Being weird in some ways is ok. So, Tim, you have a gorgeous girl in front of you, so kiis again, and maybe undress each other and have a romantic night with each other.
First off, excellent job nailing the tender look on Shadow’s face in frame two. Second, it’s about dang time you two! Third, frame three… D’awwwww!!
I’m still half-expecting Tim’s parents to come barging in with the best of intentions, and the worst timing! Seeing the situation I’d imagine if that did happen they’d probably just tell timm that they already knew about shadow, they approve, they’ll talk later, and to have fun! XD
So happy to finally see them admit their feelings, more so Tim but still.
Now speaking of not so normal, what will happen when Tim learns about his mother’s identity? And in turn, his?
Being weird in some ways is ok. So, Tim, you have a gorgeous girl in front of you, so kiis again, and maybe undress each other and have a romantic night with each other.
Well with that out of the way, what sort of shenaniganery will ensue?
Normal or not, I’m just glad they acknowledged each other’s feelings finally. That was really the issue there.
at long last.
We all were wating for this moment… Nice one.
you do realize that her teeth are very sharp looking.
Yeah, love-bites from her would hurt!
Obviously, this should worry her lad at least a little bit. Which… adds to the thrill. That’s in turn like free chocolate for her. And so on.
I think that means that in Nox, BJs are less common than tail-jobs.
First off, excellent job nailing the tender look on Shadow’s face in frame two. Second, it’s about dang time you two! Third, frame three… D’awwwww!!
I’m still half-expecting Tim’s parents to come barging in with the best of intentions, and the worst timing! Seeing the situation I’d imagine if that did happen they’d probably just tell timm that they already knew about shadow, they approve, they’ll talk later, and to have fun! XD
OH-HO!! So now its the monster in my Pants! Or is is the Monster in my bed…?
If it wasn’t for the side stuff with Terminus one could think the comic was in danger of ending…
There’s also the Abduction of Anna by the Organisation to be resolved.
Haha, it’s not even close. Maybe half way!
Is that Bill Murray? If so… I don’t remember that scene/movie… Hmm…
Think you meant to type “Get a room you two!” instead of “Get a room you too!”
Dr Sue’s says you have to be odd to be Number 1.
Tim…. Oh you dear sweet summer child, you have no idea just how deep this rabbit hole is about to go
A hole? Let’s see how deep we can go, then.
Yay! At last!
So happy to finally see them admit their feelings, more so Tim but still.
Now speaking of not so normal, what will happen when Tim learns about his mother’s identity? And in turn, his?