#25 “Million Dollar Question”
Decisions, decisions! What ever will she decide to do?
Why don’t you decide to like the new Facebook fan page I put together?
Decisions, decisions! What ever will she decide to do?
Why don’t you decide to like the new Facebook fan page I put together?
This comic is just flat out the most adorable thing ever. I just wish i had found out about it in the future so i had a backlog to go through
Yeah, I know how you feel… but, at least now you can be a part of the zeitgeist!
Awww how cute X3 you can just tell she wants to come back XD I am curious though, how long has she been interested in him?
She’s been dropping by and stealing his socks for a little while now. No doubt creepily watching Tim while he slept unaware too!
At least long enough for his mom Ruth to notice and ground him for losing them…
Yep! Of course, by then they had all disappeared… well, except for one pair.
Big fan! This webcomic is pretty great! Keep it up!
Thank you very much! I shall!
just a question… are you or do you have friends who is a brony? or pegasister?
No, not in real life. On the internet I may be friendly with some folks who like it… but I don’t ask or go looking for that info either. XD
Oh, and I’m not one either.
I’m confused, is that some kind of fetish I don’t know of?
Never mind, I googled it. LOL
… yeah.
So this is what my servants of shadow is doing….
Okay, so I’ve got Sauron and Nine unemployed Ring-wraiths running around my comment section now! XD
You’re the master of this domain, they’ve got no power here. LOL
for now >:D
No, never. Evil will not prevail. =^.^=
btw i want to re-employ the ring-wraiths… im out of servants…..
It also looks like the Dark Lord can’t even spell his own name, since all other sources spell it SAuron, not SOuron.
I assumed it was a pun or something, personally *shrugs*
That comic is hilarious. =^.^=
there no such thing as evil. evil is just a illusion its only good vs good.
Sure what ever, evil dude. =^.^=
http://images-cdn.9gag.com/photo/aQpegr2_700b_v1.jpg IM the good guy
Keep telling your self that, evil dude.
EVIL WILL PREVAIL…. when i get my ring-wraiths
Now you’re getting with the program. LOL
OK, now when are we gonna find out why she was stealing the sock. Not knowing is driving me up the wall. =^.^=
yeah lets hope unless Brandon is a troll and we are going to have to wait it out
Welp, I’m just going to say that in the original story, you find out about the socks’ fate in the 3rd or 4th last paragraph.
Whether or not I keep it an unknown for that long in this version is unknown currently… since it is a visual medium, they may have to be explained sooner, rather than later. It is quite amusing to see everyone writhe over it though, I will admit.
I’d just like to know what she does with them. And has she stolen a completes pair of sock or has it always just been one side of a pair of socks. And why would she want to steal them? =^.^=
She does use them for something.
She takes them in pairs.
She has her reasons.
OK, OK, now how long till we find out what she uses them for? =^.^=
Okay, I’ll tell you. Shadow uses Tim’s stolen socks to gag her other victims!
…And I lie like a rug. (evil grin)
OK, so it’s Friday, on my side of the world and the next strip is around the corner. I’m getting excited already. I can’t wait, if I had a time machine I would skip every day of the week just to read the next page. But then again, time travel is a fools errand. =^.^=
I haven’t slept for almost 48 hours, I guess I must be insane. Insert super cheesy laughter right here. =^.^=
insert “evil” between “cheesy” and “laughter”. =^.^=
I just saw, it’s 12:25am in South Africa. I really didn’t sleep for 48 hour, I still got it. If I remember what it was that I still got. I’m confused now. Or am I. =^.^=
I wonder if I can make 72 hours of no sleep. It’s only another 24 hours, till the next page gets posted, right?
I would certainly recommend sleeping!
Not a bad idea, if I had any sanity left. lol. I’ll hit the sack in a few, I’m waiting for that last few 100megs of Hearthstone to download from battle net. At least it’s smaller then WoW. 1.33gig VS +-28gigs. A massive difference in download time.
Such a great game….. I love it
Not long now. =^.^=
Why am I now thinking of a Beatles song?
Aperture’s got them spooking with bed portals! Or Seducing… more likely in this case d^.^b
Haha, maybe!
Will u give us the next comic as shadows point of view it would be intresting to get some backstory about where she is from. Plz!
We will be seeing some Shadow perspective next chapter, and from then on it’ll jump back and forth as needed.
I truly do enjoy her hairstyle. Just saying.