#292 “Time Well Spent”
Uh-oh! Think fast girls!
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Uh-oh! Think fast girls!
Wanna join my Patreon? You get to see some behind the scenes progress on the pages and some extra bonus content I don’t post anywhere else!
Oh boy, shits hitting the fan is it?
Side Note: I spot a wild Zark in the background.
Shit’s hitting like 10 fans!
Also, yes, Zark cameo! I guess that means he’s “real” now! Princess Heart must be a TV show or something in TMUTB universe!
Wonder if Tim and/or Shadow would watch it?(Also, what the rating would be?)
Shadow must like it if she has a plushie of Zark!
The rating would be Tits out of 10.
… So I take it that’s Shadow’s room Moonlight is in?
Side Note: Should we be worried about the room behind Moonlight?
Well, Moonlight may just have discovered Shadow’s archive of Tim’s unwashed socks (refer page 72).
“It’s not only perverse, it’s UNSANITARY!”
That could be why she’s upset or it may be the last straw.
… I take it Moonlight is mad? Question is about what?
I can think of a few things!
Not gonna lie, Ms. Moonlight is still cute when livid.
Haha of course!
I take it Nightmare will be showing up soon too?
Oh yeah!
Dun dun duuun….
DUN!!!! To Be continued!
Ooo. Lady Moonlight’s dark side.
Considering how bright she is, she has a dark streak in her past!
Someone’s not happy…but there’s so much to be not happy about it’s hard to pick just one.
I Think she’s mad she wasn’t invited to their girl time
Hahaha. Maybe so!!
Uh-oh Looks like Mother Moonlight is pissed.
you bet ya cuss she is.
she looks like white diamond
An angry NOXIAN appears!
Even worse… an angry NOXIAN HIGHMOTHER has appeared.
Oh boy.. it IS about her and or Tim afterall. She does not look happy. Guess she hasn’t put two and two together yet about Tim and LBH.
She looks really extremely pissed too.
Can’t wait to see what she has to say and if she realized about Tim yet!
Thanks for the page Brandon.
Also, Moon knows that MN knew/knows for sure now too. MN is in trouble as well.
Ladies, y’all are in some deep ca-ca now. So deep you probably can’t even see sunlight if that look is any indication.
Looks like Mother will be paying Thomas and Ruthless a personal visit.
That would be most interesting and shed some moonlight on a couple questions about the past of that trio. For instance, if Moonie would bother with a human disguise and what it would look like, and if her place in the Tom/Ruthless dynamic matches where Midnight is now.
oh boy this is going to be like a mix of romeo and juliet crossing over with the little mermaid.
I think best friends share, so Shadow should share Tim… if you know the meaning of it… OT3 baby!
MN wants a shot at Shadow so badly that she might just go along with something like a 3-way. lol
She was asking questions about what it was like too.
Oh, those girls are boned. And not the good kind.
one already got boned
Veeeery well.