Just out of curiosity when will we know the importance of hybrids in the story is there specific conditions for them to be conceived or is it a matter of compatibility sorry I’m just invested in the lore
Probably not for a while.. for reasons… if it goes even slightly like the original in terms of point-in-the-story timing.
That said.. given the legally enforced taboos against even letting humans know monsters exist.. and the fact that we have children and teen monsters visiting children and teen humans… plus the number of hybrids pilling up already.. i’m going to say the conditions are no that different than pure bloods of either species. And probably not rare! (given the mid part of my above)
If possible send me a link to the webnovel I have a theory either the odds of pregnancy is very low for hybrids for example a women odds of pregnancy is 1 in 4 after the act or doing it while emiting great amount of fear we know fear has a certain effect on noxians with us only seeing its effect on kids the full explanation why they need fear is not revealed we don’t have dates or timelines so we don’t know if tim was conceived shortly or a few yew years of his parents marriage
I’m not sure if Brandon(?) wants or allows posting links or too much info here. While this is going a lot differently thus far, it is only in terms of new stuff added. So any details, especially these ones, would be a huge spoiler.
They don’t seem to have much challenges or anything one could aspire to, beyond the rather short hierarchy. What we know of the ambitious Noxians? Terminus found an odd bit of knowledge and started his secret megaproject. Others are not so lucky (Nightmare). And others just vaguely want something more (Shadow).
So they all have that capability to move around and many are bored halfway to death. Kind of a bad combo. No wonder that even despite all the taboo… yeah, we have seen it happen twice in one guild already.
I think it was deliberately left unlocked. For what purpose, we’re not sure, but someone wants her to snoop around before being caught at the most dramatically appropriate time.
Maybe they are messing with her.
For one thing, if she was not a bit of thrill seeker, she wouldn’t get into all this to begin with.
Maybe someone is messing with them…
Unrelated Note: I have a theory that the original High-Mother, Nightshade, was either a purple or blue skinned Noxian(similar to the plant nightshade), and that the late High-Father, Pax, had greenish-colored hair in his youth. Thoughts?
Considering that Annna was lured in by “blood work”did the lab really detect something?
Did Wormy Termy leave Ann with a luad of STI?
Humans and Nox are obviously biologically compatible (Ruth got pregnant to Tom) so has Terminus infected Anna?
“Parasitic life form detected in the womb.”
“You mean I’m pregnant.”
“With a child that has a tail, tipped with a …” What is Termite’s tail tipped with, a diamond, spade, or some other design?
I recall seeing a blunt tipped spade-form and a club (Ace uf ,,,) when Brandon published his page of tail finials (no longer available) but I can’t recall Wormy Termy’s.
In the panels where Anna is rubbing her head and the one where she is banging on the door, no ‘internal’ doorknob/handle can be seen, but when she opens the door… there is one right at her elbow – in a position where it should’ve been seen in the previous two panels.
External doorknob, yes, but note the wrap-around on the inside of the opened door in the last panel that’s missing on the closed door in the previous middle panel. I just noticed that myself.
You may be right about Panel 3, but Panel 2 shows way more of the door, so any panel where an external doorknob would be mounted would be very very visible.
Just out of curiosity when will we know the importance of hybrids in the story is there specific conditions for them to be conceived or is it a matter of compatibility sorry I’m just invested in the lore
Probably not for a while.. for reasons… if it goes even slightly like the original in terms of point-in-the-story timing.
That said.. given the legally enforced taboos against even letting humans know monsters exist.. and the fact that we have children and teen monsters visiting children and teen humans… plus the number of hybrids pilling up already.. i’m going to say the conditions are no that different than pure bloods of either species. And probably not rare! (given the mid part of my above)
If possible send me a link to the webnovel I have a theory either the odds of pregnancy is very low for hybrids for example a women odds of pregnancy is 1 in 4 after the act or doing it while emiting great amount of fear we know fear has a certain effect on noxians with us only seeing its effect on kids the full explanation why they need fear is not revealed we don’t have dates or timelines so we don’t know if tim was conceived shortly or a few yew years of his parents marriage
I’m not sure if Brandon(?) wants or allows posting links or too much info here. While this is going a lot differently thus far, it is only in terms of new stuff added. So any details, especially these ones, would be a huge spoiler.
They don’t seem to have much challenges or anything one could aspire to, beyond the rather short hierarchy. What we know of the ambitious Noxians? Terminus found an odd bit of knowledge and started his secret megaproject. Others are not so lucky (Nightmare). And others just vaguely want something more (Shadow).
So they all have that capability to move around and many are bored halfway to death. Kind of a bad combo. No wonder that even despite all the taboo… yeah, we have seen it happen twice in one guild already.
Oh her! Finally…
It was unlocked? Either horrible security or not what we think/not as sinister maybe.
Thanks for the page Brandon.. Happy New Year to you and everyone too.
I think it was deliberately left unlocked. For what purpose, we’re not sure, but someone wants her to snoop around before being caught at the most dramatically appropriate time.
Maybe they are messing with her.
For one thing, if she was not a bit of thrill seeker, she wouldn’t get into all this to begin with.
Maybe someone is messing with them…
Unrelated Note: I have a theory that the original High-Mother, Nightshade, was either a purple or blue skinned Noxian(similar to the plant nightshade), and that the late High-Father, Pax, had greenish-colored hair in his youth. Thoughts?
Considering that Annna was lured in by “blood work”did the lab really detect something?
Did Wormy Termy leave Ann with a luad of STI?
Humans and Nox are obviously biologically compatible (Ruth got pregnant to Tom) so has Terminus infected Anna?
“Parasitic life form detected in the womb.”
“You mean I’m pregnant.”
“With a child that has a tail, tipped with a …” What is Termite’s tail tipped with, a diamond, spade, or some other design?
I recall seeing a blunt tipped spade-form and a club (Ace uf ,,,) when Brandon published his page of tail finials (no longer available) but I can’t recall Wormy Termy’s.
A rather vicious looking barbed arrowhead… seen clearly on page #176.
That seems appropriate!
Speculation: Perhaps Anna and Nightmare enjoy a kinkee bit of PAIN? Or is it olnly for personal use?
That hallway is giving me faint “Nehan” vibes.
Well, that’s odd…
In the panels where Anna is rubbing her head and the one where she is banging on the door, no ‘internal’ doorknob/handle can be seen, but when she opens the door… there is one right at her elbow – in a position where it should’ve been seen in the previous two panels.
Disagree. It still looks like an external doorknob to me.
External doorknob, yes, but note the wrap-around on the inside of the opened door in the last panel that’s missing on the closed door in the previous middle panel. I just noticed that myself.
In panel 3, the grey rectangle is the jamb to closed door, not the edge of an open door, so the wrap-around (or lock fasciia) isn’t visible.
Anna isn’t (& wouldn’t be) pounding on an open door.
You may be right about Panel 3, but Panel 2 shows way more of the door, so any panel where an external doorknob would be mounted would be very very visible.
Panel 2 where Anna musus “Where am I”?
I cannot detect any external door view at all. It’s the intrnal view of Anna’s cell.
Perhaps if you turn off your X-Ray vision, Mr Kent?
Happy Groundhog Day!

Side Note: Don’t get stuck in a time loop.
You need to update your copyright at the bottom – it still says 2024