So far only Midnight (of those who matter) knows that Shadow’s been imprisoned (Page 301).
Will Midnight brave the sunlight of daytime in the human world above to warn Tim?
Will Ruth & Tom be as understanding if ANOTHER Nox hottie pops out from under Tim’s bed?
Will Tim recruit Spencer to the rescue expedition to be formed?
Speaking of Spencer, who is his mystery nighttime ‘friend’?
Wait for the next (or later) exciting episode.
With all the waiting for the big reveal am I the only one that is curious what Tim would look like as a noxian or if he would transform if he want to NOX
Is there a significance to their colouring?
An inherited genetic family trait or perhaps it’s a personality tendency?
That might explain Wormy Termy’s slate grey-green (being treacherous & untrustworthy) Lord Pax was stony and so was his skin colour, High Mother Moonlight is snowy white (& glowing) for purity (even though it misleads her).
I really don’t understand why Ruth is still hiding her identity. Unless she is considered a wanted fugitive from Nox, and revealing herself would be too dangerous? But then she already tried to show Tim her true form. It’s just kind of frustrating because there’s no logical reason for her to continue the charade when this is the PERFECT time to tell him.
Of Tim’s reaction or perhaps Noxian awareness of her identity (as Lady Blackheart) could lead to her re-capture and rendition back to Nox to face the penalty for absconding and revealing herself to a human (which she HAS done repeatedly!).
You DESERVED that break Brandon, can’t wait for Ruth to tell Tim! (Or maybe Shadow will accidentally tell him) By the way I’ve been keeping track of the tail shapes, do they mean anything?
I’ll give them points for letting him make the calls here, most parents ae too controlling when it comes down to relationships, especially given recent developments
Anticlimatic, but probably on propose… Probably other few pages of the family discussing before going any further, unless the visit ofMid igh maybe ??? I would really Enjoy Tim and His parents brought to Nos to help Shadow…
Hmmm I think Brandon has already disposed of that concept (in one of his notes in a forum)
Human fear is more like coffee to Noxians (my interpretation) rather than hamburgers. Pleasant, but not nourishing.
That’s correct Tim, do the math. They are WAY too chill for two humans who should know nothing about Nox and only know that a magical girl showed up in their son’s room one night and he’s been chilling with her ever since. Cut through the hormones young man and let your brain do some lifting…
His dad was pretty clear back at the reveal i think, that she was less than human. I mean this whole discussion is about everybody being ok with him dating a monster.
I have been cringeing at your phasing “less than human”.
In what way has Brandon depicted that Noxian were in any way, “lesser”? Do you see humans as a ‘greater” race or even a “master” race?
They’re certainly “other” and “monsters”, but “lesser”; show your evidence!
Stop reading too much into it. I was talking about species, not nature of being. And certainly not making a statement about ‘greater’ or ‘lesser’ nature of them. lol
If you don’t MEAN it, don’t write it!
Your word choice matters.
The English language is a VERY precise tool and can convey very suble nuances of meaning.
If you write something you don’t mean then you can’t blame anybody else for not understanding what you intend.
Yes, exactly. He was quite clear that they know she’s not human. That’s exactly my point, way too chill for two random people who know nothing about who she is and where she’s from.
Ruth has a Noxian identity (Lady Blackheart) and was once part of the senior hierarchy of Nox. She revealed herself as Lady Blackheart to Shadow on Page 87 and to her husband at some unspecified time in the “golden lion costume”.
It is reasonable to assume that what Ruth knows, Tom also knows (that’s how functioning marriages work). They know who Shadow is and where she’s from.
Vacation is a WONDERFUL thing!
God, it sure is. I needed it! Thank you!
Holy shit. I haven’t read this in forever. Gotta start frim the beginning and get re-caught up in this!
Side Note: Why do I have a bad feeling Shadow may not be able to make it for dinner tomorrow night?
Well, she WAS being carted away to who knows where last time we saw her…
Hopefully, Tim and Midnight are able to do something to help her.
Someone will surely save her! I think!
So far only Midnight (of those who matter) knows that Shadow’s been imprisoned (Page 301).
Will Midnight brave the sunlight of daytime in the human world above to warn Tim?
Will Ruth & Tom be as understanding if ANOTHER Nox hottie pops out from under Tim’s bed?
Will Tim recruit Spencer to the rescue expedition to be formed?
Speaking of Spencer, who is his mystery nighttime ‘friend’?
Wait for the next (or later) exciting episode.
You made me think AT the Mystery Machine… And its five users…
Probably more like threaten tim…
She needs to be there for dinner.
Perhaps someday she WILL be there for dinner! Anything can happen!
Will somebody throw pasta at the wall to see if it’s cooked?
Whose face will get in the way? [My bet is on Nightmare.}
I remember a few pages AT the END of the précious chapter where she was There for dinner
It truly is a mystery if they’ll ever meet her. I mean, it’s not like we started this comic series with a flashback or anything.
With all the waiting for the big reveal am I the only one that is curious what Tim would look like as a noxian or if he would transform if he want to NOX
I imagine him as being blue, since that is the colour I associate with him most.
Everyone is colour coded.
Is there a significance to their colouring?
An inherited genetic family trait or perhaps it’s a personality tendency?
That might explain Wormy Termy’s slate grey-green (being treacherous & untrustworthy) Lord Pax was stony and so was his skin colour, High Mother Moonlight is snowy white (& glowing) for purity (even though it misleads her).
I really don’t understand why Ruth is still hiding her identity. Unless she is considered a wanted fugitive from Nox, and revealing herself would be too dangerous? But then she already tried to show Tim her true form. It’s just kind of frustrating because there’s no logical reason for her to continue the charade when this is the PERFECT time to tell him.
It is really REALLY simple, my dude. She’s afraid.
Of Tim’s reaction or perhaps Noxian awareness of her identity (as Lady Blackheart) could lead to her re-capture and rendition back to Nox to face the penalty for absconding and revealing herself to a human (which she HAS done repeatedly!).
Hope vacations were good, Brandon. Anyway,but she already trier to reveal herself to her son… Understandable anyway.
You DESERVED that break Brandon, can’t wait for Ruth to tell Tim! (Or maybe Shadow will accidentally tell him) By the way I’ve been keeping track of the tail shapes, do they mean anything?
There is a family resemblance in tail tips, but it can vary slightly depending on a few facotrs.
I’ll give them points for letting him make the calls here, most parents ae too controlling when it comes down to relationships, especially given recent developments
Anticlimatic, but probably on propose… Probably other few pages of the family discussing before going any further, unless the visit ofMid igh maybe ??? I would really Enjoy Tim and His parents brought to Nos to help Shadow…
will she eat cookies for her first human diner ?
Brandon i was thinking… what does noxian eat ?
If Noxians are so similar to humans (they are cross-fertile after all) then the answer to that is “Anything that doesn’t run away fast enough,”
Fear from humains maybe…
Hmmm I think Brandon has already disposed of that concept (in one of his notes in a forum)
Human fear is more like coffee to Noxians (my interpretation) rather than hamburgers. Pleasant, but not nourishing.
Have her for dinner? How do Noxians taste?
You’d have to ask Tim’s dad…
“Ba dum tish”
I’ll see myself out…
And Tim now too.

That’s correct Tim, do the math. They are WAY too chill for two humans who should know nothing about Nox and only know that a magical girl showed up in their son’s room one night and he’s been chilling with her ever since. Cut through the hormones young man and let your brain do some lifting…
I think Tim doesn’t know that his parents know she’s from Nox.
His dad was pretty clear back at the reveal i think, that she was less than human. I mean this whole discussion is about everybody being ok with him dating a monster.
I have been cringeing at your phasing “less than human”.
In what way has Brandon depicted that Noxian were in any way, “lesser”? Do you see humans as a ‘greater” race or even a “master” race?
They’re certainly “other” and “monsters”, but “lesser”; show your evidence!
Stop reading too much into it. I was talking about species, not nature of being. And certainly not making a statement about ‘greater’ or ‘lesser’ nature of them. lol
If you don’t MEAN it, don’t write it!
Your word choice matters.
The English language is a VERY precise tool and can convey very suble nuances of meaning.
If you write something you don’t mean then you can’t blame anybody else for not understanding what you intend.
I did mean it, just not in the way you seem to want to imagine it.
..only what you wrote.
Yes, exactly. He was quite clear that they know she’s not human. That’s exactly my point, way too chill for two random people who know nothing about who she is and where she’s from.
But Tom & Ruth are not “two random people”.
Ruth has a Noxian identity (Lady Blackheart) and was once part of the senior hierarchy of Nox. She revealed herself as Lady Blackheart to Shadow on Page 87 and to her husband at some unspecified time in the “golden lion costume”.
It is reasonable to assume that what Ruth knows, Tom also knows (that’s how functioning marriages work). They know who Shadow is and where she’s from.
Welcome back brandon you were missed just asking but by your estamition when do you think this comic Will be over
They,ve met Shadow in human form on Halloween night.
And Ruth did privately one night when she explained what Tim is.. and, sadly, the “finer points of underwear”…
Hey, take time off whenever you need, Shane. We’ll be waiting here for more of this wonderful story.