Hey, Brandon. You said Tim and Shadow should definitely keep their (now romantic) relationship a secret because if others find out, it will be big trouble (or as you said it, BIG TROUBLE in all capital letters). A few names I can think of who would give Tim and Shadow trouble are Terminus, Nightmare, the organization that kidnapped Anna and possibly Moonlight and Spencer (Moonlight because she might be enraged to learn that Shadow has been breaking Noxian law for six years now) and Spencer (because he has no idea of Tim’s secret life and might either be mad at him for not trusting him enough to tell him about his secret life or he could have a thing against monsters). But the main thing I want to ask is even if Craig is no longer a bully, is there another bully that Tim will have to deal with at school? Shadow is tormented by the bully Nightmare in Nox, so what if Tim is tormented by another bully in his world?
So, your thought is that everybody except Tim’s parents and Mother Moon is a potential problem, even his and Shadow’s oldest childhood friends, midnight and Spencer.
Perhaps when Spencer and Midnight finally meet they’ll start a similar cross-species interracial relationship like our heroes? Of course that will freeze out Eclipse who might also turn against them.
And what of Sunshine and Gloom? Surely they need a couple of humans to hook up with?
Perhps Craig ^ Marcy?
Who swings in which direction?
No. My thought is that Moonlight WILL be a potential problem and that those who WON’T be a problem are Tim’s parents, Midnight, Craig, Marcy and Eclipse. I admit I find the idea of Midnight and Spencer being in a relationship interesting, but so far, Midnight has only shown interest in Shadow and Eclipse, both of whom are female. And I think Sunshine and Gloom only want each other. Terminus even said he did not want to break up a cute couple (I’m not sure if he really thinks they are a cute couple, but I’m certain fans of the comic do). And when I wondered if there was going to be another bully at school in the human world, I was thinking about Patrick Willis. We haven’t seen him yet, but there was a poster saying to elect him for student council president, and he was mentioned by Tim while he was talking to Marcy, so I am wondering if he will appear later in the comic.
Why would Nightmare bother her now? She is seething at Terminus.
(Moonlight because she might be enraged to learn that Shadow has been breaking Noxian law for six years now)
Learn? Moonlight knows what’s going on. She put 2 and 2 together long ago, and even spelled it out (#64): this looks pretty much how it looked when Ruth met her man. Then Ruth walked in (#91) and implicitly confirmed that Shadow walks in her footsteps.
I always thought that Nightmare was mad at Shadow because she thought she stealed her lover. Ever since Nightmare was introduced, she has shown an intense hatred of Shadow to the point of possibly wanting to murder her (in page 85, she said “run off and play with that cheating little runt while you still can”). I think I remember someone, possibly Brandon, saying that Shadow’s breasts are bigger than Nightmare’s breasts, so I think one of the reasons Nightmare despises Shadow is because she is jealous of her beauty and not just her high score. Given her (literally) fiery temper in the last panel of page 239, her possible desire to murder Shadow might have gotten even closer to the surface.
♪With you, I feel immortal
So what’s the fun in being normal♪
Now shadow snu-snu tim like you never snu snued before oh wait they haven’t snu snued yet!
That’s definitely a Futurama reference!
“How did the last men that visited die?” “Crushed pelvises.”
Not “death by snu snu”, though; maybe “snu snu until can’t snu snu no more”?
They’ll need to practice. Lotsa practice needed.
So happy how this worked out… was getting worried there for a minute!
Sexy time?
Well, it’s about damn time….
They have had sex before right?
Not yet.
this part of the story happens years? before Page 3.
Brandon, when’s the next voting incentive image gonna be released? Its been the same one for awhile now.
Will the next voting incentive be named “Death By Snu Snu”? On second thought it can’t be that’s some Locifuria does.
I’m wondering if this scene will continue in the next page?
…or another one!
Whatever advances the story Brandon will decide.
Hey, Brandon. You said Tim and Shadow should definitely keep their (now romantic) relationship a secret because if others find out, it will be big trouble (or as you said it, BIG TROUBLE in all capital letters). A few names I can think of who would give Tim and Shadow trouble are Terminus, Nightmare, the organization that kidnapped Anna and possibly Moonlight and Spencer (Moonlight because she might be enraged to learn that Shadow has been breaking Noxian law for six years now) and Spencer (because he has no idea of Tim’s secret life and might either be mad at him for not trusting him enough to tell him about his secret life or he could have a thing against monsters). But the main thing I want to ask is even if Craig is no longer a bully, is there another bully that Tim will have to deal with at school? Shadow is tormented by the bully Nightmare in Nox, so what if Tim is tormented by another bully in his world?
So, your thought is that everybody except Tim’s parents and Mother Moon is a potential problem, even his and Shadow’s oldest childhood friends, midnight and Spencer.
Perhaps when Spencer and Midnight finally meet they’ll start a similar cross-species interracial relationship like our heroes? Of course that will freeze out Eclipse who might also turn against them.
And what of Sunshine and Gloom? Surely they need a couple of humans to hook up with?
Perhps Craig ^ Marcy?
Who swings in which direction?
No. My thought is that Moonlight WILL be a potential problem and that those who WON’T be a problem are Tim’s parents, Midnight, Craig, Marcy and Eclipse. I admit I find the idea of Midnight and Spencer being in a relationship interesting, but so far, Midnight has only shown interest in Shadow and Eclipse, both of whom are female. And I think Sunshine and Gloom only want each other. Terminus even said he did not want to break up a cute couple (I’m not sure if he really thinks they are a cute couple, but I’m certain fans of the comic do). And when I wondered if there was going to be another bully at school in the human world, I was thinking about Patrick Willis. We haven’t seen him yet, but there was a poster saying to elect him for student council president, and he was mentioned by Tim while he was talking to Marcy, so I am wondering if he will appear later in the comic.
Why would Nightmare bother her now? She is seething at Terminus.
Learn? Moonlight knows what’s going on. She put 2 and 2 together long ago, and even spelled it out (#64): this looks pretty much how it looked when Ruth met her man. Then Ruth walked in (#91) and implicitly confirmed that Shadow walks in her footsteps.
I always thought that Nightmare was mad at Shadow because she thought she stealed her lover. Ever since Nightmare was introduced, she has shown an intense hatred of Shadow to the point of possibly wanting to murder her (in page 85, she said “run off and play with that cheating little runt while you still can”). I think I remember someone, possibly Brandon, saying that Shadow’s breasts are bigger than Nightmare’s breasts, so I think one of the reasons Nightmare despises Shadow is because she is jealous of her beauty and not just her high score. Given her (literally) fiery temper in the last panel of page 239, her possible desire to murder Shadow might have gotten even closer to the surface.
With Shadow, it’s just envy and annoyance.
With Terminus, she’s really mad, he asked for a full course of “Hell Hath No Fury…” treatment.
Words arent the only way to express how you feel about someone…
Nice touch with the Ghostbusters scene in the background.
255 episodes later *bow-chicka-wow-wow* begins