#29 “Full Circle”
And so we return to just about where we came in…
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And so we return to just about where we came in…
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Gosh how many people is there now…..and how many have left us
R.I.P. Creeper 2015 C.O.D. Attempted to unhinge his jaw to eat a book to gain its contents
Great work on Tim’s face. I remember the first couple pages he was really baby faced. Maybe a few harder edges for definition (if he’s to have a rugged face).
Also, can these come out any faster? I want to know what the monster world is like.
The monster world won’t be explored for a while yet, I’m afraid. and yes, thank you. I’m taking strides to make Tim look older this time around. I’ve pronounced his chin a bit more. Of course the real changes will become more apparent once he’s not laying in bed hidden behind his girlfriend! XD
went from kids to BAM TITS
Yep! Well, at least it didn’t confuse you. XD
Some folks have seemingly had a hard time grasping the sudden scene change, even when it was easily telegraphed.
for a bit I thought there was gona be a story of how they met and growing into that love, they met when he was 8 right? and he is im guessing atlest 18 now? XD but anyway looking forward to how it gose :3
Oh, that story will come.
Am i realy the only one who remember the scar on brandon’s back at the begening and can’t help but to think that it was a wonderful night for them or a really bad pass for them(i’m sticking with the first theory)
*Ahem* I think you mean TIM’S back, not mine. This story is not some weird self-insertion fantasy! XD
And the scar has certainly not been forgotten, in fact… it might show up again soon!
Wow… I’m late to this one… Shame on me…
Well, first of all, I think we can get over the boobies by now. It’s not the first time we’ve seen them in this comic (not Shadow’s, but….). I think we should look at Tim’s face in the fouth panel and how priceless it is.
“She”? Is “she” like a monster friend to Shadow that is the candle of the group?
The candle of the group? XD Yes, she’s quite waxy! Har har.
just found this comic today.it looks excellent. I wish it got updated more than once a week.
Me too! XD
I am your loyal minion now. I’ll make sure to drop the word on the web, to more people. I like the direction it’s going, the no clothes direction.
Well, I can’t guarantee that the clothes will stay off, but for certain, there will be more missing clothes during the appropriate times!
soo glad I found this comic at the start of if I can see big things coming to it
That’s the spirit!
They updated on their own, I had nothing to do with it! XD
It’s just a simple setting that breaks the comments into pages with a set number of comments on each page. It’s not suppose to change on it’s own. but don’t change any thing back this makes it easier to move and read through the comments and the page loads faster. I would suggest that you change the number of comments displayed to 10 or 20 per page.
that’d be like 24 pages
Oh new comment system
Change scares me! ;-;
It’s not that bad, I guess! XD
Now I am curious about who is “she”.
I’m pretty sure she has short black hair
I dunno, man.
Red curly hair
Mwahaa! My nefarious plan is working!
First, I give you a character without a name and keep the name a secret for weeks, now I give you a name without a character!
Devious, very devious. Keep it up, it’s a ton of fun to see reader squirm. lol
You should add some emoticons, an evil smiley would have been perfect for this comment.
I feel like cracking a steel bat over the mothers skull
Who’s Mother? XD
What skull?
I hope not Tim’s mom. She might take the steel bat away and use it on HIM!
Yeah, you won’t like her when she’s REALLY angry.
Hey Brandon do you have a fear of having you organs ripped out
Erm, that seems like a sorta quick progression. Also, it’s still a bit creepy considering how that kid still looks the same after (hopefully) years later.
*rolls eyes*
shrug it off Brandon, just shrug it off. You’re gonna get a lot of this.
Heh, it was first thing in the morning… I really didn’t want to deal with that subject again!
Just ignore it then, if possible.
Sorry, man. It seems like it’ll be promising.
It’s ok. I was just tired and cranky. Plus, I’ve been getting that a bunch with this last page.
I’m so glad that the intrenet allows free info like this!
yay boobies
tx for the new page, i love it.
So… I’m guessing he’s not 8 anymore?
Not on this page, nor in any pages taking place during the future/present plotline. In the flashbacks, yes, he’s 8.
Have a white border instead of bleack when its a flashback for less confusion
Nah, considering half the story is in flashback, I might as well just make the frames white…. and it clashes with the colour.
i thought a frame is the same as a border I DONT KNOW ALL I DO IS WRITE FAN-FICS ABOUT NUCLEAR FALLOUTS AND DEMONS…..i donut draw good i’m tryna learn though so I can doodle super hero comix