I would’ve asked if they were about to DRAGON, DRAGON, ROCK THE DRAGON but didn’t want to be that guy who demands more porn. Also because I read the comments before posting, and you might not be far enough in the story for Shadow’s virginity to become important to the plot.
well don’t forget that nightmare told terminus that tim is a hybrid and she has been hanging out in the human world. so terminus might not take rejection lightly, he’s somewhat similar to gaston and i bet there might be a possible blackmail chapter coming up soon. am i right?
I’m sure it’s not lost on her. She was actually going to mention it in the original script for the last page, but I changed it to something else at the last minute.
It’s only been playing since after Marcy and Craig came over. They have watched Ghostbusters before…. when they were 12. The first night they kissed. It’s like… a call back.
Should Shadow’s ear studs be gold rather than silver (or other metal) sice gold is non-allegenic?
Allergic reactions to non-noble metals can be quite NASTY.
I found that out the hard way.
Those earrings look like pearls, a pretty common basic earring type for younger girls. And besides gold, there is silver, platinum and stainless steel that are also non allergenic and often used in jewelry and as medical parts. Maybe silver is not so good for werewolfs, but afaik Shadow isn’t one so she is safe to wear whatever she likes.
Being normal…?
I was normal once… worst minute and twelve seconds of my life, not recommended…
One star
(I wish i could give normal a meteorite)
Besides, in most situations you are only required to act normal, not being normal!
There’s Step #1: carefully pick the right surface. People often skip it, and try to set themselves normal to the first randomly picked one. Which is not a good idea.
YES! Tim finally admitted his feelings to Shadow! Wonder what will happen next?
Find out next time on DRAGON BALL ZZZZZZZZZZZZ!
I would’ve asked if they were about to DRAGON, DRAGON, ROCK THE DRAGON but didn’t want to be that guy who demands more porn. Also because I read the comments before posting, and you might not be far enough in the story for Shadow’s virginity to become important to the plot.
So how and when are they going to break this news to others? ‘Cause I don’t think it could or should stay just their secret.
Oh, it should definitely remain just between them. Others of course will find out, and that will lead to trouble.
well don’t forget that nightmare told terminus that tim is a hybrid and she has been hanging out in the human world. so terminus might not take rejection lightly, he’s somewhat similar to gaston and i bet there might be a possible blackmail chapter coming up soon. am i right?
Terminus also reminded me of Gaston due to his proposal to Shadow.
Wonder if Shadow will notice Ghostbusters is playing in the background?
I’m sure it’s not lost on her. She was actually going to mention it in the original script for the last page, but I changed it to something else at the last minute.
Being normal is definitely over-rated.
I can’t comment: I’ve never been “normal”
im betting that soon ruth is going to tell tim the truth and im wondering soon tim will be fighting terminus and nightmare
I guess as the crow flies…. sorta soon.
So like 3 weeks in the story but ~ 5 years irl. Well I look forward to the rest of the ride
*signs* Celebrate good times come on!
It’s About Time.
Actually it’s early. It’s not even 10pm on Saturday here!
Anyone notice that 100 pages ago Tim became afraid of Marcy and the same movie is playing ?
It’s only been playing since after Marcy and Craig came over. They have watched Ghostbusters before…. when they were 12. The first night they kissed. It’s like… a call back.
You are going to interrupt their first time? He who draws monsters should take care not to become one…
WOW! and the scene in the TV in the background made it better, the first of many.
Took them long enough.
Normal is for wussies. Weird is way cooler!
Lips have met.
Shadow and Tim. He’s got her and she’s got him.
All we need now is to hear a sudden cough
and find his parents watching them.
Should Shadow’s ear studs be gold rather than silver (or other metal) sice gold is non-allegenic?
Allergic reactions to non-noble metals can be quite NASTY.
I found that out the hard way.
Those earrings look like pearls, a pretty common basic earring type for younger girls. And besides gold, there is silver, platinum and stainless steel that are also non allergenic and often used in jewelry and as medical parts. Maybe silver is not so good for werewolfs, but afaik Shadow isn’t one so she is safe to wear whatever she likes.
ps: Yay for them!
Those earrings were something she got from other Noxian, who knows better about what can Noxian be alergic to than we three.
Good point!
She’s not a werewoof.
Being normal…?

I was normal once… worst minute and twelve seconds of my life, not recommended…
One star
(I wish i could give normal a meteorite)
Besides, in most situations you are only required to act normal, not being normal!
There’s Step #1: carefully pick the right surface. People often skip it, and try to set themselves normal to the first randomly picked one. Which is not a good idea.