These appear to be amateurish and overextended, rather than bloated and clumsy. :]
Hence, more likely a secret society or metahuman faction than anything backed by “above the counter” powers.
You gotta have an occasional panel with an establishing shot of Justin Trudeau drinking maple syrup on the back of a moose to remind people that it’s set in Canada lol
Go on, imagine how such a report would sound… *snerk*
Governments (unless they include diviners) don’t “find out” anything. This happens much lower on the food chain.
So, the real question is how various powers in the setting handle events not fit for news on account of hopeless incompatibility with the official picture of the world. Which may range from MIBs to an international puppeteer cabal that “serves” by intercepting all this, (see El Goonish Shive) to simply leaving metahuman and alien affairs to metahumans and aliens if at all possible.
Unrelated Question: I noticed the entire Noxian species seems to be an example of the Amazing Technicolor Population trope. I’ve noticed Noxians with skin tones such as Black(Shadow, Mortis, Pax), Dark Blue(Midnight), Purple/Violet(Eclipse), Light Green, Orange(Sunset), Light Blue(Gloom), Red(Nightmare), White(Moonlight), Dark Green(Terminus), Yellow(Ruthless), and Pink(Bloodmoon). Is their any limit to a Noxian’s skin color? Is it passed down through families or is it simply random(like a mutation)?
As if the US government would ever accept that there could be limits to their jurisdiction. Heck, being outside of US territory just means they feel freer to do whatever the fuck they want as they don’t need to respect their own rules (or at least, pretend to) when it’s abroad.
I am hopeful that, because he’s taking his time to get it closer to perfect, Brandon’s NEXT page depicting Shadow & Tim’s first experience, will be MAGNIFICENT!
There should be close-ups and flowing fluids aplenty and expressions of amazement and delight and (at last) exhaustion ..ahh …aahh …..aaaah!
Hey Brandon? Whatever happened to Miss Wilhelm?
She’s currently unconscious in the clutches of some mysterious figures. We will catch up with her eventually!
The woman that terminus used to and apparently attracted the attention of the US Governnent.
Is that the government? Hmmmm…
Well, it’s clearly some clandestine shadow organization bent on (under)world domination, so we really can’t rule out the CIA yet.
These appear to be amateurish and overextended, rather than bloated and clumsy. :]
Hence, more likely a secret society or metahuman faction than anything backed by “above the counter” powers.
You gotta have an occasional panel with an establishing shot of Justin Trudeau drinking maple syrup on the back of a moose to remind people that it’s set in Canada lol
There’s a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that those guys are a private organization. $5 says they have their own private Research site too.
And what would the implications be if the US Goverment found out about Shadow’s and Tim’s relationship along with Tim’s parents relationship?
Go on, imagine how such a report would sound… *snerk*
Governments (unless they include diviners) don’t “find out” anything. This happens much lower on the food chain.
So, the real question is how various powers in the setting handle events not fit for news on account of hopeless incompatibility with the official picture of the world. Which may range from MIBs to an international puppeteer cabal that “serves” by intercepting all this, (see El Goonish Shive) to simply leaving metahuman and alien affairs to metahumans and aliens if at all possible.
Unrelated Question: I noticed the entire Noxian species seems to be an example of the Amazing Technicolor Population trope. I’ve noticed Noxians with skin tones such as Black(Shadow, Mortis, Pax), Dark Blue(Midnight), Purple/Violet(Eclipse), Light Green, Orange(Sunset), Light Blue(Gloom), Red(Nightmare), White(Moonlight), Dark Green(Terminus), Yellow(Ruthless), and Pink(Bloodmoon). Is their any limit to a Noxian’s skin color? Is it passed down through families or is it simply random(like a mutation)?
The only limit is your imagination!
We’ve also seen freckles (or spots, if you prefer) but what about stripes and/or splotches?
USAAC B17s in 1943 used “cloud” shapes as part of their camo schemes.
If Noxian colour schemes are naturally derived from normal animal camo then their natural kin shading would reflect that origin.
“SKIN” shading
Since they’re residents of Canada, it’s none of the US Govt.’s damn business (unless the US Govt. is prepared to invade Canada again.)
As if the US government would ever accept that there could be limits to their jurisdiction. Heck, being outside of US territory just means they feel freer to do whatever the fuck they want as they don’t need to respect their own rules (or at least, pretend to) when it’s abroad.
So, you’ve noticed!
No teeth, and her gums are in terrible condition
Isnt most vaginal fluid blood plasma?
To hell if I know, but it’s sure is slippery.
Which would indicate its mucosal nature.
“It’s mucus, Jim”
We might be ready to find out how Tim got those scratches.
great story keep it going
Your comic is beautiful.
I wish I was a Nox.
Where’s my Tim?
And now the real fun begins!
Great so far.. Please keep this going Brandon.
We readers would lynch him if he dared to stop now… and he knows it!
Seems like Tim’s about to conquer the Shadow Realm.
It cannot be conquered, it CAN be entered.
Go forth. bold young adventurer and thrive!
Well I feel Shadow is impatient, isn’t she?
Now the fun begins.
I am hopeful that, because he’s taking his time to get it closer to perfect, Brandon’s NEXT page depicting Shadow & Tim’s first experience, will be MAGNIFICENT!
There should be close-ups and flowing fluids aplenty and expressions of amazement and delight and (at last) exhaustion ..ahh …aahh …..aaaah!
Unrelated question: Would you consider the Noxians to be a Reptomammalian species? (A species that possesses both reptilian and mammalian traits)