I meant in regards to Moonlight needing to understand Shadow’s choices, not the “real mother” thing. I agree, Moonlight raised Shadow, making Moonlight her mother regardless if they are related by blood or not, but I do think she should try to respect Shadow’s choices. The last time she didn’t, it caused her to lose her relationship with her sister, Ruthless.
Noxians are basically vampires feeding off humanity. Keeping the violent and militaristic prey species ignorant of their existence is a matter of national security and survival. Shadow isnt just breaking a social taboo, this is on the level of high treason and has been strongly implied to be a capital crime. Moonies position doesnt really allow her to show much compassion here.
True, but you can’t deny that her refusal to accept change caused her sister to sever ties with her and will most likely damage her mother-daughter relationship with Shadow. I understand that Moonlight has responsibilities as a Highmother(equivalent to a Queen in Nox), but her refusal to compromise ends up costing her those closest with her.
Well I guess you can the conflict here. Moonlight has to do a balancing act between being a good queen and a good mom. She couldn’t be a supportive sister to Ruth I think for the same reason and here she is struggling with Shadow. It’s not easy being Moonie.
Or, found herself in a rather unbearable situation.
Moonie pretty much said in #300 that she was going to send Shadow to her room and procrastinate. That is, blatantly let her run away, then just roll eyes, say “oh well” and move on.
Why vampires? They don’t seem to add burden even on the level of Eerie Cuties style vampires. Other than this…
The main threat to Nox is that every single human (and metahuman) faction can be expected to want their gate network.
The irony, of course, is that to the other side the Noxians are Mostly Harmless. The serious threat is that anyone else (whether from Earth or not) who could take Nox over will basically stand behind everyone’s back with a bloody knife.
Can’t be. Firstly, that would make Shadow and Tim cousins…and this isn’t that kinda story. And this is more about who raised her. And that’s Moonie. But she’s got a LOT of explaining and making up to do for this.
I think Moonlight was saying “I am [for all intents and purposes] your real mother”. In other words, the only one Shadow has ever known. Shadow appears to have read between the lines and suspects that there is more to be told.
Only you accept Moonlight’s word for her claim to be Shadow’s “real” mummy.\
Obviously Shadow doesn’t, without objective evidence and since there’s a psychosocial advantage to be gained (if Shadow can be persuaded/convinced/bullied into accepting the claim) then I’m also doubtful without further incontrovertible evidence.
Moonlight might well believe that her years as loco parentis (by virtue of her status as senior High Mother) confer equivalent status as birth mother to EVERY female orphan. I consider that’s delusional thinking, maybe just nulliparous WISHFUL thinking – but don’t believe the claim on her word alone.
I’m neither promoting or discouraging the idea but I’m just putting it out there that in many countries cousins are considered far enough apart genetically to be able to pair bond and it is legal. It isn’t icky or grim to many in this world.
As I understand the genetics, it takes (at least) three generations of close sibling mating before any detectable genetic flaws.
The Egyptian Old kingdom dynasties practised brother-sister matings for several generations. The Spanish-Austrian Habsburgs married across generations, too -(uncles-nieces).
So, first cousin matings have no greater genetic disadvantage than any random coupling. The major factor will be, do they like each other well enough?
I do not believe that Lord Pax was her father. It is far more likely that Lord Mortis was her real father, which would explain why he was so protective over her and why he was so nervous when they met.
Shadow is currently imprisoned for one of two reasons, to extract information ot for punishment.
In either case, making her uncomfortable, cold or embarrassed is PART of the process.
Only you accept Moonlight’s word for her claim to be Shadow’s “real” mummy.\
Obviously Shadow doesn’t, without objective evidence and since there’s a psychosocial advantage to be gained (if Shadow can be persuaded/convinced/bullied into accepting the claim) then I’m also doubtful without further incontrovertible evidence.
Moonlight might well believe that her years as loco parentis (by virtue of her status as senior High Mother) confer equivalent status as birth mother to EVERY female orphan. I consider that’s delusional thinking, maybe just nulliparous WISHFUL thinking – but don’t believe the claim on her word alone.
As I’ve said above. Strictly for the sake of transparency it is perfectly legal and socially acceptable in quite a few countries to allow cousins to marry. You might as well make a big deal about the fact Tim is a, to quote an old saying, “half breed”.
Actually…Are they biological sisters? I’m not sure family structures in Nox are the same as they are on Earth. For all we know Moonlight and Ruthless are “sisters” because they were raised together. Maybe Shadow and…The blue one whose name escapes me…Are “sisters” as well.
Well, Brandon covered it back in comments on #62 (regarding Nightmare and Midnight).
But it looks like every time a page with Moonlight appears, there’s always someone…
That’s a bit of a low blow. If that doesn’t make Moony cry, I don’t know what will.
Shadow’s father has to be Mortis. Pages # 103 and # 105 are big clues. Maybe old Lord Pax. They both have dark gray skin like Shadow.
I can definitely see Mortis being Shadow’s father. If he is, it would definitely explain Shadow’s appearance(Both have black/dark grey skin) and how he acts whenever he’s around her or when she’s brought up by someone.(Ex. How he physically and verbally threatened Terminus when he made a crude comment about her(One I think Brandon confirmed wasn’t a joke.))
WV1 said of Lords Mortis & Pax: “They both have dark gray skin like Shadow.”
It is noteworthy that those two are the ONLY elderly (mature) male Noxians that Brandon has shown us (discounting the shadowy guard of honour that Terminus (a.k.a. Wormy Termy or “the green scrote”) brought to the ball).
That raises the question whether Noxian males (only) tend naturally to lose the vibrancy of their youthfull skin colour as they age (maybe hair too).
We already have seen that the females keep theirs, Ruth is still the “golden lion” shade that Lady Blackheart shows and High Mother Moonlight still pale grey (with added magickal glow efect, according to the inference from one (only) comment by Ruth).
Shadow may just eat those words someday. Not all parents understand their kids. Many don’t. She might even be better off without her. Who knows? Other then Brandon anyway.
Shadow makes a pretty valid point in the last panel.
🔥I’m sure this’ll be fine.🔥
“…a pretty valid point”
I disagree.
It’s a non sequitur at best (unless you believe in a maternal psychic link which has miraculous powers).
If that’s your belief, this conversation is ended.
I meant in regards to Moonlight needing to understand Shadow’s choices, not the “real mother” thing. I agree, Moonlight raised Shadow, making Moonlight her mother regardless if they are related by blood or not, but I do think she should try to respect Shadow’s choices. The last time she didn’t, it caused her to lose her relationship with her sister, Ruthless.
Noxians are basically vampires feeding off humanity. Keeping the violent and militaristic prey species ignorant of their existence is a matter of national security and survival. Shadow isnt just breaking a social taboo, this is on the level of high treason and has been strongly implied to be a capital crime. Moonies position doesnt really allow her to show much compassion here.
True, but you can’t deny that her refusal to accept change caused her sister to sever ties with her and will most likely damage her mother-daughter relationship with Shadow. I understand that Moonlight has responsibilities as a Highmother(equivalent to a Queen in Nox), but her refusal to compromise ends up costing her those closest with her.
Well I guess you can the conflict here. Moonlight has to do a balancing act between being a good queen and a good mom. She couldn’t be a supportive sister to Ruth I think for the same reason and here she is struggling with Shadow. It’s not easy being Moonie.
*see the conflict
Or, found herself in a rather unbearable situation.
Moonie pretty much said in #300 that she was going to send Shadow to her room and procrastinate. That is, blatantly let her run away, then just roll eyes, say “oh well” and move on.
Why vampires? They don’t seem to add burden even on the level of Eerie Cuties style vampires. Other than this…
The main threat to Nox is that every single human (and metahuman) faction can be expected to want their gate network.
The irony, of course, is that to the other side the Noxians are Mostly Harmless. The serious threat is that anyone else (whether from Earth or not) who could take Nox over will basically stand behind everyone’s back with a bloody knife.
Hoo boy adoption vs bio arguments incoming…
Kind of shocking, refusing to tell her that she’s her biological mother until now
Can’t be. Firstly, that would make Shadow and Tim cousins…and this isn’t that kinda story. And this is more about who raised her. And that’s Moonie. But she’s got a LOT of explaining and making up to do for this.
It’s a tactic in an argument, designed to shock.
You DID notice they’re arguing? Each of them wants to “win”, so take nothing at face value.
Emphasize is on AM not on I.
I think Moonlight was saying “I am [for all intents and purposes] your real mother”. In other words, the only one Shadow has ever known. Shadow appears to have read between the lines and suspects that there is more to be told.
She’s not. We meet her maternal grandfather later. Years from now at this rate.
Uh… I believe Brandon have mentioned that the comic’s continuity is no more than vaguely inspired by his old story.
He’s also said that it will be tracking more closely in the future.
Plus Shadow’s parentage is a major part of her character and of her expected future. Authors seldom retcon something that major.
Show her your stretch marks, ma’am.
That would only be proof that Moonlight had given birth, NOT that scuch child was alive, nor that Shadow was that child.
Doesn’t that mean that Shadow and Tim are cousins?
I fucking hope not…
Only you accept Moonlight’s word for her claim to be Shadow’s “real” mummy.\
Obviously Shadow doesn’t, without objective evidence and since there’s a psychosocial advantage to be gained (if Shadow can be persuaded/convinced/bullied into accepting the claim) then I’m also doubtful without further incontrovertible evidence.
Moonlight might well believe that her years as loco parentis (by virtue of her status as senior High Mother) confer equivalent status as birth mother to EVERY female orphan. I consider that’s delusional thinking, maybe just nulliparous WISHFUL thinking – but don’t believe the claim on her word alone.
At the moment it’s just an argumemt tactic.
No, why?
because that would make tim and shadow cousins, which is fucking grim
Why would it be “grim” if they were cousins? (I ignore the gratuitous foul language)
Grim is probably the wrong word, but it would be kinda icky. I doubt they’re related tho beyond Tim just so happening to be related to Moonlight.
I’m neither promoting or discouraging the idea but I’m just putting it out there that in many countries cousins are considered far enough apart genetically to be able to pair bond and it is legal. It isn’t icky or grim to many in this world.
As I understand the genetics, it takes (at least) three generations of close sibling mating before any detectable genetic flaws.
The Egyptian Old kingdom dynasties practised brother-sister matings for several generations. The Spanish-Austrian Habsburgs married across generations, too -(uncles-nieces).
So, first cousin matings have no greater genetic disadvantage than any random coupling. The major factor will be, do they like each other well enough?
So far “because grim” did not seem a reason for how anything works in tMUtB, so…
Had to hunt down the name of the guy. I’m assuming Lord Pax is Shadow’s father. Shame the red bitch and little green scrote offed him some time ago.
I do not believe that Lord Pax was her father. It is far more likely that Lord Mortis was her real father, which would explain why he was so protective over her and why he was so nervous when they met.
Whatever his name, he’s still alive. We meet him soon – ish.
Can they at least give the poor girl a BLANKET?
Shadow is currently imprisoned for one of two reasons, to extract information ot for punishment.
In either case, making her uncomfortable, cold or embarrassed is PART of the process.
It’s no accident, it’s intentional.
Only you accept Moonlight’s word for her claim to be Shadow’s “real” mummy.\
Obviously Shadow doesn’t, without objective evidence and since there’s a psychosocial advantage to be gained (if Shadow can be persuaded/convinced/bullied into accepting the claim) then I’m also doubtful without further incontrovertible evidence.
Moonlight might well believe that her years as loco parentis (by virtue of her status as senior High Mother) confer equivalent status as birth mother to EVERY female orphan. I consider that’s delusional thinking, maybe just nulliparous WISHFUL thinking – but don’t believe the claim on her word alone.
At the moment it’s just an argumemt tactic.
Tap dancing around the word “real”. Slippery word.
It’s ALWAYS a tricky concept without objective evidence.
oof, right in the feels
I’m using translator to write this, I had to read the whole comic in English with a translator xdd, very good progress, I love your style
Adopted or biological?
Ladies and gentlemen, let’s go down to the comment section and see what the experts think.
Adopted for sure.
Makes sense, it would be VERY awkward otherwise, especially since Ruthless and Moonlight are biologically sisters.
It would be awkward for Tim and Shadow specifically.
As I’ve said above. Strictly for the sake of transparency it is perfectly legal and socially acceptable in quite a few countries to allow cousins to marry. You might as well make a big deal about the fact Tim is a, to quote an old saying, “half breed”.
Actually…Are they biological sisters? I’m not sure family structures in Nox are the same as they are on Earth. For all we know Moonlight and Ruthless are “sisters” because they were raised together. Maybe Shadow and…The blue one whose name escapes me…Are “sisters” as well.
Well, Brandon covered it back in comments on #62 (regarding Nightmare and Midnight).
But it looks like every time a page with Moonlight appears, there’s always someone…
…I feel like that was the absolute worst time to say that.
If she was here real mother she’d have fucked her cousin, so…
That’s a bit of a low blow. If that doesn’t make Moony cry, I don’t know what will.
Shadow’s father has to be Mortis. Pages # 103 and # 105 are big clues. Maybe old Lord Pax. They both have dark gray skin like Shadow.
I can definitely see Mortis being Shadow’s father. If he is, it would definitely explain Shadow’s appearance(Both have black/dark grey skin) and how he acts whenever he’s around her or when she’s brought up by someone.(Ex. How he physically and verbally threatened Terminus when he made a crude comment about her(One I think Brandon confirmed wasn’t a joke.))
Well, those were a hint. Still may be misleading.
WV1 said of Lords Mortis & Pax: “They both have dark gray skin like Shadow.”
It is noteworthy that those two are the ONLY elderly (mature) male Noxians that Brandon has shown us (discounting the shadowy guard of honour that Terminus (a.k.a. Wormy Termy or “the green scrote”) brought to the ball).
That raises the question whether Noxian males (only) tend naturally to lose the vibrancy of their youthfull skin colour as they age (maybe hair too).
We already have seen that the females keep theirs, Ruth is still the “golden lion” shade that Lady Blackheart shows and High Mother Moonlight still pale grey (with added magickal glow efect, according to the inference from one (only) comment by Ruth).
Acknowledgement to Core for the phrase “the green scrote”to desribe Terminus.
It’s a VILE image and makes my parts itchy, but oh!, it suits him.
considering how she’s treating Shadow, yeah that isn’t her real mother.
Shadow may just eat those words someday. Not all parents understand their kids. Many don’t. She might even be better off without her. Who knows? Other then Brandon anyway.