it’s really good to see that the comment are not over run by spam bots. Those really tick me off, it would have been a shame if there were spam bots hijacking the comments. It would ruin this great comic.
Oh, there’s spam alright. Tons of it! It just gets filtered into it’s own little garbage bin that I empty every day. XD Sometimes real folks end up in there too, so I do try and fish them out. It’s easy to tell the difference, mostly because real people aren’t trying to sell me Reebok shoes.
Well, *I* think it’s cute and fitting too, considering it was the very first thing that I knew I wanted when I thought up this idea. I knew that would be her name, and she would have dark skin with spots. I worked outwards from there… in fact, Timothy didn’t even receive a proper name until very near the end of the planning stages.
Looking at the earlier designs I’d say the current design is by far the cutest. A good choice too. Will Tim get to meet her parents? It would be a very interesting event.
He might someday, although I think it would be better for her to meet her own parents first… because she doesn’t know who they are. She grew up in a very non-traditional setup.
Well I guess this is one human she couldn’t scare. And in all honesty, she’s not really that scary. Adorable yes, scary no. But then again, we haven’t seen her get all scary now have we?
So she doesn’t even growls, that must make it real tough to scare her intended victim. Looking at those teeth, she must have one hell of a time at the dentist.
With the overwhelming cuteness of the latest strip, it really can’t be helped. If it was any cuter then it is now it would have been well in the thousands by now.
No, not really… I’m a bit of an anachronist actually. I prefer the musty old tangible paper kind of books. I still collect CDs…. I don’t even own a cellphone!
I have lot of books and even more ebooks. The reason I asked is cause I write books and I’m writing one on-line. And you’re right, nothing beats good old ink and paper. Ink and paper doesn’t need batteries. I’m aiming to be an accomplish author someday.
Cool! I would have loved to have been a writer, but my prose just isn’t good enough for it. I think I’m a pretty decent concept guy, but actually writing everything out is where it kinda falls short.
In other words, my stories are sound, but the wordplay itself needs work.
This is why comics work for me, because I can let the images do the talking and focus mostly on the dialogue.
And thats where I fall short, I tried the Comic thing a few years back but it didn’t work out since I can’t get my work to flow from one panel to the next. So I’m sticking to writing.
I’m always more a fan of tangible books as well. Always go for physical releases of any webcomics I like. That said, I’d love to see a hardcover release of this later in the future after enough chapters are collected.
Something to think about in the future of the comic. Archiaia Entertainment (publishers of Gunnerkrigg Court) would be a good place to look. Self publishing through Patreon could also be a thing. Probably a little early in the comic’s life to be thinking about that, but hey, if it happened down the road, I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one ready to throw money at their monitor for some published Monster Under the Bed goodness!
Brandon: NOT a rickroll. A song from when you were a small child you might never have heard. With the title of this chapter and the words of the song, it seems appropriate:
Interesting, though not exactly my cup of tea. It’s interesting to hear what others might think a soundtrack might sound like. I know I myself have a few songs that’d be kinda fitting.
I’m a fan of traditional animation (thousands of hand-drawn and painted cels), but… Given the complexity of her design, the monster girl would probably force this into CGI Pixar-style animation.
I doubt Brandon would object the way I would, though… (grin)
(And I think people here will be coming after Brandon with pitchforks and torches if he DOESN’T reveal her name tomorrow!)
Oh, and I’d be all for traditional animation, though CGI would be great too. Well, QUALITY CGI anyway… there is a lot of unmatchable garbage out there.
That and she is acting like he is doing something super special for her… as opposed to fixing a problem HE caused her in the first place. I really wouldn’t think she would be so happy about it. Sensibly speaking, she should probably have been angrier with him in the first place.
it’s really good to see that the comment are not over run by spam bots. Those really tick me off, it would have been a shame if there were spam bots hijacking the comments. It would ruin this great comic.
Oh, there’s spam alright. Tons of it! It just gets filtered into it’s own little garbage bin that I empty every day. XD Sometimes real folks end up in there too, so I do try and fish them out. It’s easy to tell the difference, mostly because real people aren’t trying to sell me Reebok shoes.
Or wacked out meds.
If I was super rich I would pay you 1000 dollars a week to make this comic.
Cool! I’d accept that… mostly cause you didn’t say I needed to go faster to get the money! XD Mwahaha!
I did i said a page every day
Lol oh, I thought you meant you’d pay me $1000 everyday! We now have an origin story…
There is already a story for these two you can read it on Hentai foundry easily and the idiotic batboy fits in no where
Is it just me or the way the scissors are cutting the photo in the middle a very awkward way to use them?
Haha… yes. Yes it is.
I just found out what this adorable monster’ name is. Unless you changed it. But I’m not saying any thing else until you revealed her name. =^.^=
I’m not a spoil sport.
Well, it’s not the greatest secret if you know where to look! XD
It’s not the cutest name but it does fit her MO. Will they visit her home in the future?
Well, *I* think it’s cute and fitting too, considering it was the very first thing that I knew I wanted when I thought up this idea. I knew that would be her name, and she would have dark skin with spots. I worked outwards from there… in fact, Timothy didn’t even receive a proper name until very near the end of the planning stages.
Also, yes, we will be seeing her home. Sometime.
Looking at the earlier designs I’d say the current design is by far the cutest. A good choice too. Will Tim get to meet her parents? It would be a very interesting event.
He might someday, although I think it would be better for her to meet her own parents first… because she doesn’t know who they are. She grew up in a very non-traditional setup.
Damn, let me guess she hatched from and egg all alone or was orphaned. Something like that?
She was left by unknown hands on the doorstep of a certain large group of monsters who specialize in a certain activity.
And we’ll discover this activity soon I hope. I hope she’ll find her parents.
Well, the activity is scaring humans! XD So we sort of already know it.
As for her parents, I sure hope she finds out the truth someday!
Well I guess this is one human she couldn’t scare. And in all honesty, she’s not really that scary. Adorable yes, scary no. But then again, we haven’t seen her get all scary now have we?
No, not really. She hissed once, but otherwise it’s been a pretty off night. XD
Also, you’re not supposed to get too good of a look at them up close.
So she doesn’t even growls, that must make it real tough to scare her intended victim. Looking at those teeth, she must have one hell of a time at the dentist.
Oh, she can growl too… and purr.
Growls like a lion and purrs like a kitten. What an adorable creature. =^.^=
That last panel. My heart… Hnnnnngh…!
Why are monster girls so freaking cute!?
Thanks Brandon, you’ve given me something other than Gone With The Blastwave to wait for updates to.
Heh, I don’t quite know myself, but they are!
And you’re welcome!
233 comments, awesome. Kind of expected from cute comic like this.
Well, it’s quite a surprise for me! Go back and look at the first couple pages. Lol I am quietly very, very pleased with my numbers.
With the overwhelming cuteness of the latest strip, it really can’t be helped. If it was any cuter then it is now it would have been well in the thousands by now.
Do you read eBooks?
No, not really… I’m a bit of an anachronist actually. I prefer the musty old tangible paper kind of books. I still collect CDs…. I don’t even own a cellphone!
I love CDs, and a nice, solid, hardcover book beats a monitor any day of the week.
True! And books don’t run out of batteries!
I have lot of books and even more ebooks. The reason I asked is cause I write books and I’m writing one on-line. And you’re right, nothing beats good old ink and paper. Ink and paper doesn’t need batteries. I’m aiming to be an accomplish author someday.
Cool! I would have loved to have been a writer, but my prose just isn’t good enough for it. I think I’m a pretty decent concept guy, but actually writing everything out is where it kinda falls short.
In other words, my stories are sound, but the wordplay itself needs work.
This is why comics work for me, because I can let the images do the talking and focus mostly on the dialogue.
And thats where I fall short, I tried the Comic thing a few years back but it didn’t work out since I can’t get my work to flow from one panel to the next. So I’m sticking to writing.
Would you mind if I link your site to my blog?
Lol I don’t mind. Go right ahead!
Cool, more traffic is always good right. =^.^=
OK, done. Linked and ready to go. Take a look if you want it should give you more traffic and vise versa.
I’m always more a fan of tangible books as well. Always go for physical releases of any webcomics I like. That said, I’d love to see a hardcover release of this later in the future after enough chapters are collected.
That WOULD be cool. I’ve always wanted to be published in a real book… even if it were self-published.
Something to think about in the future of the comic. Archiaia Entertainment (publishers of Gunnerkrigg Court) would be a good place to look. Self publishing through Patreon could also be a thing. Probably a little early in the comic’s life to be thinking about that, but hey, if it happened down the road, I’m sure I wouldn’t be the only one ready to throw money at their monitor for some published Monster Under the Bed goodness!
Yeah, it’s a bit early yet to be thinking of that stuff… but someday!
Kickstarter would also be a possibility. Worked for TwoKinds, worked for Spinnerette, would work for you as well
I know right?
it’s Saturday, not long now. The next strip is just around the corner. =^.^=
In this case, I’ll go back to sleep…. wake me when it’s sunday! XD
Not a bad idea only I have a lot to do today. So no sleep for me.
Brandon: NOT a rickroll. A song from when you were a small child you might never have heard. With the title of this chapter and the words of the song, it seems appropriate:
Mike Oldfield: “Magic Touch”
Interesting, though not exactly my cup of tea. It’s interesting to hear what others might think a soundtrack might sound like. I know I myself have a few songs that’d be kinda fitting.
I just a thought, lets say your comic get really popular, would like to have it animated?
If some studio approached me wanting to animate my work, I’d be all over that, honestly.
Lets hope it gets extremely popular. =^.^= I’d love to see this animated.
I’m a fan of traditional animation (thousands of hand-drawn and painted cels), but… Given the complexity of her design, the monster girl would probably force this into CGI Pixar-style animation.
I doubt Brandon would object the way I would, though… (grin)
(And I think people here will be coming after Brandon with pitchforks and torches if he DOESN’T reveal her name tomorrow!)
Heh Heh heh! *rubs hands together evilly*
Oh, and I’d be all for traditional animation, though CGI would be great too. Well, QUALITY CGI anyway… there is a lot of unmatchable garbage out there.
Wow that was so Sweet of Tim to for monster Girl.
This seems like… unrealistically idealistic behaviour for an 8-year-old.
That and she is acting like he is doing something super special for her… as opposed to fixing a problem HE caused her in the first place. I really wouldn’t think she would be so happy about it. Sensibly speaking, she should probably have been angrier with him in the first place.