#300 “The Fall”
Page 300 marks the fall of Shadow’s care-free days of sneaking around. Now she must face the consequences of her actions…
Page 300 marks the fall of Shadow’s care-free days of sneaking around. Now she must face the consequences of her actions…
i really love this story but i cannot share it with my friend because there is porn in it. could you make a non porn or a censored version ?
You could save the pages yourself and censor any of the nudity with a quick edit if it’s that big an issue. Calling it “porn” is an exaggeration though because it’s not the primary focus.
i guess i could do that but if i show my censored version to my friend i would still have to tell them from where i found it. or i could just share it with really close friend or not at all but i think it is a shame for something so great to not be shared.
I wouldn’t consider it “porn” either. There’s no actual depiction of penetration or anything graphic. I’d consider it more NSFW/Mature. I’ve read Manga much more graphic that wasn’t even considered porn or Hentai.
yeah i guess i was a bit hyperbolic to all it porn i agree
*yeah i guess it was a bit hyperbolic to call it porn*
Heh, Nah ~ This is not Porn…
This IS ~
Person of culture I see. (I just caught up with cumoner my self..)
Agreed ^
No forget it it was dumb for me to say that.
Fredrik K.T. Andersson drew a good comic about this:
sorry i can’t open the link. and i already understood how dumb my comment was
I see your point but i am unable to delete the comment
Eh, derp happens.
ah man, i miss elfwood. I saw some really really amazing art there, not just naked fey either
I remember a black dragon painting done so well it almost looked like some one traveled to a fantasy world and just took its picture.
I say just let your friends know what they are getting into.. If they have that much of a problem with it then… I’d start hanging out with better friends.
Ha ha I think someone read my comment on the last page about breaking the panel border.
Unless Night has some sort of hold on her Not sure why Shadow isn’t fighting more to get away.
Shadow is naked. Nightmare has steel armor, probably with some pointy bits.
Hm, so Tim and Terminus both need to rescue their girls eh? Not that I think Terminus cares enough to play hero but he does need to protect his interests and it would be inconvenient to have her talking to the wrong people. Which just sets up Nightmare for a way bigger fall. Still up in the air what happened to Spencer, was Midnight or even Nightmare thinking of picking up their own pet human?
My personal take on Midnight is that she kissed a girl and she liked it. There was few scenes of her getting together with another woman. This next part is my opinion but I’ve always felt Midnight had a crush or unrequited love for Shadow. Now I guess it remains to be seen if Midnight is exclusive with the same sex or if she’s open to both sides of the fence. Midnight, I think she’s still super stuck up on Terminus and that worries me because she would probably see Shadow as a rival. Then again maybe it’s in Midnight’s best interests to let Shadow go so she can be with her human thus getting the rival out of the way and being pretty sure the rival won’t be coming back.
Sorry I meant Nightmare was hung up on Terminus and saw Shadow as rival etc.
OH MOST Definitely! She has wanted to plunder tha’ Pus for like EVER! Nightmare has Dreamed of getting her hands on Shadow naked for a loong time!
Ah crap… Moon at least doesn’t know that NM is asshole’s little girlfriend/toy right? I mean she’s working with her here without knowing her connection to him right?
No nude chase scene…
She’s planning on locking Shadow up, “for her own good” or officially as a criminal? I mean she probably knows she can’t keep it secret with NM knowing. but…
All this over some stupid rules trying to dictate who they are allowed to even talk to.
Thanks for the page Brandon!
Depends on whether she paid attention. Moonie does know that relations between Nightmare and Shadow & Midnight are quite poor, see #61 and #107.
Yeah, hopefully she remembers.
Thanks for the page.
… I really hope this ends on a happy note!
saxophone: *fwoot!*
*sound of an entire percussion section collapsing into the pit*
I think that’s why Brandon put the flash forwards in here. The story is going to get harsh, but in the end he’s already assured us that things will work out for the best.
Shadow may be imprisoned but what she needs is a line of communication to Tim ( & therefore Ruth and Tom {& maybe the whole gang, Marcy and Craig etc.})
Middy COULD be that lifelime if she shows the gumption.
Am I alone in thinking a live action version would have Penny Pax as the lead?
Ouch! That rugburn on her boobs has got to be painful