I think I have too much imagination, trying to incluse my story’s protagonist in your World. After all, we don’t know anything about the Creators, what they were or how they created Nox… Ask me if you’re interested!
I think Shadow and Tim will watch the Exorcist tv series together.
Andy who was inter grated was murdered to put an end to Pazuzu
forever. I think the 2 priests would have gone Terminator on all the rest if there was a 3rd season.
If the year is around what i think Shadow’s and Timothy’s kid will be around their age now before the coronavirus could show up if it happens in their timeline
If may express one criticism
Ruthless’s nose seems a little weird in the last panel
It think it would be better if a little shorter,
Other that that, great job as usual
Quick! What could you do to distract him and make him forget about what’s happening next door?
I think I have too much imagination, trying to incluse my story’s protagonist in your World. After all, we don’t know anything about the Creators, what they were or how they created Nox… Ask me if you’re interested!
I think Shadow and Tim will watch the Exorcist tv series together.
Andy who was inter grated was murdered to put an end to Pazuzu
forever. I think the 2 priests would have gone Terminator on all the rest if there was a 3rd season.
I’m pretty impressed with the story since the beginning, I’m just looking for the next chapter
Responsible parents try to keep their children safe.
Tim’s father thought Tim was in danger. Now he knows otherwise. He won’t interfere.
Aww, he’s cute when he’s absolutely clueless.
The Monster Under The Bed should address the Coronavirus.
It was on Coronation Street 2 years ago 60 years after the show began.
Why not just «I Support The Current Thing — but only once it’s well aged» banner?
Am following this story and enjoying the heck out of it. Hooray for the two happy couples.
That anime sweat drop… almost as hilarious as her making kitten face in the 1st panel.

I think things just went bump-in-the-night. Yes, there’s claws and sharp teeth involved but everything is fine. Go back to sleep.
Nox should have a prison-visiting organization Buddhism has 1
named for a murderer Buddha reformed.
Why? If anything, this sounds risky enough to actively avoid.
If the year is around what i think Shadow’s and Timothy’s kid will be around their age now before the coronavirus could show up if it happens in their timeline
What a time to have caught up on an initial read-through!
If may express one criticism
Ruthless’s nose seems a little weird in the last panel
It think it would be better if a little shorter,
Other that that, great job as usual
The “thumb nose” does look a little weird, but Noxians are often drawn like this, though sometimes toned down (#087 vs #085).
He has the coolest parents ever, man. They know what he’s doing and they’re not even gonna bust in on him.