#299 “Leg It!”
Time to get the hell out of here!
This page actually annoyed the hell out of me, I couldn’t fit most of what I wanted on the page and had to ultimately split it into two and I still couldn’t figure out how to get it all on there… oh well. You can’t win them all.
There was one or two images between the two sisters together long ago. When Moon speaks about her sister, does she refer to those images ?
and now she’s making a streaky escape
Also…”Leg It” or “Legit?”
Brandon commented; “… and had to ultimately split it into two…”
Does this mean that Page 300 (& possibly a few more) are going to be scenes of Shadow’s naked flight through the corridors of Nox back towards Tim’s bed?
Please, please?
And que the ‘Rick-Roll’ Music…!!! lol… don’t know WHY that came to mind but it seemed funny and sexy at the same time…lol. {Yeah.. I’m a Weirdo ‘snort’}!!!
But only in a Benny Hill style scene!
On bicycles?
Hahahahahaha YES!
Isn’t she a little too old to be running around buck-naked?
It’s SO important to be age-appropriately dressed when High Mother Moonlight has raised a hue & cry after you and loyalists or the Thought Police are called to capture you.
” Let’s see, shall we choose the yellow socks or the mauve?”
Nah! Running around Buck-Naked just get more and more entertaining and erotic the older she gets! ‘snort’ But I’d not suggest it after a human age of 65 or so… lol!!! {wink!}
Whoo streaking!!!
Also keep avoiding thinking about the conversation any deeper, it’ll be funnier for us when you start connecting the various dots
You can call her the streak
Look at that! Look at that!
She’s not rude she just likes to run in the nude
Inviting public critique.
If she runs stark naked to Tim’s house, I think I would be laughing my head off XD
I think I’d be waiting with open arms, a loose bath towel …and not much else!! ‘Snort’
So, let’s get this scene right. She pops out from under Tim’s bed, with her BFF and Mother Moonlight in hot pursuit. We hear the pitter-patter of the thundering herd as Shadow, Tim, Moonie and Midnight burst into hall and make a beeline for the master bedroom. Tommy and Ruthie(in Noxian form) are caught in flagrante delicti) as they were getting down and dirty. Loud screeching ensues! Mom! Dad! Ruthie! Moonie! Oh! WOW! Shadow, you never said he was so sexy!!!(Midnight) And the bovine faecal matter hits the rapidly oscillating rotary device….
In cosplay flagrante delicti.
So desu…
To speculate further, once they all see each other like this, who would be left standing (not knocked out by facepalm or twitching on the floor in helpless giggles)?
I so see her running to Tim after this and Ruth finaly showing who she is to him and helping the new couple out
If she does though, she risks getting discovered by moonlight and also having Tim and black heart found as well
Kinda hard to uh…find this a serious moment when she’s literally running naked right now.
This feels less like a family drama and more of family shenanigans as a Mother tries to control her clothes avoiding daughter. XD
I’d prefer ~ “Nak-it!” ‘snort’…. Very nice rack there shadow!!! {Nom-Nom-Nom~!!!}
Thanks for the page.
Now if I were the one running this comic, page 300 would just be a full panel of Shadow running bareass through Nox.
Benny Hill chase scene style. lol
But what soundtrack would be the best? Yakety Sax, or Oompa Loompa song on trombone, or?..
I vote for Yakety Sax
Yakety Sax is the only choice.
The streak by Ray Stevens.
You mean the fastest thing on two feet?
Waka Laka or Carameldansen. Perhaps DJ Toxic – Out of Misery with alternating slow or sped up running sequences and dealing with her trackers.
She got Joseph’d.
Yeah I too know the tyranny of the page limits…
ColdFusion, I’m still hope that one day you’ll do fanart of this comic (sexy ones).
She knows her sister is involved but does she know the details, who Tim is, yet? The world wants to know! >_<
Also…. Run naked Shadow run!
This would be quite a lovely sight.
Especially if MN ran too!
…….*imagines a Benny Hill style chase skit scene here* lol
Thanks for the new page Brandon.