#245 “Best Case Scenario”
Shadow weighs her options, but I think the gravity of fate is yanking her down the clearest path. What’s the worst that could happen?!
Shadow weighs her options, but I think the gravity of fate is yanking her down the clearest path. What’s the worst that could happen?!
Well she’s bring rational enough to consider the benefits for the guild, but not using that as a reason to bury her feelings. Yeah she’s definitely the more mature of her and Tim.
Something about the expression in panel 3 makes her look as old as Moonie. I think its the length of things, the eyeshadow spike, the mouth and jaw, combined with that dimple.
She certainly looks more mature in this panel. But then adversity has that effect on everybody’s face.
Me: *squinting and wondering what you guys are seeing? She looks exactly the same as I’ve drawn her countless times before.*
I’m no artis,t but it seems to me to be the length (and straightness) of her lip line and the end downturn.
Maybe add a subtle curve to her lips would enhance her youth?
I have to agree. That might remove the mature sternness of her appearance.
Honestly gotta agree with Brandon. She’s just frowning. Only thing that seems weird to me about that panel is the tangent between her nose and her arm (Sorry Brandon, don’t even usually notice them, but at least here it’s a bit distracting), but nothing to make her really look older than normal.
Or just put all her clothes on the floor around her feet.. VAST Improvement! ‘snicker’
Whatever they’re seeing, I’m seeing it too. I’d have said she looks grim in panel 3, rather than old, but definitely appropriate for the decision she’s staring at. Tomokatu’s “mature” hits it, mixed with a big dose of “but don’t want to be.” Don’t change anything.
So next page should have both shadow and tim?
Shadow says: I need to talk to Tim…..”
That’s a good plan.
Unsolicited advice: Wash and return ALL his stolen socks as a courtesy.
Well i mean, those socks are probably too small for him now but it’d be a nice gesture i guess?)
Poor shadow
Shadow:Tim Why are these people in your Room?!
Tim:They figured it out and were probably going to go to someone else about this unless we talk to them.
Shadow:Well this day is getting more complicated!
Tim: ‘So I guess suggesting a group sex make-up session is right out?”
Shadow: {SLAP!!!}
Marcy: {slap!, slap!!}
Craig: … … ‘grin’ {thumb’s Up!}
Shadow & Marcy: {SLAP! SLAP!! SLAP!!!}
Also, Nox has electrical sockets? I mean they do have a fascination with human stuff… I wonder which socket style they use?
Well, Brandon didn’t answer a similar question on Patreon, so he must want us to speculate.
Shadow knows what electrical sockets are because she knows a lot about Earth. I doubt Nox has them, most ‘utilities’ there are built-in already.
So, we’ve seen that Nox has low light levels from glow wall panels.
Do they use heating appliances or take anbient temperature from Earth-surface; do they use/need cooling? how about refrigeration and.or freezing? How do their appliances take power if they aren’t using wall sockets?
We haven’t seen Noxian cooking either (yet) Stoves/ovens?
Does High Mother Moonie bake cakes? (All mothers ought to!) {Mmmm.. chocolate sponge cake with a Victoria cream vanilla filling. MMMmm mmm….}
[Speculation] Is that why Nightmare is so bad-tempered. She realises that cooking is a skill she doesn’t have!
Everything is built in, and everything works. It’s almost like Nox itself is……….. aware.
… and automated?
This would be a new direction.
I am suddenly contemplating an alternate reality (NOT “dimension”) which could be encapsulated in a consciousness, possibly human.
Who might be The Dreamer within whose mind is the whole of Nox?
Who but The Author!!!
Why do I feel like this is going to lead to another argument? Either way, I’m both excited and anxious to see Tim and Shadow reunite.
I hate it when life gives you situations like these.
Me too but “What can’t be cured, must be endured”.
I forgot to check up on this comic for a while! I come back, see the story progression and am not disappointed! Can’t wait to see the meet up
I sure hope that Tim and Shadow would make up and hopefully get back together cause I have a feeling Marcy is like trying to come between them I mean there perfect for each other and that’s why I love them both and anxious for when they reunite again to make up for lost times
Ever think they both will go away together so no can find them. Then they will learn what they mean to each other.
I want the sex group!!
So, I thought I skipped a week or two of this comic and I come back to 4 new pages of content! Awesome.
Haven’t read this much since I’ve started reading this story and had 100s of pages to look forward to.
Loving it, long time reader and fan!!
Roll for initiative! After that, raid the local taco shack for food and a good scare, then go see Tim.
The local taco shack probably has no beds.