She should just tell her that he’s her sister’s son/her nephew. That or some kid she scared the hell out of… or a research subject.. maybe say he’s her sex toy/pet? lol
No real way out of this for her without telling some kind of truth since moon knows that she was talking to someone about him and maybe even that he’s a hybrid. (if NM told her that part too) Plus she HAD to hear the two girls talking as they walked in. She should probably start off with him being an accidental friend for now though. I mean what could she have done when they first met? Killed him to keep the secret?
The part about already being bonded lovers is probably a little too much for moon to handle right now though.
Possible responses “Happens to be my boyfriend, your nephew, the reason I’ve been collecting so much energy (or something, I don’t remember the lore stuff with that), or all of the above
If you want, that your feets doesn´t smell, take Clotramizol cream/balm, I don´t know the word in english (ask your Pharmatist) (its fine, if your girlfriend has an eye on feets..).(cheap, wipe it all 2 months on your feet after shower). Now, the tension is build up…how will this story go further…Thanks, Brandon!
What clarity?
Please explain”the joke” (for this crusty old (77 and counting)) reader who is weary of entitled millennials who want it NOW, all of it NOW and who whine because they have to wait.
You are far too hostile for any explanation to get through the piss colored glasses, so I will not be engaging this any further. I’m sorry you took offense where none was intended, but that is your own problem and I will not indulge you making it mine.
The chapter is about dragging the explanation out. And the meta joke is that the next chapter seems to be fraghing itself out. Not a great joke at all, but doesn’t warrant you being an asshole who could’ve ignored them and moved on
Thank you snes4life.
I agree that Brandon’s whole effort has been in dragging out his plot episodes to suit the illustrations.
Some have called those efforts as “cliffhangers”.
I will agree that it’s not been a great joke.
Yes, I sometimes am “an arsehole” as you call it. I prefer to call it occasionally acerbic but I often flare up at any suuggestion that Brandon isn’t working as quick or hard as someone (who is reading all his output for free), would like.
In the end, just like how kinaak probably should’ve not tried the joke. U didn’t need to post so many needlessly aggressive replies. So ya both made yourselves look dumb
Argue it as much as u want, this is the year range for millennials. Your gonna have to start blaming Gen z now…or show that your essentially a sheep by repeating a phrase without actually understanding the meaning behind it. I do believe there was a a significant scene and theme in George Orwell’s animal farm that described it perfectly.
WAIT! *grabs popcorn* okay I’m ready
Shadow used “Play the victim”, it’s not very effective
I like to imagine that this is the same thing that happens in cocobrED’s videos, like that it’s the same monster under the bed world
No not like this! Two weeks is going to be hard!
She should just tell her that he’s her sister’s son/her nephew. That or some kid she scared the hell out of… or a research subject.. maybe say he’s her sex toy/pet? lol
No real way out of this for her without telling some kind of truth since moon knows that she was talking to someone about him and maybe even that he’s a hybrid. (if NM told her that part too) Plus she HAD to hear the two girls talking as they walked in. She should probably start off with him being an accidental friend for now though. I mean what could she have done when they first met? Killed him to keep the secret?
The part about already being bonded lovers is probably a little too much for moon to handle right now though.
Thanks for the page Brandon.
As it happens, Mother, he’s your nephew
Possible responses “Happens to be my boyfriend, your nephew, the reason I’ve been collecting so much energy (or something, I don’t remember the lore stuff with that), or all of the above
Why do I have a bad feeling Nightmare will be the one to tell Moonlight!?
If you want, that your feets doesn´t smell, take Clotramizol cream/balm, I don´t know the word in english (ask your Pharmatist) (its fine, if your girlfriend has an eye on feets..).(cheap, wipe it all 2 months on your feet after shower). Now, the tension is build up…how will this story go further…Thanks, Brandon!
Smoke bomb?
Not today thanks, I’m trying to give them up.
No update this week? Did the page title just become meta?
The updates have been fortnightly for some time now.
I am aware, but the joke was there to be made, so I did.
I saw no joke, just a whine.
With no tone of voice here, its easy to misread or project. I can only clarify intent, interpretation is on you.
What clarity?
Please explain”the joke” (for this crusty old (77 and counting)) reader who is weary of entitled millennials who want it NOW, all of it NOW and who whine because they have to wait.
Or is waiting “meta”?
You are far too hostile for any explanation to get through the piss colored glasses, so I will not be engaging this any further. I’m sorry you took offense where none was intended, but that is your own problem and I will not indulge you making it mine.
You’re far too hostile for a person whose nickname is the Cree word for wacky tabaky.
The chapter is about dragging the explanation out. And the meta joke is that the next chapter seems to be fraghing itself out. Not a great joke at all, but doesn’t warrant you being an asshole who could’ve ignored them and moved on
Thank you snes4life.
I agree that Brandon’s whole effort has been in dragging out his plot episodes to suit the illustrations.
Some have called those efforts as “cliffhangers”.
I will agree that it’s not been a great joke.
Yes, I sometimes am “an arsehole” as you call it. I prefer to call it occasionally acerbic but I often flare up at any suuggestion that Brandon isn’t working as quick or hard as someone (who is reading all his output for free), would like.
In the end, just like how kinaak probably should’ve not tried the joke. U didn’t need to post so many needlessly aggressive replies. So ya both made yourselves look dumb
Perhaps after another 60+ years if you reach our age you too will suffer no fools.
There are still people on internet who feel the need to justify themselves before the Grand Seattle Inquisition?
1 Do not address the questions asked.
2 Accuse the questioner.
3 Feel justified in yourself as a millennial.
Dude, the “Millennials” are in their forties now. Your “Get Off My Lawn” game is stale and weak
Year 2023 minus year 2000 = 23 years.
Arithmetic is timeless.
Millennial’s begin at 1980. I know it sounds dumb but that’s how it goes by. U have to start complaining about Gen z now
“Millennial’s begin at 1980….”
That’s news.+ By whose sayso?
Does this also mean that boomers (who used to start in 1946) also now have to start in 1926?
I have always referred to those born 1970-1999 as “the Alphabet Generations” being Gen X, Gen Y & then Gen Z (divided internally as you wish).
Convince me otherwise. Cite precedents perhaps?
Thank you for the citation.
It’s authoritative enough that I have to accept it, (even though it goes against logic and my opinion.)
Argue it as much as u want, this is the year range for millennials. Your gonna have to start blaming Gen z now…or show that your essentially a sheep by repeating a phrase without actually understanding the meaning behind it. I do believe there was a a significant scene and theme in George Orwell’s animal farm that described it perfectly.
Even the older Zoomers (Gen. Z) are starting families now. Pretty soon we will be blaming everything on Gen. Alpha.
It’s probably sun-spots irritating the Noxians!
Love this comic.
Came for the porn, stayed for the plot
Brandon please upload the next page!!!
We need to know what happens!!!
Looking forward to seeing what happens next page.