Having worked hard to set her son up with an excellent mate, Ruth might be unwilling to risk her matchmaking by interrupting a crucial moment in their relationship.
I see a scene soon like the one in the original Teen Wolf with Mom greeting Tim at his bedroom door in her true form like Michael Fox’s dad did as a werewolf.
Too obvious
Man his parents are awesome. I doubt any human parents would be so forgiving for the first time.
My dad would have been brandishing his belt while ranting about the sin of fornication.
Wow, I wish my mother had been that cool.
“Our son is normal.”
Good on Mr. Newton, he catches on quickly.
Having worked hard to set her son up with an excellent mate, Ruth might be unwilling to risk her matchmaking by interrupting a crucial moment in their relationship.
LOL that was a close call!
Why do they need their walls to be soundproofed?
Uh-huh. Yep.
Hey Brandon, just a curiosity? How do you choose characters colors?
A good question! My impression is that Noxians are of “afterimages” colors. Is it a finely crafted transformation, or do you eyeball it every time?
Ruth is in her Noxian form.
I think his father just found out the truth about his wife.
She wants them to leave Shadow and Tim alone.
I think Tom has known about Ruth’s other form for quite some time now
More like he’s known the whole time
Chapter 3. And considering that their anniversary is on Halloween…
I believe Ruth first entered the human world under the younger Tom’s bed. The rest is history.
Now, Ruth, better get a cake (or the dough for one) out of the fridge – and candles.
Cakes don’t use dough, though? Cookies, on the other hand…
Yeah dad, you don’t want to walk in on that, for more than one reason.
Her skin color is much closer to human (Caucasian at least) normal than most.
Maybe if she had jaundice.
In better lighting that would be somewhere between vivid yellow, orange and golden (see #91,114,143).
Maybe if she was on the Simpsons…
I see a scene soon like the one in the original Teen Wolf with Mom greeting Tim at his bedroom door in her true form like Michael Fox’s dad did as a werewolf.
Well Ruth was in her true form earlier in the day when Tim left for school in an all fire hurry.
So instead of Ruth tossing in confetti and condoms it’s gonna be his dad…
Door slightly opens, confetti followed by condoms are tossed through.
“CONGRATULATIONS! Now keep it down some of us are trying to sleep.”
Her teeth look.sharper and her eyes more predatory
Cause SHE’s not done with YOU Mr Newton! Now go back to bed…OR ELSE!