#29 “Full Circle”
And so we return to just about where we came in…
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And so we return to just about where we came in…
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Midnight huh? Looks like we have a new character coming soon, but lets focus on the now. So we skip some of the extra
-continue- flashback story and go to the now. I knew shadow look cute at the start of the story, but now seeing her in her full glory she is very beautiful. I really can’t wait to see how more this story will progress.
Ahhh, that makes more sense now! XD I sort of thought something got cut off there.
Yes, this is just a quick stop while Chapter 2 (and the flashback story) loads in the buffer. Ha.
do we get to see between her legs in this comic? ;3
I’m sure eventually I’ll draw a camera view from between her legs, like looking at something in the far horizon, right?
lol I meant like her legs spread and his POV looking at her treasure ;3
Yes its Ruby Gloom.. Your point?
Oh, Tim plundered that treasure awhile ago. You’d have to ask him.
lol so no vagina shots? xD
Oh, there might be a couple. Just don’t expect anything too gratuitous.
You can’t draw them, can you?
Sure I can! Mind you, it wouldn’t be overly detailed or anything. I’m not going to slap a detailed vagina onto a simplified cartoon character. It’d be a simplified cartoon vagina!
If it was more than 3 well-placed lines, I’d be surprised.
Oddly, I’m not as interested in a vagina shot as much as I am a full frontal nudity shot of Shadow. If she’s human enough there to have enjoyable sex with Tim, I can imagine it well enough on my own.
Ooh more daylight/warmer colors. and Shadow’s in them too, yay!
It’s also nice to see an older Shadow in your smoother style, rather than opposed to the rougher initial pages. Have you considered redoing those older pages so they match the rest of the comic more? Or is that not any particular concern?
I’ve considered it, but it’s not SUPER important right now. Most Web comics start off looking pretty rough and get better as they go, so I’m not worried about it much.
Some webcomic authors have done that, but after the have had a long time of publishing, and specially when they were making book versions of the comics, or using it as an insentive for Patreon funding.
Yeah, I’m not too worried about it yet. They haven’t become TOO alien yet. Well, Page 1 Tim is kinda weird now, but still.
The first pages of Twokinds look vastly different from the current style. Yet i recommend the comic.
Misfile stayed true to its style pretty much until now.
Skullkickers often feature guest drawers, so style changes are normal there.
Go get a Roomie has its very unique style with only minor difference from start to today.
Art evolution is one thing, I mean just check out Questionable content over the years. I was wondering about this due to the fact that the art style is pretty much a match, but looks like it was a colored rough draft when compared to the following pages and slightly jarring. And considering the emotional oomph in those intitial pages is so very good even with the roughness, just imagine if they were brought inline with the rest…
That being said, even rough they are awesome and like our awesome author has stated they aren’t too funky/off.
It’s like Big! If Tom Hanks went to sleep and woke up as an adult next to a naked monster!
Is… is he poking his finger somewhere in the last panel? Or is it just lying on the bed? And why do I have a dirty mind?
Eh, still enjoying the heck out of this comic!
It’s just on the bed. I’m sure she might have a different face, otherwise.
More teeth, I think.
What, guys, not a word about the waistline and hips?
Very clever character design, a juxtaposition of human features and just enough “monster” to appeal to our instinctive attraction to a member of a slightly different gene pool…but probably genetically close enough that panel 4’s dialogue might have had Timothy looking terrified rather than just a bit frustrated. Perhaps the present is used to set up the past _and_ the future? Let’s look forward to finding out in a couple of years…
Indeed! Well, hopefully in a few years this’ll become sooooo popular I can quit my job and work on it full-time! XD
A man can dream.
Ya I was hopping since with only a few days time you could like finish a chapter in a week that’s how fast you draw and its good
No one mentioning the fact she is late, and was supposed to meet “Midnight” early?? Come’on, how can you be late or early for meeting up with midnight? It’s always the same time on the clock XD
Hahaaaaaaaa~ Well, she might turn into a pumpkin or something!
Wow people sure do see other stuff even though your panel is so straightforward. First lets look at Shadow she’s beautiful a guy could wake up and think damn I’m a lucky bastard just to kiss her. But what I really want to see is how the relationship works how much time do they get to spend with each other.
Sometimes I think everybody is seeing world completely differently. Some way more than others! XD
At this point, I think it’s safe to assume that they see each other quite regularly, on a day to day basis. In fact, I think they might not be a stretch to propose that they are currently living together. But I can confirm nothing!
I presume Midnight is either a close friend or even a sibling. Nice switch to the present but to be honest I found myself feeling a little let down. Maybe I’m more in it for the story and characters.
We’ll get back to the story shortly. I’m just wrapping up Chapter one. There’s LOTS more story and character stuff coming, don’t you worry!
Excellent work as always. And she who? Who is this new character and does she know about Tim and Shadow? And here’s another question, does Tim and Shadow have kids in the future?
She be Midnight is who she be. And they don’t have kids in the present, no.
Now I wonder, if they’ll get married or not. It’d be a shame if they didn’t, ya know having worked on their relationship for so long.
Hmmm… we’ll just have to see! *grin*
Will we get to see Midnight?
Yeeeeeeah… of course! XD
Now on to the subject of magical items. Care to share with us the variety of items and there function, and do they go about procuring said items?
PS: Another good comic to read: http://laslindas.katbox.net
No, not at this time! XD
Damn, well I suppose there has to be some kind of market or shop where she can buy them. I think a market would be better then a shop. =^.^=
PS: Magic rules.
There is a Bazaar sort of place, I imagine.
So, due to his rather large head, I’m having trouble determining Tim’s age. At first I thought he was something like 13 years old, but he seems to be, notably, not traumatized by monster girl vagina. So, I guess he’s closer to the 17-18 bracket? I haven’t read any extra materials other than what’s been posted in the comic pages, so I don’t know what his school situation might be. Some clarification might be cool here.
Also, I didn’t really like the sudden jump to the future. They didn’t interact much at all in their first encounter, so why did they suddenly jump to nightly dickings? I just feel their relationship (and relationship with other monsters) could’ve been expanded upon a bit more before jumping back to the present.
There should be more monster girl material like this out there, so take this however you want.
°~° Dude.
Chapter 1 was just their very first meeting when they were kids. There’s going to be a LOT more interaction and information coming up in the next few chapters. Things about both of their situations will be clarified, including ages, school, hobbies, etc.
This present sex timeline is just a framing device or book-end used to tell us a sort of ‘how this situation came to be’ back story over several more chapters. Tim is telling us the story from the future.
And yes, he’s 18 during all the ‘present’ scenes.
I think the main problem, in my case, was that I noticed very little difference between young Tim and older Tim. So, I didn’t really notice the shift in time between the flashback and the present being measured in years. Only after looking back on the first three chapters have I noticed that older Tim’s legs are a bit longer and his head slightly smaller compared to young Tim.
Now I understand the timeline, though. Thanks for the explanation. I’m curious to see how the monster world functions in your universe.
And don’t you “Dude” me, young man. There’s no need for that.
It’s alright. Some more subtle changes in Tim are:
– He has less hair spikes when he’s older.
– His chin is a bit pointier.
– Smaller eyes, eyebrows and ears.
– He has bigger shoulders.
Ok so sorry for being stupid if I am, but I dont understand this page I mean what happend between the last one and this it feels like a month got past them… I mean what happend between Shadow and Tim? in just 1 page.
A month? Try 10 years!
We just jumped back into the present, like, at the beginning of the comic?
Ohhh so now I see after reading the comment above I understand soo the first like 28 pages where like when they first meet so we can understand some stuff about them,now its after alot of time …. You can give me a big DUUUUUUUUHHHH
XD No problem.
I too thought it is a bit of an abrupt scene change. It could have used a another page inbetween building up to this one, or perhaps a text box with something along the lines “back in the present/ future etc”.
The abrupt change was on purpose, you know… I figured people would clue into the changeover easily enough, what with Shadow suddenly sprouting her friends! XD
Oh my!
I almost forgot it was one of THOSE comics.
Also a quick followup; I’m not sure if you already talked about it, but how long have you been drawing? You’ve got a really good cartoon style!
I’ve been doodling forever really. I recall drawing a lot with some chalk on an old chalkboard back when I was somewhere around 3 or 4 years old. Sure, it was childish scribble, but it was a start.
Hah, cute characters need lovin’ too! XD
Hmm I wonder if The Monster Under The Bed updated?
“Whoa man!”
I’m sure a few people had that reaction.
I guess I wasn’t ready for that.
It’s okay! XD
Been skimming through the comments. A lot of of people seem to have forgotten about the first couple pages, and appear to think that this is a continuation of the previous page.
I thought the transition was a bit abrupt, but not overly so. I appear to be in the minority there. Maybe another page is needed to be placed in between the two or some other indicator of time passed?
I don’t know why but I think that the person Shadow is talking about is her mother, probably completely wrong with that guess but that’s the feeling I gotten. And on a side note hope that we get to see Shadow in a nude scene with her pigtails I don’t know why but I really like those pigtails.
Heh, all will become clear in short order on who Midnight is.
I’m sure she’ll be wearing the pigtails and not much else sometime or other. XD