#255 “Normal is Overrated” by Brandon on February 19, 2022 at 8:55 pm Chapter: 04. Different Strings Get a room you too! ……… wait… they found one! PATREON
Thanks for the page.
there’s still Terminus to deal with too
Sinister music in the background. The Noxian version of the Jaws theme song. Evil laughter. Terminus enters stage left…
He’d have to get past Ruth, and I’d imagine that wouldn’t be easy!
FINALLY!!! Way to go there Timmy!
AYYYY atta boy!
Tim finally admitted his feelings! yes! im happy
And now for several pages of them having sex…what, a perv can dream
And now mum burst in for that serious talk?

congratulations. I think you broke the internet
D’aww~ Gotta love to see it!
And amen to that, being normal is overrated!
Ghostbusters in the back was low-key gold. Just found this series a month ago, read it all tonight… NOW WHAT DO I DO???
Now you wait for the next update.
Finally, I’ve been waiting for this a long time, I’m so happy to be ble to finally see this
In the words of Ron Stoppable from the TV show Kim Possible, “NEVER BE NORMAL”!!!