Nothing worse than when you desperately need to talk something out with someone, and either you or they buggered off dramatically, so you’re left with your thoughts and no outlet. They just race around and around.
Timothy Newton
Ruth Newton
Thomas Newton
Lady Moonlight
Lady Blackheart
Marcy Weaver
Spencer Dobbs
Craig Kowalski
Anna Wilhelm
Lord Pax
Grace Dobbs
Actually, I think that Tim is a target. What’s his name needs someone from both worlds. Tim, as far as he knows. Some significant irony there if you have read the text version.
The moment you haven’t read this in like 8 years, come back and you try to hit next after getting to the most recent chapter…..then realize that’s all there is for now….dammit
Nothing worse than when you desperately need to talk something out with someone, and either you or they buggered off dramatically, so you’re left with your thoughts and no outlet. They just race around and around.
I’m guessing now either Marcy or Craig shows up.
You nailed it, Marcy & Craig both showed up.
He still doesn’t know that his mom isn’t human
Quick Question: What are the ages of all the characters introduced in the present day?
Timothy Newton
Ruth Newton
Thomas Newton
Lady Moonlight
Lady Blackheart
Marcy Weaver
Spencer Dobbs
Craig Kowalski
Anna Wilhelm
Lord Pax
Grace Dobbs
Why are you asking, officer?
I know they’re all adults by this time, just curious about what their exact ages are.
Unanswered curiosity strengthens the soul.
Grow strong, grasshopper.
Tim and Shadow are 19, they met 7 years ago just after turning 12.
Clearly… A mugging!
Stop & go back home?
Honestly, skipping school 1 day is not so important. & I’m sure his parents would cover for him.
Yes Tim, they’re all conspiring against you.
Even the ones who’ve never HEARD of you!
Welcome to real-world paranoia!
Actually, I think that Tim is a target. What’s his name needs someone from both worlds. Tim, as far as he knows. Some significant irony there if you have read the text version.
The moment you haven’t read this in like 8 years, come back and you try to hit next after getting to the most recent chapter…..then realize that’s all there is for now….dammit
Now? Let’s go practice medicine.
Now that’s just ASKING for someone to come up from behind and slap a chloroform rag over your face.
yeah, didn’t even think about that, but now that you point it out.. that line and angle is just asking for an attack/scare from behind.
Wonder if the last panel is foreshadowing someone (Marcy?) sneaking up behind Tim? Guess we’ll find out next page.
Looking forward to seeing the next page.
Who knows when this last page was published and when should we wait for the next one?