Fun fact, the radar operator at the start of the gif is the same actor who was the small alien in the giant space ball in the early Star Trek episode, Corbomite Manuver.
If I’m judging the size right he is above average, somewhere around 80-90th percentile. Something to remember is that the numbers you read in porn are basically BS: Seven inches is 99th percentile and even the legendary John Holmes only really measured 10.5″.
(The next time you encounter a huge member size in a story, try measuring on yourself to see just how big it really is.)
I knew from page #1 what I was in for with reading this comic, even if I had to wait 8 years for it (actually not that much, as I found this comic in like the last year or the one before, idk). How could you hope that this moment will never come??
Great now we get to see his “Richard” for a week, til next posting
Don’t worry there’ll be lots to look at coming up.
Well technically nobody sugested that you should look at his “richard ” all week ?!
Oh my~~
I just read that n Professor Farnsworths (Futurama) voice….
Thanks. Now I can’t stop hearing it.
Fun fact, the radar operator at the start of the gif is the same actor who was the small alien in the giant space ball in the early Star Trek episode, Corbomite Manuver.
Idk, if I like your restraint on not making his dick above average, or very very disappointed
If I’m judging the size right he is above average, somewhere around 80-90th percentile. Something to remember is that the numbers you read in porn are basically BS: Seven inches is 99th percentile and even the legendary John Holmes only really measured 10.5″.
(The next time you encounter a huge member size in a story, try measuring on yourself to see just how big it really is.)
looks good! although i do hope to see more graphic stuff since you already put sex, like creampies or more positions. either way good plot so far
lol okay I’ll admit I did not expect this lol
Looks like the monster under the bed is about to “meat” her match.
its “meet” her match, not “meat” her match
The whoosh bird plopped a big, gooey one on your head; Klaiborn had it exactly right.
You, my friend need to brush up and learn about innuendos.
He’s about to meat her snatch?
I am guessing nobody is referencing the movie “Demolition Man”.
I guess now we know,
(puts on sunglasses)
who the real monster is.
Congratulations…now I hate that show just a little bit less. ;P
This is getting a little too XXX, for me. I hope we move on from that panel quickly.
What?!! :/
I knew from page #1 what I was in for with reading this comic, even if I had to wait 8 years for it (actually not that much, as I found this comic in like the last year or the one before, idk). How could you hope that this moment will never come??
WHoa!) It’s coool)
Oh my my My Monster Meat! That’s some premium grade A, Juicy, melt in your mouth meat. Yummy!
Oh MMmmyyyy! She Went ‘there’!!! lol!
Wasn’t quite expecting that explicit on the main page. Ah well
Huston, we have lift off!
Waiting for the obligatory hentai staples of, “that’s supposed to go in me?!” and, “my hips are moving on their own!!”
I am trying to NOT do the cliched things like narrating everything that is going on, and other things. haha.