#29 “Full Circle”
And so we return to just about where we came in…
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And so we return to just about where we came in…
Like the comic on Facebook and get bonus stuff every once in a while! CLICKY!
Really enjoying the comic another great page
I can here the world fapping to this already
Thanks for that mental image… XD Hrrrrummmmnh.
Not gonna lie: originally discovered that webcomic becuz’ someone posted the few first pages on e-hentai.
That’s where I found it too.
Same but I’m still enjoying it so far.
Good! I’m glad to hear it! XD
Me too
I know. I don’t know who’s doing it, but they’re keeping up to date at least. XD I don’t mind, more traffic for me!
Many a great web comic was discovered by me this way, be it they were posted in e-hentai for gratuitous nudity, damn sexy but safe drawing, or simply by h-fanart
I’ve found a few gems myself that way. I’m not gonna lie. I’m no saint. XD
I thinks it’s pretty safe to assume, no “saint” would take the time to make her breast hang slightly pivoted as her shoulders are not perfectly straight in the horizon. That kind of details require a great deal of “investigation”
Mmmmm. Yes. A great deal.
I found my way to both DeviantArt.com and here due to Ex-hentai XD
To DeviantArt because of what now is known as Sunstone from Shiniez.
And stayed for a lot more, several mecha drawing artists, for example.
I knew about deviant art yeeeeears before I knew about ex-hentai.
Lol, I found your deviantart… And part of it suprised me for a moment, but then I was oh Ya he posted that link that one time. Keep up the work there as well.
I found it through the cats and cameras webcomic which is also a little risque.
am I the only person who found this because I’m crazy and type random things as url’s…..no…..just me then……okay……I’m gonna go throw beans at children
I can believe you’ve found some truly bizarre things that way. XD
I found a puppy humping a chicken
Same here. Glad whoever posted it did. This is a really great comic and I hope it continues for many years to come.
Luscious is where I discovered it XD but they are missing a few pages.
Luscious, eh? I’ve never heard of this place. I’ll have to look into it later! XD
Fapping to this? Just breasts…. of the perfect size…. on an adorable girl… no >.> not yet anyways.
Heh. Do whatever you want man, but don’t tell me about it. XD
I’m Scared brandon…….why did he have to tell me!?!?!??!?!
Looks like a page (or two) after where we started but… whatever.
Hmmm, true enough!
Aww. Shadow looks even more cute naked.
Heh, I’ll pass that information on to her! °w°
I think she looks cute dressed up with her hair in those winged ponytails, but downright sexy “au natural”.
Cute? Definitely! But even more than that she is super sexy, especially when she lets her hair down like this <3
Agree. Noticed with the earlier pages. Cute/Sexyness starts when she took her hair down. Now that we see her in her full glory; very sexy.
Yes, when her hair is down she in a very free mood, of course she can be just as naughty with her hair up as well!
Saying stuff like that makes us want to expect an extra X-rated comic. Are you dropping hints here?
No. I’m just implying she has a naughty streak in her. There WILL be a sex scene or two (or however many), but they won’t be x-rated. Your not going to see pages and pages of ‘OH YES! YES! STICK IT IN MY BUTT!’ and fluids flying everywhere. Nothing too gratuitous. Stuff you can get away with in an R-rated movie, or HBO.
Spirits are just as good as monsters, too. <3
I guess we are back to the present.
“She” wouldn´t suggest we are about to meet “Monster Mom”?
I’m using the present as a framing device for the first few chapters, at least until we get caught up to them.
And no, She isn’t her mom. Heh. It’s funny, you’re the first person to actually talk about the new information I just dropped, and not just the fact that, yes, Shadow has girl parts.
Comes with having had them in hands myself more than once. Part of growing up.
Don´t get my wrong, i love women´s breasts, i could play the whole day with them.
But as nice as tits can be, new story related information are more important to me than the main actresses goodies.
Hehe, you get a cookie!
hmm, My initial reaction was the exact opposite, that midnight was their daughter.
Haha, geez, they’ve been busy then!
Remember when I picked up the hint of other monsters being in the story a couple chapters back? Is this when they start appearing? I hope so!!! Also keep up the good work on all your pages (no specific page in mind)
Next chapter we’ll see some new faces.
That was a strange cut.
From adorable little monster kids and cookies, to tits.
A thought just struck me, I would freak out if I knew a plural of monsters had the opportunity to use the underside of my bed as a portal. One of the last things I would be able to do would be to have sex.. What if some horrible swamp creature suddenly pops out under my bed while I am naked?!
That is a good question. Can you get a lockable door put in on your underthebed?
It’s a risk we all must take! Or just wear pyjamas… XD
Heh. Works for me, of course I already knew it was coming weeks ago, and also I wrote it. So… I may be a little biased.
It’s not THAT strange a cut. In both cases, Shadow’s getting her cookies… (ducking)
I wish i could upvote.
I agree. Jump cuts are pretty common in practically everything.
Oh I wasn’t bashing it, it was just a funny switch, I found.
It’s cool. Opinions are allowed here.
Ha, so cute, though I have to ask: will that be all for their childhood? Or more in ch2?
I’m not done with their childhood yet, in fact almost every chapter will be a flashback depicting some point in their lives prior to this present scenario that is currently playing out (which is set in the aftermath of a pretty big ordeal.)
Is the aftermath of monsters being exposed, or of tim’s parents learning about Shadow….
None of the above!
Midnight. She the cute demon in the “mysterious new challenger” picture?
You’ll have to wait and see!
The version on Deviantart says “friend of a friend.”
I know.
That is what she is.
new challenger picture?
Heh. Maybe! *puts finger on my nose*
From Tim’s comment I take it that not only we will find out about/see some other monsters soon, but also that Midnight knows about their relationship and is supportive of them?
Yeah. In fact by the looks of it, it looks like we aren’t far from meeting Midnight. I wonder what type of MG she is.
Also, does his parents know about it?
At this point? Maybe. Who can say? XD
Indeed, Chapter 2 will introduce a few new faces, even if only briefly at first. They’ll become more important much later.
I’m still here…
I know. XD
Saaaaaay, is your nick somehow related to mine?
Nope. “Eretic” is not”Heretic”. It have different accent also(In Russian at least).
Lol, I like his face in the second last tile
The “We were just kissing, why aren’t we still kissing?” face?
Me too! XD
I would surely not mind if they kiss more often.
I like kissing.
A name like Midnight and referred to as she. I will assume another monster girl like Shadow.
I can see the next page though (grin). Tim: “Tell her she should get a boyfriend. We’re GREAT stress relievers!” (Slips his hand under the blanket and does… something… to Shadow) Shadow purrs/moans. “Yes, you are…” Midnight’s head pops up from under the bed. Midnight says: “Then LEND him to me for awhile!”
An interesting theory! You’ll just have to wait and see my plans unfold!
That WAS a joke, Brandon. That’s why I put the (grin) in there. I know who Midnight… well, was SUPPOSED to be: I read the story. I CAN see her making that joke sarcastically, though. She might also give Tim an appraising look.
And since monster girls have claws, I can’t see Tim going along with the joke at all. It’d be too dangerous… ESPECIALLY if Shadow was agreeable to a threesome: Tim wouldn’t survive.
A threesome you say? Hmmm… XD
(EEEEVIL grin) And at some point in the future, Shadow saying “I’m late!” really COULD terrify Tim…
Lol, thats some good ideas
Haha, perhaps!
Interesting. Is it safe to assume Midnight knows about Shadow and Tim?
I look forward to seeing more about Tim and Shadow’s earlier days.
Also if any of Shadow’s female friends are looking for a human of their own there is plenty of room under my bed. (sorry couldn’t resist)
Yes, Midnight is well aware of the situation.
And yeah, I’ve got nothing but some dust bunnies under there, and I’m not talking sexy bunny girls, either. XD
We watchers should be grateful. If you had a portal to “Sexy Monster Girl Land” under your bed, we’d NEVER see another page!
And none of us would blame you.