Oh, interesting. Now I’m a teensy little proud of myself XD I knew that neko means cat while koneko means kitten and from that I… what’s the word?… deduced? derived? my theory that the “ko” can be used that way.
If you remember what the word/phrase for “sexy beast” is, please share XD I’m sure I’ve read it in plenty of subs without ever really paying attention to the japanese dubs o_o”
I googled it, “Sekushīna kemono” I’m not sure how accurate it is.
Wow. Those are some very bright sparks in their eyes. Can’t wait to see more.
Indeed, and thanks!
Is this going to be a slice of life comic or a plot driven comic?
A little from column A, a little from column B!
There will be large linear plot sections, wrapped between some slice of life moments.
Excellent, that’ll keep it more interesting.
Most certainly both xD unfortunately we won’t be seeing simba…. Actually Brandon you should name those certain characters all after movie characters I think that would be really funny
oops i read circle of life moments just woke up im sorry xD
Only 160 comments in 2 days? Bah you’re slipping……*is jealous*
Lol Sorry bro! Don’t know what to tell you!
Interesting. Another one of those webcomic-masterminds XD
Let’s see how many more turn up here
*makes Morpheus voice* “what if i told you that if you took the green pill this world would be real”
Well, that’d be different!
I wish
I feel like if I die this would be incorporated into my heaven sent xD
Have you been watching ‘What Dreams May Come?’
i dont even know what that is my view of heaven is that its your perfect world but with slight imperfections cause you know if everything always went well life would be boring and the monsters in this book series would certainly be in there cause you know hot women under your bed kinda a good thing right xD?
wait tell me if that was a spoiler xD
No, it’s a Robin Williams movie. Lol
We have searched far and wide for a place to call home and this site shall be perfect. Though any here who pick up magic gold rings will have to come to dinner at our home, so we can show you some interesting things. Oh and She looks adorable like a newborn orcling.
Only 4 days to go before we get the next strip. Excluding today and I live in South Africa so for me there are only 4 days left before it’s Sunday. And I can’t wait!!!
It’s the 8th for me, what’s the date at your end of the world so I can know how long I really have to wait. Are you drawing this Digitally or drawing every thing with pencils and pens?
Everything is digitally drawn for the comic, and it’s still the 7th here… for another 10 minutes anyway. I’m in Canada.
Cool, but I still can’t wait. LOL. I like to use traditional tools to draw, I’m not a pro but I like the way most of my work turns out. When do use a digital tool, I use Artweaver or ArtRage.
I just stick with PhotoShop… not everyone’s cup of tea, but… meh. Even I don’t know exactly how to do everything, but over time I’m hoping to learn some more.
I’ve never used photoshop, but I’ve see a lot of tutorials on deviantart and youtube. Just keep at it, it’s what I’ve done with Artweaver and ArtRage.
185 comments, lets try and make that an even 200. OK =^.^=
It’s comming along nicely, isn’t it? Just a few more to go XD
Btw, seeing your username… do you play LoL by any chance (even if your avatar wouldn’t fit in with this theory)? XD
Sorry, no I’m on WoW. And yes it is. I think every strip should get 200+ comments and if possible they should all be compliments cause this is a really good work of art.
Hehe, seems like half an eternity since I last played WoW ^^”
Nowadays I prefer playing Archeage. Ever heard of that?
I agree, but on the other hand, if you only write compliments, there won’t be any constructive criticism and without that an artist can hardly grow. So, yeah, praise is always nice and in this case well deserved, but it’s not the only thing we should give
Nope never heard of it, I’ll google it. True, I guess we can’t just compliment but give constructive criticism as well. Constructive not insulting, I’ve been on way too many sites wear my work criticized insultingly.
Actually, it has been quite rare that I receive negative feedback, but when I do I find that it does tend to plunge right at my heart like a dagger. I have not yet developed a tough skin that can shrug that stuff off easily… but damn it I try. It is hard when criticism seems to come across like a personal insult, or boils down to name calling.
Luckily, like I said before, it has been rare.
Do that, it’s a pretty good game
I don’t know how it’s handled these days with WoW… is it still pay2play?
Archeage is free2play, but it’s more fun if you buy patron-status (little more than 10€ per month… that’s something like 12 or 13$, I think… ).
@Brandon: Well, it’s no wonder that you rarely get negative feedback… right now I can’t really think of anything you could change to improve this comic. They have pretty good body language and facial expressions. Your outlines are clean and the colouring is far from beeing shabby.
Maybe a little more shading would give the characters some… some… dammit, what’s the word? >_< Depth? I mean, there is some in panel 2 & 3 but none or almost none in the other panels, even back in the scenes with daylight (and I'm not only talking about the people, but also about the suroundings and the background). Besides that, I couldn't come up with any ideas right now
I’ll be getting back into adding some shading and/or highlights soon enough, all of these past pages taking place in Tim’s room are specifically flat, because there is supposed to be no light source turned on in his room, except for whatever vague natural light is coming in through his window. Usually, the general colouring style (from chapter 2 onwards) will look a lot closer to the first few pages, with the computer screen illumination adding a splash of brighter colours to them.
But first somebody has to turn on a lamp! XD
Even in the depths of night, there she shines… my precious light.
sorry, got kinda side-tracked. What where we talking about? Ah, yes, yes, shading and highlights. You’re right, there wouldn’t be much shading with no source of light… in this case, I’ll just sit back and wait for the things to come ^^
I REAALLY wish this produced more than just every sunday. I am bitten with curiosity.
Me too, but I’m only one man with limited time. If only I had a team!
Maybe I can help out when possible.
That’s alright. I do have my system… it’s just a slow one as it currently sits.
Well when you change your mind let me know. =^.^=