Whoa didn’t see that coming. Probably cause it feels more like an end of story revelation instead of early/mid plotline.
Ya know if she could pull that off as kid on short notice, she could probably be an excellent terror hero with some planning… has Tim shown her any superhero stuff?
No I want the girls all for Tim. But a foresome that includes the milf mother of tims friend maybe. Just saying there can always be more 18A harem stories
I honestly didn’t see this coming. I thought words were going to be had about trauma and anger, but this actually was a pleasant surprise. Way to subvert my expectations.
I’m guessing there will be 1 or 2 more pages with Craig and Marcy and then they leave, for now. After that Shadow and Tim have a probably long talk and get everything sorted out when Shadow tells him about the bonding with Terminus that’s most likely gonna happen. So that’s like 10 pages maybe? After that, we’ll have new stuff to guess
“he bonding with Terminus that’s most likely gonna happen.” Why most likely going to happen? The rules stated when Terminus first made suggestion of bonding was girl had to agree. And Shadow won’t unless really angry at Tim or somehow forced.
Check pages #242 and #245. Moonlight says it’s too late to worry about anything of that and Shadow says the deal is too good for the guild and she will be set for life. So kinda implies it
Wow! That was… unexpected, coming from Graig. A little out of character, but I’m happy to see he changed his behavior. Who thought that all you need to change a bully was simply a monster girl coming from under your bed ? Take notes, kids. Hahahah !!
Marcy & Craig leave the house, politely bidding “Goodnight” to Mr * Mrs Newton (Tom & Rith).
This seems like the perfect time for Ruth to finish her interrupted “discussion” with Tim and Shadow, revealing her Lady Blackheart identity to Tim.
Shadow of course already knows her/them.
Ha, yes. “I’m n-not crazy!” Obvious in hindsight.
Huh..well now I feel like a total ASS! Good for Craig! Sometimes you never know how interacting with people will change their lives!
Wait what? o.0 So she scared him out of being a bully and that made him into a better man? Wut? 0.o Ohhhkay then…
This part of story is full of stuff so unbelievable Shadow is realistic compared to it. Sorry Brandon. I still think Tim has no reason to tell them.
… which makes me think they are going to be recurring characters you really needed to let in on the secret.
Whoa didn’t see that coming. Probably cause it feels more like an end of story revelation instead of early/mid plotline.
Ya know if she could pull that off as kid on short notice, she could probably be an excellent terror hero with some planning… has Tim shown her any superhero stuff?
Sigh, so no Tim x shadow x marcy threesome. I know that wasn’t really gonna happen, but still…sigh
You weren’t rooting for the Tim x Craig x Shadow x Marcy foursome? Amateur. :p
No I want the girls all for Tim. But a foresome that includes the milf mother of tims friend maybe. Just saying there can always be more 18A harem stories
Only because it didnt happen yet, dosnt mean it wont happen in the future
I honestly didn’t see this coming. I thought words were going to be had about trauma and anger, but this actually was a pleasant surprise. Way to subvert my expectations.
That was unexpected. Nice, but unexpected.
I’m guessing there will be 1 or 2 more pages with Craig and Marcy and then they leave, for now. After that Shadow and Tim have a probably long talk and get everything sorted out when Shadow tells him about the bonding with Terminus that’s most likely gonna happen. So that’s like 10 pages maybe? After that, we’ll have new stuff to guess
“he bonding with Terminus that’s most likely gonna happen.” Why most likely going to happen? The rules stated when Terminus first made suggestion of bonding was girl had to agree. And Shadow won’t unless really angry at Tim or somehow forced.
Check pages #242 and #245. Moonlight says it’s too late to worry about anything of that and Shadow says the deal is too good for the guild and she will be set for life. So kinda implies it
Unexpected wholesome is nice.
Loved it
Wow! That was… unexpected, coming from Graig. A little out of character, but I’m happy to see he changed his behavior. Who thought that all you need to change a bully was simply a monster girl coming from under your bed ? Take notes, kids. Hahahah !!
I wonder how many people are eating crow about Craig now?
This page is just awesome! Thank you Brandon for giving us some life advice!
Marcy & Craig leave the house, politely bidding “Goodnight” to Mr * Mrs Newton (Tom & Rith).
This seems like the perfect time for Ruth to finish her interrupted “discussion” with Tim and Shadow, revealing her Lady Blackheart identity to Tim.
Shadow of course already knows her/them.
What happens next????
Shadow drags Timmy under the bed and ravishes him all night long…?
…… Wait what?