They look like they are already young adults. Maybe ~5 years older than current teen time. (i.e. before early series future time) OC it could just be bias from seeing them as adults first, or art style.
Oh so moon’s been part of one of these deal before. She has to know what’s going on here now. And if she has any sense over the return of Ruth and her request/demand to leave Shadow under her protection and care.. then she should easily be able to put two and two together about the “hybrid” boy Shadow’s hanging out with. (assuming NM told her the hybrid part too)
I just hope this doesn’t drag out thanks to the bath or something. (lack of smell) But there’s no way she should buy any excuse that doesn’t at least have Shadow hanging out with a human boy. Too much proof. From the “fear” amount, to the pic, what NM told her, socks and what she heard them openly talking about as they entered the room.
Wait?! “Die” o_o
I can’t wait for Shadow’s reply and moon’s reaction. And OC the full truth coming out.
That is a possibility.. especially if her BF is interested hybrids or something. Still, it would be hard to imagine her still not being able to figure out what’s going on.
Sorry about the DP but I was just thinking of something. I wonder how moon is going to react to finding out that EVERYONE she’s close to fucks humans!? lol I hope THAT part doesn’t happen this time, or at the very least she finds out about ALL such cases. (this time? I mean did she?)
We saw Ruth and Moonlight having this argument on page 95 (exactly the same clothing), but back then we were told that Ruth was High-Mother and that she gave it all up to be with Tom. Where does High-Mother Nightshade fit in this?
Exactly 200 pages? Impressive.
Perhaps Ruth was groomed for promotion, especially after her charge gathering results jumped like Shadow’s. After a close call she switched to keeping low for a while, and it worked. But this was no fun, so she went back to Tom. Except now she was already too noticeable and had too little free time to pull this, thus had to run.
Naturally, looking back she thinks it would be better to just stay with Tom, learn to sneak better and play dumb instead.
It seemed like she was preg with a hybrid and then got kidnapped by some organization or agency. I mean so many hints were thrown up. Them joking about not being “safe” because they were different species and didn’t have to worry about it. The blood test thing and the fact that they took her to begin with. It had to be about more than just the fact that she had sex with a monster. (how would they even know otherwise)
oh so this page is a flashback, wow this just got surprising still it makes me wonder about… wait there is a death penalty for a noxian having sex with a human, that’s just crazy. still this nightshade? curious i wonder who that is?
There are 2 other options. Noxians getting caught by humans tend to get killed and having human friends/lovers is good way to increase the odds of getting caught. Or Noxians believe have sex with a human is bad for ones health, maybe STD’s have different effects on Noxians.
Damn, Ruthless was just as hot back then as she is now, same with Moonlight.

Also, Thom certainly was one lucky man.
Highmother Shade!? Is that who Shadow is named after!?
*Night*shade. Like the plant. So I doubt it.
what a coincidence
Question: Exactly how old were Ruth and Moonie in this flashback?
They look like they are already young adults. Maybe ~5 years older than current teen time. (i.e. before early series future time) OC it could just be bias from seeing them as adults first, or art style.
Looking forward to exploring our character’s backstory in this flashback sequence.
Ruth really wasn’t much different from Shadow.
Oh so moon’s been part of one of these deal before. She has to know what’s going on here now. And if she has any sense over the return of Ruth and her request/demand to leave Shadow under her protection and care.. then she should easily be able to put two and two together about the “hybrid” boy Shadow’s hanging out with. (assuming NM told her the hybrid part too)
I just hope this doesn’t drag out thanks to the bath or something. (lack of smell) But there’s no way she should buy any excuse that doesn’t at least have Shadow hanging out with a human boy. Too much proof. From the “fear” amount, to the pic, what NM told her, socks and what she heard them openly talking about as they entered the room.
Wait?! “Die” o_o
I can’t wait for Shadow’s reply and moon’s reaction. And OC the full truth coming out.
Also….. Ruth is hot! Moon too!
Thanks for the page Brandon!
what if nightmare lied to moonlight about tim being a normal human and not a hybrid.
That is a possibility.. especially if her BF is interested hybrids or something. Still, it would be hard to imagine her still not being able to figure out what’s going on.
Sorry about the DP but I was just thinking of something. I wonder how moon is going to react to finding out that EVERYONE she’s close to fucks humans!? lol I hope THAT part doesn’t happen this time, or at the very least she finds out about ALL such cases. (this time? I mean did she?)
What goes around comes around?
Took me a moment to realize I hadn’t missed a page.
History repeats, but will Moon recognize it?
I guess there’s something with Tim’s human side of the family I guess
Wonder if we’ll get to see Highmother Nightshade?
indeed im curious
We saw Ruth and Moonlight having this argument on page 95 (exactly the same clothing), but back then we were told that Ruth was High-Mother and that she gave it all up to be with Tom. Where does High-Mother Nightshade fit in this?
Exactly 200 pages? Impressive.
Perhaps Ruth was groomed for promotion, especially after her charge gathering results jumped like Shadow’s. After a close call she switched to keeping low for a while, and it worked. But this was no fun, so she went back to Tom. Except now she was already too noticeable and had too little free time to pull this, thus had to run.
Naturally, looking back she thinks it would be better to just stay with Tom, learn to sneak better and play dumb instead.
Sexy sweet memories.
Speaking of sex, whatever happened to Anna Wilhelm, last seen in #216?
It seemed like she was preg with a hybrid and then got kidnapped by some organization or agency. I mean so many hints were thrown up. Them joking about not being “safe” because they were different species and didn’t have to worry about it. The blood test thing and the fact that they took her to begin with. It had to be about more than just the fact that she had sex with a monster. (how would they even know otherwise)
oh so this page is a flashback, wow this just got surprising still it makes me wonder about… wait there is a death penalty for a noxian having sex with a human, that’s just crazy. still this nightshade? curious i wonder who that is?
being a non-monster fucker seems to be a bit taboo in the Nox
There are 2 other options. Noxians getting caught by humans tend to get killed and having human friends/lovers is good way to increase the odds of getting caught. Or Noxians believe have sex with a human is bad for ones health, maybe STD’s have different effects on Noxians.